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Guest Pompey

Dumping an ex with such ferocity it shames me to remember it.

Not getting into a bird I fancied because I was too shy, then it was too late :(

Going to Murrayfield in the freezing cold to watch Glasgow get humped.

Moving to Pompey instead of Scummervile.

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Dumping an ex with such ferocity it shames me to remember it.

Not getting into a bird I fancied because I was too shy, then it was too late :(

Going to Murrayfield in the freezing cold to watch Glasgow get humped.

Moving to Pompey instead of Scummervile.


Where's scummervile ?

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Guest Geordie_Elvis

1. Leaving school early and having no good qualifications

2. Getting a bank loan for a car

3. Getting a bigger loan to pay the above one off

4. Sh*gging a fat lass at xmas

5. Drinking a litre and a half of vodka in Ibiza,passed out and missed 2 days of the hol!

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2. Getting a bank loan for a car

3. Getting a bigger loan to pay the above one off


been there and done it. :wacko: amazin to think now that anyone would take a loan to pay another one off, but i done it. :whistle

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been there and done it. :wacko:  amazin to think now that anyone would take a loan to pay another one off, but i done it. :whistle


Tried to do that as a swindle to get a better credit in the states, but they refused to do it. (i havent enough credit reports so cant do anything else money wise, and constantly have to pay huge deposits on things)

Thinking it would be a good idea to take Mrs Kilt to Scotsport! :ph34r:  :(

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:


ARe you still sufferring for that? :o (takes note of said mistake).

FOr me, having had a thoguht :- Moved somewhere in the States without any football close by. Deciding to get a great car straight away and now suffering the insurance costs. Being crap at staying in contact with friends (3, 4 and 5)

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Guest Pompey
Glad your admitting you chose moving to scummouth was a mistake.


I dunno, really. There's an awful lot of pikeys and tadgers down here :( I went to Scummerville for a break with a mate in February, and really enjoyed it, it looks lovely. The grassy bits up by the courts, the city chambers etc, all beutiful. Didn't even feel dodgy wandering about at night.

Thinking of moving there maybe :unsure:, but it would be a helluva commute to get to the pub :(

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Duck Fundee

1. Going on a night in Edinbro with a bunch of fannys then me and my mate being left to wonder the streets till 7 in the morning :angry:

2. Walking into the Rangers end at Ibrox. to make it worse we had just gone one nil up ( a Screamer from Kernie) and when I walked up the stairs in saints top and scarf and starting singing I thought I going to get murdered :lol:

3. Going to a Dundee United game rather than a Saints one.

4. Sitting in the Rangers end at Mc Diarmid we got beat 2-0 and I had to sit listening to such shite coming out of the mouths of the smelly c***s around me

5. going out Tuesday, Wednesday, and all day Thursday now im skint!

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I've not really done anything that really puts me to shame.

I have maybe done things that have hurt people, or things that other people have disapproved of but nothing to really pin point as five big mistakes.

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