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True, they've started doing a thing on Impact(haven't had time to catch up on the past two episodes but I assume it's still going) where Borash and this new guy do the first half then they switch over to Tazz/Tenay for the second half. I think the new guy was on the PPV. I quite like him, and JB is always great.

They've switched to a three man team for the full show: Todd Keneley, Tenay and Taz. Taz hasn't taken it as the kick up the arse he needs and is still awful.

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Aries back in the X Division? Poor stuff, even if it may help revitalise it, although it probably won't since a guy like Kenny King made only his 2nd or 3rd ever Impact appearance in the most recent one.

And I've said it before, but they really need to move the Aces & 8s storyline on. It's really beginning to drag.

I also read that Scott Steiner is suing TNA (again), this time for 'being in danger' when having to wrestle a shitfaced Jeff Hardy.

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It seems that all will be revealed regarding Aces & 8s on the 3rd of January. I'm sure we'll all be shocked at Brisco's reveal as part of the group and as Bischoff as the leader. Jeff Jarrett being involved will be of no surprise to anyone either.

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Dunno about Brisco, i think they were just making this shit up week-to-week when he first appeared backstage and then since then they've just found another road for him to go down. I really don't think they know yet where they are going with all this.

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Dunno about Brisco, i think they were just making this shit up week-to-week when he first appeared backstage and then since then they've just found another road for him to go down. I really don't think they know yet where they are going with all this.

Brisco has played an Aces & 8s member for a while now. Under a mask obviously. Talking of him, the fact that he and Garrett beat Robbie E and T in a tag match is dreadful. Garrett should f**k right off. He's awful.

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TNA are only having 10 PPVs from 2013 onwards. A sensible move I think.

Last night's Impact was quite decent. The skit with Kazarian, Daniels, 'Santa' and Storm was absolutely brilliant and must be watched. Daniels in particular was hilarious.

Aries ripping Hardy for the stupid inner monologue segments was fantastic. Aries has been my wrestler of 2012, and Power Slam had him number 2 in their top 50 (Punk was 3 incidentally).

The Knockouts Christmas video was immense, but when Joey Ryan popped up in the middle of it, it put me off my stroke.

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More brilliance from Daniels and Kazarian on last night's Impact. Kazarian's impression of AJ Styles was spot on. I think these guys are better than Team Hell No.

The Jeff Hardy inner monologues continue to be some of the most ridiculous nonsense I've ever seen/heard. Who came up with that utter shite?!

Edited by DA Baracus
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You'll all be absolutely shocked to know that Mike Knox has been unmasked.

The whole Hogan/Brooke/Ray thing is pish. I've only just realised that it's a little bit like the whole Vince/Steph/HHH thing, but without the Steph heel turn.

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Aye, I saw the Knox thing a few days ago. Couldn't give a shit that I was spoiled on it.

I'm catching up on my Impact. Didn't think I was that far behind but turns out I hadn't watched anything since the November PPV (the one where Hardy beat Aries in a ladder match, AJ lost the title chance till next year etc)!

Watched three episodes so far. Not too bad. The Jeff Hardy inner monologues have just started and Aries just brought out the Brooke/Bully Ray stuff death.gif At least Aries was fucking entertaining during his parts. When he lay on the table and said he didn't know how Brooke could get comfy had me in stitches, as did him saying RVD looked like Brooke as he lay on the mat.

A few good matches, Storm/AJ vs Kaz and Daniels was quality, including the latter's Gangnam Style!laugh.gif

I also clocked one of the Aces and Eights guys doing a full nelson, so that's Chris Masters, right? ohmy.gif

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