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Anyone at TNA last night? From reports looks like Angle, Sting and Aces and Eights didn't make it north of the border. Making do with a Bully v Magnus main event!


Anyway, Impact:

Daniels didn't win the title. Boooo!

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Aye, total nonsense. As is the pish with Hogan. The p***k just cant stand not being centre of attention, the storyline is pointless and serves no purpose and worst of a its ruining and watering down Bully Ray

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Anyone at TNA last night? From reports looks like Angle, Sting and Aces and Eights didn't make it north of the border. Making do with a Bully v Magnus main event!

It was pretty crap. Not to knock the wrestlers, who all did their bit, but it really felt as though TNA just didn't give a toss about a place which is usually amongst their highest attendance of the year. Not good for a company that supposedly prides itself on the fan experience.

Lots of empty seats there, a lot of disappointed folk expecting Jeff Hardy. Crowd was 1500 max, mindboggling to think they want to do the Hydro next year.

And the 20 minute wait for the cage to go up was incredibly amateur. Especially when after all the waiting, the main event only went around 12 minutes and the cage wasn't used at all.

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He has an iron clad contract (signed five yeara ago) which also includes the stipulation that if anyone lays a hand on him he gets the keys to the company.

Just ludicrous!

That he still has a job, given the atrocious standard of his commentary, means I wouldnt be overly surprised if that was actually true :lol:

Aye, total nonsense. As is the pish with Hogan. The p***k just cant stand not being centre of attention, the storyline is pointless and serves no purpose and worst of a its ruining and watering down Bully Ray

I still can't get my head around Bully Ray and Brooke as a couple. It makes no sense whatsoever. Not to mention there's zero chemistry between them. Whereas the Sons of the Disciples of the nwo storyline seems to have dragged on forever, this one seemed to go really quick. It was like, Brooke and Bully might be a couple, 3 weeks later they're getting married. WTF!!

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Bully Ray was one of the best heels in wrestling a few/six months ago. He played that asshole character (probably not playing tbh) so well and his wrestling has vastly improved since he dropped the weight.

I can't believe this is how he is rewarded rather than a title shot. It's an absolute disgrace.

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Bully Ray was one of the best heels in wrestling a few/six months ago. He played that asshole character (probably not playing tbh) so well and his wrestling has vastly improved since he dropped the weight.

I can't believe this is how he is rewarded rather than a title shot. It's an absolute disgrace.

Agreed. He was ace and would have been a perfect, fresh opponent for Hardy. They could have a decent series and played on their history.

But now he's not even wrestling. w**k. f**k you Hulk Hogan.

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So from Taz's opening promo on Impact, the leader of Aces & 8s is clearly Vince McMahon and its all about getting at Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Also i think everyone can see the Anderson swerve coming many miles away

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I know someone who was at the London events where they filmed the next two episodes of Impact.

Two members of Aces and Eights were revealed;

Garrett Bischoff and Wes Brisco

Also the leader was revealed;

Jeff Jarrett

f**k you, Hogan.

One step forward, 4354493075475849584587475 steps back.

TNA may just have utterly fucked themselves with this. WWE to own the TNA library within 10 years.

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Even though TNA announced at the last minute that Jeff Hardy would not be able to travel to the UK due to injury, it was really due to his past drug record.

Now it's being reported that TNA was hoping they could pull some strings to get Hardy cleared to travel when they announced the tour, and found out a month or two before that he would be unable to show up. However, they continued to promote his name as a main event attraction.

Sting replaced Hardy on the tour at the last minute, even though his last TNA tour was billed as his final UK tour.

Pretty disgraceful from TNA, especially considering that a lot of people would have bought tickets just to see Hardy.

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Pretty disgraceful from TNA, especially considering that a lot of people would have bought tickets just to see Hardy.

Aye, bad chat. The thing is that the UK audiences would have turned out anyway as TNA have enough talent and 2 of the shows are Impact tapings. From all reports the crowd at Glasgow wasn't great, but the others have seemingly been good.

Hardy is rank anyway. He can still put on a decent match but he's boring on the mic and has zero charisma. Also he's clearly pretty fucked physically and it's sad to see him limping and wincing often, even though he does his best to hide it.

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Dixie Carter will announce on this weeks show that TNA intends to take Impact on the road, the plan is for the company to broadcast one episode live and then tape the next weeks episode straight after, they will also periodically return to the ImpactZone for tapings.

Excellent news! The Impact Zone is a dreadful, awful, terrible place for wrestling. Now we'll get a more accurate reflection of who's actually over and who isn't. Plus there will be an actual atmosphere.

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