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The sad thing is that they'd have at least mostly filled that at one time, first Glasgow tv taping for a big promotion would've got massive crowds.

I guess we can hope that Hogan and Bischoff are gone within the next month and then they hire someone who gives it a massive shakedown. Maybe a recently fired WWE commentator who was offered it at one time but refused because he wouldn't get total control.

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I've not read the spoilers but I did read something which pertains to Hogan and the ending (very general but I'll spoiler it anyway)

Apparently the ending could write Hogan out. It's his last contracted appearance and they're in talks but he's their highest paid talent despite not giving them much so there's a chance they'll be able to cut off that gangrenous limb.

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Let's just say I can't remember a time a WWF/E talent whose contract was expiring was ever given a send off in such a way by any of the McMahon family.

The wrestling landscape could have been oh so different if Survivor Series 1997 if Vince had done this instead :lol:

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f**k me; Dixie Carter truly has turned heel. This is a thing that has genuinely happened. Comical, utterly comical, but only in how astonishingly terrible it is. This sort of bullshit should never have gotten past the planning stage. Frankly whoever suggested it should be banned from ever being involved in wrestling ever again. I think we all have a pretty good idea who did suggest it and why though. Dixie Carter is so astoundingly wooden and boring that she not not be a character, never mind one that has just turned heel on the company's top babyface and the man who should be the next WHC champion. Surely it will just be a matter of time before she wins the title herself now.

Anyway, other thoughts on last night's Impact;

- Ah yes, Kenny King is in TNA. We could all be forgiven for forgetting this. And that he's actually fairly decent in the ring. Not a bad match with AA.

- Park and E.Y. are a natural fit. The match with the underrated/underused Bromans was enjoyable.

- The Aces & 8s stuff has dragged on and on, but the way it looks to be ending is really tame, i.e. imploding rather than being taken apart

- You can tell just how massively fucked TNA are by how few wrestlers appear on each show now. Laughable. TNA really is the fucking byword on crippling ineptitude.

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- You can tell just how massively fucked TNA are by how few wrestlers appear on each show now. Laughable. TNA really is the fucking byword on crippling ineptitude.

It's been like that for a while. Guys like Hernandez and Joe used to be quality, the latter especially, and now they're pale imitations of their former selves. I don't blame Hernandez, tbh, he's stuck with Chavo where he used to have Konnan and Homicide in what was a fucking ace gimmick (I use the term loosely for Konnan).

I find it difficult to blame Joe either, he's been criminally misused in the past 2/3 years. Joe lost his only World title at BFG 2008 so next month it'll be 5 years since Joe's been the World Champion in TNA.

RVD is another who was fucking shite in his latter TNA days, he left and went to WWE where he's looking a helluva lot better. I'll admit I was wrong about that one, I thought he was just getting too old for his moveset but he's obviously another one who just stopped giving a f**k and creative are to blame for that, having him stripped of his world title when Abyss took him out and I don't think he ever got a rematch or anything, he was shunted down to the X-Division.

Speaking of which, it occurred to me the other day that Abyss is still the fucking Television Champion. What a shambolic backroom staff, from the office to the creative department. Hopefully Hogan's contract isn't renewed and Bischoff takes the hint and pisses off too.

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Speaking of which, it occurred to me the other day that Abyss is still the fucking Television Champion. What a shambolic backroom staff, from the office to the creative department. Hopefully Hogan's contract isn't renewed and Bischoff takes the hint and pisses off too.

As much as I like the Joseph Park character, its another story that's dragged on far far too long. Fair enough he goes nuts and we see flashes of Abyss when he sees blood, good so far. But when was the last time the Abyss character had a regular run. This has gone on WAY too long.

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Yeah, don't get me wrong, I love Joseph Parks and am enjoying his character but like you say, it's gone on for far too long. Sting hinted at it a while back that he knew they were the same person (I think he was asking for help and he said something like that he needed Joseph to get Abyss and the way he said it was kinda sarcastic, can't remember the specifics) but no one else has intimated since.

It would be alright if they hadn't put the title on Abyss, it'd just be like a gimmick change like Mankind to Dude Love or whatever but you cant have the title on Abyss if he's not gonna be seen for months on end (he's probably been seen four or five times in the past year).

Having two male singles titles for the roster is woeful, especially when only like 4 guys can compete for the X-Division title.

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Only, and I mean only, Jim Ross could save TNA in their current state IMO. The likes of Vince McMahon would fail if given TNA right now, because Vince has many mistakes in him when it comes to judging talent, whereas Jim Ross doesn't. Now that Jim Ross has closed the door on a potential TNA move, I genuinely can't see TNA surviving. Sorry, let me reword that and say, I genuinely can't see TNA ever genuinely prospering now with the state they are in. No youth to bleed in, and they've tried pretty much every single ex-WWE star they could get their hands on. They'll stumble along for the next 5 or so years on the back of Carter's father's money but it looks extremely bleak right now.

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The ridiculous thing is that both Heyman and JR were offered it but refused because they both wanted full control (I guess finances as well) which Dixie wouldn't give them. Then Hogan and Bischoff come along and are given pretty much full control!

I still think it's salvageable. If they found an arena which they could go to every week which had actual admission (the reason the Impact Zone is shit is because it's full of tourists who kill the atmosphere) and if it had someone running it like a Heyman who can get the best out of a roster or bring back Scotty D'Amore, when he was writing the Knockout's stuff, he had Gail Kim vs Awesome Kong main event Impacts and whatnot and it was fully justified to do so.

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forehead7, on 30 Sept 2013 - 17:16, said:

The ridiculous thing is that both Heyman and JR were offered it but refused because they both wanted full control (I guess finances as well) which Dixie wouldn't give them. Then Hogan and Bischoff come along and are given pretty much full control!

I still think it's salvageable. If they found an arena which they could go to every week which had actual admission (the reason the Impact Zone is shit is because it's full of tourists who kill the atmosphere) and if it had someone running it like a Heyman who can get the best out of a roster or bring back Scotty D'Amore, when he was writing the Knockout's stuff, he had Gail Kim vs Awesome Kong main event Impacts and whatnot and it was fully justified to do so.

Surprised at that, Ross always struck me as the ultimate company man who wouldn't consider any offers from any place whilst at WWE.

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I want TNA to survive and prosper. It would make mainstream wrestling all the better.

But I have to admit that I am getting quite a lot of enjoyment out of TNA's slow death. Some of the ridiculous stuff is deeply amusing and so fucking stupid that you wonder why it was ever allowed to happen.

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The ridiculous thing is that both Heyman and JR were offered it but refused because they both wanted full control (I guess finances as well) which Dixie wouldn't give them. Then Hogan and Bischoff come along and are given pretty much full control!

I still think it's salvageable. If they found an arena which they could go to every week which had actual admission (the reason the Impact Zone is shit is because it's full of tourists who kill the atmosphere) and if it had someone running it like a Heyman who can get the best out of a roster or bring back Scotty D'Amore, when he was writing the Knockout's stuff, he had Gail Kim vs Awesome Kong main event Impacts and whatnot and it was fully justified to do so.

I always thought that the deals to bring them in failed more due to the fact that they also wanted Panda Energy to give them a % of the company to take over rather than it being necessarily a full control and finance issue, not absolutely certain about Ross but with Heyman I think that was the main sticking point for the owners, giving up part of their company to someone with no guarantee of success, especially when you think this was pre Hogan / Bischoff and TNA was in a much better position financially.

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  • 2 weeks later...

E.G.O. are glorious. Possibly the best thing in wrestling. The H.O.F. ceremony was one of the best things I've ever seen in wrestling.

And as of now, Bad Influence don't even have a match at Bound For Glory. I haven't seen the Impact that aired in America last night, so they may now have something, but in case everyone forgot, like I did, Bound For Glory is on Sunday. Their biggest show of the year and there is massive apathy towards it.

Dixie Carter continues to be exceptionally shit. Just get that arsehole to f**k. She's boring, wooden, and takes air time away from everyone else, and literally everyone else on the roster is better and more deserving of it than she is. She has always been astonishingly awful as a character. She simply should never have been one, let alone postioned as the big terrible corporation (hmmm, where have we seen that before? Oh yes, everywhere).

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E.G.O. are glorious. Possibly the best thing in wrestling. The H.O.F. ceremony was one of the best things I've ever seen in wrestling.

And as of now, Bad Influence don't even have a match at Bound For Glory. I haven't seen the Impact that aired in America last night, so they may now have something, but in case everyone forgot, like I did, Bound For Glory is on Sunday. Their biggest show of the year and there is massive apathy towards it.

Yeah, it was fantastic. Daniels and Kazarian's suits were fantastic. Roode is entertaining but Bad Influence are truly immense. In terms of the all-round package, they're the best tag team in wrestling right now for me. They're far more charismatic than anything WWE has and that's the difference maker for me (and Chris Daniels is one of the best wrestler going).

I agree, fucking shambles. No tag team title match at BFG yet and haven't seen the TV champ for fucking months (as Abyss obviously). Are the Knockouts Tag Team titles even a thing anymore? I recall Brooke Hogan calling out Eric Young about it but can't remember if they just retired them officially or not. (it's TNA so I'm guessing they just stripped them and we'll never seen them again). So out of the 5 titles, we have the World title match, the X-Division match and the Knockout's title match and that's it. 3/5 isn't good enough.

They're clearly just throwing together matches, Roode and Angle has had very little build up because of Angle's rehab. Joe has just inserted himself into the Ultimate X match for no reason (not that I'm complaining as I enjoy his work but from a storyline point of view it makes no sense). Magnus and Sting will probably be shit too.

edit: I also haven't seen the episode from Thursday night in the States, I'll get to it over the weekend sometime.

And I can't help but find Dixie Carter funny, because of how bad she is. You're right though, it's awful that she's inserted herself right at the centre of the World title feud at their biggest PPV or the year.

And look at her, trying to get "real" by calling out "Stephanie Levesque". OMG BREAKING THE KAYFABE!

Edited by forehead7
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I agree, fucking shambles. No tag team title match at BFG yet

So they've cobbled together a match for them rather suddenly.

And I read the spoiler on who wins the pre-show match between Bad Influence, BroMans, Mexicunts and EY/Park

BroMans. So Daniels and Kazarian are not on the actual BFG card. f**k off.

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So they've cobbled together a match for them rather suddenly.

And I read the spoiler on who wins the pre-show match between Bad Influence, BroMans, Mexicunts and EY/Park

BroMans. So Daniels and Kazarian are not on the actual BFG card. f**k off.

That's fucking awful. Just dreadful. The BroMans are decent and should have been on the show anyway, but to not have Bad Influence is abysmal. What a fucking waste of such immense talent. f**k you TNA.

Not seen BFG and not read any spoilers so won't say anything about it until I've seen it on Wednesday. And in a bit of a contridiction, I saw a photo online that showed the crowd was shite. Seemingly it was taken 2 minutes into the actual PPV starting, but no idea if it's accurate or not.

The crowds at the Impact tapings have been appalling lately though. The masses of empty seats must be utterly embarrassing and deeply concerning to those at TNA.

Dixie Carter just gets worse. Just f**k off. At BFG 2011 she was awful uttering a single syllable ("YES!" when Hogan turned face, and she managed to make that look wooden, cheesy and hookey as f**k), so to trust someone who can't deliver a single word well to give long rambling promos is madness. If she had the power to put someone else in the main event at BFG if they took out AJ, why didn't she just remove AJ from the main event anyway?

And why did Bully Ray and AJ ramble on about Ric Flair for so long in the final promo before BFG? I know what they were getting at, but they spent far too long talking about Ric Flair and dropping his name. Laughable.

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If she had the power to put someone else in the main event at BFG if they took out AJ, why didn't she just remove AJ from the main event anyway?

AJ is contracted to face Bully for the title but if he's taken out then they could get a doctor to say he's not medically cleared and thus he'd void the contractual agreement. Otherwise, he'd still be in the main event.

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AJ is contracted to face Bully for the title but if he's taken out then they could get a doctor to say he's not medically cleared and thus he'd void the contractual agreement. Otherwise, he'd still be in the main event.

I see the 'logic' to that, but it's still convoluted nonsense of the kind you'd see in WCW circa 2000.

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