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Great to see them get the timing utterly spot on with Reigns this time.

Was it though? Could they not just have moved the story they had on TLC and RAW back so that the payoff happened on the PPV rather than the day after? Just seems a bit baws for those that shelled out full price for TLC (close to $50 apparently, for those that can't/won't get the network) only for the big payoff to happen on free TV. If this was their plan, I'd have had a title match on the go-home RAW, and play it out like they had the TLC match go. Reigns attacks Trips as they go off air, and then Reigns is given the "win-or-you're-fired" match on Sunday night. He wins, jobs a good 'un.

I can't help but feel they've ruined what could've been good momentum from the events of TLC by completely changing gear the next day. Where does Seamus go from here after managing only three weeks as Champion? Who is the pick for the Rumble now that it's a face champion? I can see it being Brock brought back to face Reigns again, which will completely undermine any work to get Reigns over, as Brock will automatically be more over.

Still, it's certainly sounding like a better RAW than usual.

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The Reigns McMahon promo just gave me flashbacks of Austin McMahon. Great to see a good PPV followed by a good Raw.

Buzzing Reigns and Ambrose are champs!

Would be good to see another title in the diva division. It's getting boring the same faces for the same title. Another one added in to freshen up the fights would be good.

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Was it though? Could they not just have moved the story they had on TLC and RAW back so that the payoff happened on the PPV rather than the day after? Just seems a bit baws for those that shelled out full price for TLC (close to $50 apparently, for those that can't/won't get the network) only for the big payoff to happen on free TV. If this was their plan, I'd have had a title match on the go-home RAW, and play it out like they had the TLC match go. Reigns attacks Trips as they go off air, and then Reigns is given the "win-or-you're-fired" match on Sunday night. He wins, jobs a good 'un.

I can't help but feel they've ruined what could've been good momentum from the events of TLC by completely changing gear the next day. Where does Seamus go from here after managing only three weeks as Champion? Who is the pick for the Rumble now that it's a face champion? I can see it being Brock brought back to face Reigns again, which will completely undermine any work to get Reigns over, as Brock will automatically be more over.

Still, it's certainly sounding like a better RAW than usual.

I'd say it was timed perfectly. To have Reigns win the title in the same city he was booed out of town in last year at the royal rumble and have the fans cheer this time shows they played it absolutely spot on.

I didn't think they had it in them to pull something like that put the bag anymore, which makes it all the more frustrating how awful creative usually is.

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I'd say it was timed perfectly. To have Reigns win the title in the same city he was booed out of town in last year at the royal rumble and have the fans cheer this time shows they played it absolutely spot on.

I didn't think they had it in them to pull something like that put the bag anymore, which makes it all the more frustrating how awful creative usually is.

Yeah, suppose that's fair enough. I hadn't twigged the Philly connection from last year. As a slight nit-pick I wouldn't say the reception back then was entirely down to Reigns - it was more down to the fact that it had been one of the most spitefully terrible Royal Rumbles there had ever been. Had Bryan gotten down to the final few, or even just been eliminated in a bigger spot, along with the other favourites, then the reception wouldn't have been as bad. Still pretty bad though.

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Hopefully this Reigns feud with Triple H will finally be the endgame for The Authority. I'm sure I seen somewhere that they have now been running the show longer than all other previous kayfabe authority figures put together. Stephanie especially needs some sort of comeuppance. She gets to berate everyone on the roster without anybody being allowed to have any sort of revenge against her. I think only Ronda Rousey has been allowed to have the upperhand on her since The Authority began.

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Hopefully this Reigns feud with Triple H will finally be the endgame for The Authority. I'm sure I seen somewhere that they have now been running the show longer than all other previous kayfabe authority figures put together. Stephanie especially needs some sort of comeuppance. She gets to berate everyone on the roster without anybody being allowed to have any sort of revenge against her. I think only Ronda Rousey has been allowed to have the upperhand on her since The Authority began.

You could argue that Bryan did towards the end of his planned story. The only reason the Authority went back over then was because he got injured and had to vacate. Had he been healthy of course, we've no idea what their plans were, but he ended fairly well up on the authority.

It very well could be the end though. Certainly an interesting point, and doing a bit of fantasy booking, there's several really epic storylines you could do with it leading up to Wrestlemania. But the downside is always going to be what replaces it. I don't trust them to fully follow through with something. Last time they destroyed the authority, they were back as soon as Rollins forced Cena to do it while threatening Edge. Would they really do it for good?

If Bryan does have to retire, or even go more part-time, then they could do far, far worse than to bring him in as a face general manager. By all means have a heel element, but take it back to something different. And it would keep a very talented performer who is probably still going to be massively over in the company, rather than losing him to the indies.

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Agreed. He was the highlight of Raw yesterday though.

Hopefully it wasn't just a one off.

Vince and Shane vs the Authority in a power struggle would be an awesome storyline.

No it wouldn't. That would be horrendous and boring Edited by DA Baracus
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