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The boy is an absolute headcase. He seems to be permanently on the edge of a huge meltdown.

I know it's probably totally wrong but his tweet the other day ...

@fineleggirl Yes but I'm a YOUNG & FIT 52. I work out, with weights & a basketball! Email me peterdow@talk21.com #Aberdeen #Scot

...had me in stitches all day. It neglects to say he is completely barking mad but a little further reading...

@nataliemcgarry's lovely thighs on show are winning the men's vote hand's down! YES-for-sex-with-Natalie! #newsnicht #indyref

...should clear that up for you.

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I know it's probably totally wrong but his tweet the other day ...

@fineleggirl Yes but I'm a YOUNG & FIT 52. I work out, with weights & a basketball! Email me peterdow@talk21.com #Aberdeen #Scot

...had me in stitches all day. It neglects to say he is completely barking mad but a little further reading...

@nataliemcgarry's lovely thighs on show are winning the men's vote hand's down! YES-for-sex-with-Natalie! #newsnicht #indyref

...should clear that up for you.

^ ^ ^


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Not sure if it's been posted already, but here's one of the potentially many dating profiles Mr. Dow has:


My favourite bit is his About Me quote:

I'd like to find a lady to love and to start a family with. I want to father lots of babies! I would consider taking on a woman from abroad but a woman from outside the European Union would really be better off if she had work or money of her own as it would be difficult (but not impossible) for the two of us to live off my single person's allowance. I like women of all ethnic types and have previously had brief relationships with an ethnic Asian woman, an ethnic black woman, as well as several with ethnic white women. Race or colour is no barrier to love with me. I am not adverse to introducing a bit of polygamy (polygyny) into my life, so if, say, sisters, women friends or bisexual women partners wanted to share me and for us all to live together as one happy family, then I'd be all for that. One woman at a time is enough to keep me happy but I'd also be happy to live with and take on more than one woman at a time, so long as I didn't have to share the women under my roof with any other man.

Peter Dow - not averse to polygamy.

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Has anyone else attracted any Twitter "stalkers"? There are a few folk (mainly fellow Killie fans) who retweet and favourite loads of my tweets despite the fact I don't follow them and have never interacted with them. It's fair enough when I tweet about Killie games etc, because I'm reporting on what's going on at the game, but these folk also regularly retweet/favourite my personal tweets. I don't really get it - why would they want to share my trivial nonsense with their followers? It's not as though they even comment on my tweets.

I know the type. 98% of my tweets are either RT'd or favourited by a certain Morton supporter. Does my absolute tits in.

Edited by forzamorton
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