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Hillsborough debate

Desert Nomad

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Don't blame them. Many of the places they'd be delivering to will have known people who were at Hillsborough, may even have been there themselves. Some of the postmen will have known people who were there, or perhaps were even there themselves.

Given the sheer insensitivity and lies the Sun published, I don't think you can blame them for refusing to deliver a paper in these circumstances which will bring even more painful memories back. You really have to visit Merseyside to appreciate the sheer levels of contempt they have for that publication.

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Don't blame them. Many of the places they'd be delivering to will have known people who were at Hillsborough, may even have been there themselves. Some of the postmen will have known people who were there, or perhaps were even there themselves.

Given the sheer insensitivity and lies the Sun published, I don't think you can blame them for refusing to deliver a paper in these circumstances which will bring even more painful memories back. You really have to visit Merseyside to appreciate the sheer levels of contempt they have for that publication.

Well yes I can blame them, they wouldn't be delivering the papers unless there wasn't a demand for it. They also may not know a single person involved at Hillsborough.

Royal Mail can't simply pick and choose what papers they'll deliver and what ones they won't.

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The person responsible has long gone and the paper has apologised more than once, including a full front page spread, but it's not enough. Hell has no fury like a Scouser scorned.

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Their apology amounted to admitting that the cops lied to them and that they chose to lead with, and sensationalise, this misinformation without any validation or corroboration. Since that's the standard of their 'journalism', I don't need them sticking this dross through my door. If they choose to do so, they can have it back. I'd like to say passed through a cow first, but that wouldn't be fair on the cow, the posties, or the temps they'll be taking on to open the extra mail that week. I suspect it's not legal to post such things either (if anyone has experience in this, please confirm), and I wouldn't wan't the cow to get in trouble.

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Well yes I can blame them, they wouldn't be delivering the papers unless there wasn't a demand for it. They also may not know a single person involved at Hillsborough.

Royal Mail can't simply pick and choose what papers they'll deliver and what ones they won't.

I can sense your for turning Rico. Even Jimmy is backing the cause ...


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Well yes I can blame them, they wouldn't be delivering the papers unless there wasn't a demand for it. They also may not know a single person involved at Hillsborough.

Royal Mail can't simply pick and choose what papers they'll deliver and what ones they won't.

Royal Mail can't but individuals can. Its called integrity and I say fair play to them. Too many folk grumble and moan and never take a stand.

The person responsible has long gone and the paper has apologised more than once, including a full front page spread, but it's not enough. Hell has no fury like a Scouser scorned.

The Sun also printed an apology over the lies they printed about Scargill supposedly stealing money from the miners - but the apology came about ten years after the event when the fight was long gone and it mattered not a jot. Their apology was a small insert that was barely noticeable.

In the case of Hillsborough the public opinion of the country had swung so far against them that a front page apology made business sense. There was also not 'one' person responsible - it was part of the culture of the organisation.

A truly despicable rag.

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You really have to visit Merseyside to appreciate the sheer levels of contempt they have for that publication.

Don't Scousers have sheer levels of contempt for basically everything that isn't themselves?

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Royal Mail can't but individuals can. Its called integrity and I say fair play to them.

Away and shite.

Postmen will have to delivery all sort of undesirable news to people. If they decided to only deliver what they personally felt was correct the postal system would go down the pan.

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Don't Scousers have sheer levels of contempt for basically everything that isn't themselves?

I was down Liverpool and shockingly enough I seen a lot of newsagents who stacked the sun newspapers.

I can only assume they have a demand for the paper within Merseyside still, otherwise they wouldn't bother wasting money trying to sell them

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I was down Liverpool and shockingly enough I seen a lot of newsagents who stacked the sun newspapers.

I can only assume they have a demand for the paper within Merseyside still, otherwise they wouldn't bother wasting money trying to sell them

Faux moral outrage goes out the window when there's a four page puff piece on Luis Suarez talking about his love for the club.

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You never hear of the ticketless fans from that day being quite so vilified.....

I really don't know what the plan was. They would have 1 of 3 pens behind the goal closed? That don't make any sense. They could sell a third of the tickets for that end for safety reasons, but having only 1 pen open would defeat the object.

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I really don't know what the plan was. They would have 1 of 3 pens behind the goal closed? That don't make any sense. They could sell a third of the tickets for that end for safety reasons, but having only 1 pen open would defeat the object.

The empty pen was for "overspilling" fans into to prevent congestion if either or both of the other two pens became overcrowded.

Edited by sjc
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The Sun also printed an apology over the lies they printed about Scargill supposedly stealing money from the miners - but the apology came about ten years after the event when the fight was long gone and it mattered not a jot. Their apology was a small insert that was barely noticeable.

In the case of Hillsborough the public opinion of the country had swung so far against them that a front page apology made business sense. There was also not 'one' person responsible - it was part of the culture of the organisation.

A truly despicable rag.

The original article was down to Kelvin Mackenzie.

Scargill has nothing to do with this. However most newspaper's apologies are hidden away somewhere, not given a full front page as the Hillsborough one was. However this being the wrong type of apology is right up there with trains being cancelled because of the wrong type of snow as risible excuses.

I'm sure there must be a 'Cult of Hillsborough Handbook' for all the believers to follow the party line re beliefs and terminologies to use.

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You never hear of the ticketless fans from that day being quite so vilified.....

That's disgusting. It didn't happen. More lies to sully the good name of the faultless scousers. Apologise, but make sure it's the right kind of apology. JFT96. Don't Buy The Sun. YAWN.

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That's disgusting. It didn't happen. More lies to sully the good name of the faultless scousers. Apologise, but make sure it's the right kind of apology. JFT96. Don't Buy The Sun. YAWN.

I really don't mean to disrespect the 96 people that sadly lost their lives that day but they really have been turned into martyrs for some sort of righteous cause.........of course I'm glad that the Hillsborough Report has finally exposed the negligent actions of the Police that day but anyone that is old enough to remember what football was REALLY like back then wasn't really shocked or surprised.......football & its supporters back then wasn't this happy, cuddly & media friendly game it is today......it was an ugly beast that was a national embarassment to the Government.....football hooligans were as real as the 38 dead corpses at Hysel just a few year earlier.

Yes, the Police were at fault for some of their actions & inactions that day.......but so too were the ticketless fans in entering a confined space within the Leppings Lane terrace.....I guess that doesn't suit the agenda though.

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