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Enjoying the episode of Impact that is on Challenge now, having a large crowd who are into the product makes a huge difference.

Magnus has a ludicrous hybrid American/English accent these days. :lol:

Joe Park is still bloody brilliant as well.

edit just to say that Tara is nearly 42 years old


Edited by Sherrif John Bunnell
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Aye it's like watching a different product when it's out of the Impact Zone. Going on the road could make such a difference.

A big screen for entrances at Manchester there would've made it look all the better but that's just picking faults.

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For any TNA enthusiasts that don't own that many DVD's, I recently purchased every single PPV event from 2004-2012 off of a guy on a website called iOffer for around £110 including delivery. I am currently working my way through them and take my word the quality has ranged from good to excellent. This is the link to the guy that does it. Takes a couple of weeks to come.


Edit - it appears my post settings are in Jewish mode lol.

Edited by Sir Kevin Of Kilsyth
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For any TNA enthusiasts that don't own that many DVD's, I recently purchased every single PPV event from 2004-2012 off of a guy on a website called iOffer for around £110 including delivery. I am currently working my way through them and take my word the quality has ranged from good to excellent. This is the link to the guy that does it. Takes a couple of weeks to come.


Edit - it appears my post settings are in Jewish mode lol.

:lol: You can make an offer! Might do some haggling :P

I take it it's the proper versions you'd buy from TNA etc and not just dvd copies with the PPV name written on them?

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:lol: You can make an offer! Might do some haggling :P

I take it it's the proper versions you'd buy from TNA etc and not just dvd copies with the PPV name written on them?

Na its blank discs. 98 Discs though so working out at just over a quid a go. I probably should have haggled but I thought that was a good offer.

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Again a decent Impact that seemed far better than it was due to a great, enthusiastic crowd.

They really have ruined Bully Ray. He's an awful sycophant now.

Roode and Aries winning the tag titles is brilliant news.

Taz is a knob. Not only is his heel turn irrelevant and annoying, but he came out with some utter pish last night. Seemingly all British people drink mainly Guinness or Bodingtons. A laughable attempt to sound knowledgeable. He also made an oh so original and hilarious joke about British people having bad teeth. How long have Americans been peddling that gem for?

RVD is a total fanny who seems to think that the whole world worships America and jizzes themselves to shreds when they get to see American stars in the flesh when the American demi-gods deign it.

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Again a decent Impact that seemed far better than it was due to a great, enthusiastic crowd.

They really have ruined Bully Ray. He's an awful sycophant now.

Yeah, when he was feuding with the likes of Joseph Park and Austin Aries last year, he was amazing. He was up there among the best heels in wrestling and now he's pish.

Taz is a knob. Not only is his heel turn irrelevant and annoying, but he came out with some utter pish last night. Seemingly all British people drink mainly Guinness or Bodingtons. A laughable attempt to sound knowledgeable. He also made an oh so original and hilarious joke about British people having bad teeth. How long have Americans been peddling that gem for?

Aye, it was awful. His commentary relapses back into his pre-reveal style too often and it seems like he's back to being a face before he makes some shitty joke or Mike/Todd say something to nudge him back.

I was also thinking, someone I know went to the London tapings and I believe that's the next two episodes of Impact. So that person went to those tapings having not seen the two Manchester ones. I know the reveal was fucking obvious but they're going to that show and, what, expected to have known that Bischoff and Briscoe turned and got revealed as members of Aces and Eights? Also that the tag titles changed hands.

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Yeah, when he was feuding with the likes of Joseph Park and Austin Aries last year, he was amazing. He was up there among the best heels in wrestling and now he's pish.

Aye, it was awful. His commentary relapses back into his pre-reveal style too often and it seems like he's back to being a face before he makes some shitty joke or Mike/Todd say something to nudge him back.

I was also thinking, someone I know went to the London tapings and I believe that's the next two episodes of Impact. So that person went to those tapings having not seen the two Manchester ones. I know the reveal was fucking obvious but they're going to that show and, what, expected to have known that Bischoff and Briscoe turned and got revealed as members of Aces and Eights? Also that the tag titles changed hands.

Aye good point. A bit daft.

I thought RVD was takin the piss at first when he was talking about that. Complete and utter spazoid.

And to be fair to Taz - I am partial to the odd pint of Guinness.

Yeah I thought he was taking the piss at first as well. But then when it became clear he wasn't I just thought that he was an utter w**k.

And although the odd pint of Guinness is decent, Taz would have us believe that we smash it on numerous pints of it every night.

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The aces & eights storyline has been a massive letdown - it has not only not given us any new major headline stars yet but has also curbed the great heel gimmick that bully ray had

Agreed. When Gallows and Knox were unveiled, the crowd had no idea who they were. And they still don't give a shit.

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The bump Scurll took on last night's Impact was ridiculous. Fucking stupid stuff.

The 'fingerpoke-off' between Aries and Roode was brilliant, as was their match in general. In fact I fucking loved that match. One of the most entertaining this year. The 'pretending to be hit by the title belt' bit was fantastic. What a shame that the fucking dire Chavo and Hernandez had to ruin it. I actually despise them. They're fucking dreadful.

Edited by DA Baracus
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The bump Scurll took on last night's Impact was ridiculous. Fucking stupid stuff.

The 'fingerpoke-off' between Aries and Roode was brilliant, as was their match in general. In fact I fucking loved that match. One of the most entertaining this year. The 'pretending to be hit by the title belt' bit was fantastic. What a shame that the fucking dire Chavo and Hernandez had to ruin it. I actually despise them. They're fucking dreadful.

Yeah, you can tell Hernandez doesn't give a shit. When he was in LAX he was good because they were good and interesting to watch. I hope Homicide comes back, kills Chavo and takes his place.

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Yeah, you can tell Hernandez doesn't give a shit. When he was in LAX he was good because they were good and interesting to watch. I hope Homicide comes back, kills Chavo and takes his place.

The crowd really doesn't give a shit about them either, save for a few cheers they get in the Impact Zone. But when they start going on the road, these two will surely fall down the card. The crowd was really into the Roode/Aries match but then these two wanks stroll out with their shite banter and ruin it. The crowd couldn't give a f**k about them. Hernandez just does the exact same shit all the time, and Chavo is massively boring as a babyface.

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