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Monday Night Raw Live


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Just finished watching it, Interesting first Raw in about 2 years or so. The big show firing was pretty pathetic, him greetin like a wean was a bit over the top. Found "John Carrey" amusing, and the wee slap at the end was pretty poor. Who the heck is this dude running the show? And wheres McMahon these days? Kane is still about i see, continuing his status in the WWE as someone who is always there but who doesnt do much. Hes a bit of a joke these days, this decades Mideon or Gangrel. He used to be brilliant, his entrance into the WWF, tearing the door off the steel cage and piledriving the undertaker was one of the late 90's best moments

Oh and my prediction is that Lesnar will interfere, but The Big Show or Triple H will appear to stop lesnar, and Cena will pick up the win.

Orton will win the title, CM Punk will defend his successfully, thats all i got.

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Looks like some punter from the crowd tried to punch f**k out of Heyman while the cameras where on Lawler and Cole.laugh.gif

Clearly seething laugh.gif

Moving on swiftly;Worst. Chokeslam. Ever.:huh:

It looked like he slipped on a banana peel laugh.gif

Punk's line to Riley "remember that fifty you owe me" had me in stitches. Actually had to take the video back because I missed all of what he actually said because I was laughing so much.

Some great promos tonight from Johnny, Triple H and Heyman. Cena's stuff at the end was awful though. Cole and Lawler laughing at it was even worse, just turn their mics off if they can't control themselves.

And yeah, Big Show will probably interfere since he's already fired.

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