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Think it's taken a bit too long to actually get somewhere with this storyline. And the fact that it does get a bit boring seeing the same guys wrestling each other every week. There seems to be many groups of 5/6 individuals that keep on wrestling each other on Raw and Smackdown shows. It's hard to keep it fresh when the same matches are thrown at you all the time.

HHH is still the baddest man in the business. As shown on Monday night he is as ruthless as ever and is in magnificent shape. He could probably go one last run... Think his match at WM30 will be great tbh...

Regardless of who will win that match and go on to the main event I actually think Randy Orton will still be champion.

I wanted Bryan to win the title at WM but now want HHH to win it instead. He was excellent on Monday night.

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There is pretty much zero chance of HHH beating Bryan at Mania let alone winning the title.

Sheamus is indeed shit.

Raw is horriffic to watch live due the ridiculous number of adverts. A wretched experience.

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HHH gave a great promo in the ring with Bryan the other night and topped it off with a brutal beatdown. Steph's been pretty good too. It's taken a while to get any of the mania programs going, but that's set things up nicely. It certainly seems the main match over the title one.

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Pretty sure Sheamus is mentioned as one of the 5 main stars that'll be in the title picture post mania for a while along with John Cena, Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan & Roman Reigns.

Which means we'll be seeing the same matches over and over again from Cena, Orton & Bryan....

Would have liked Bray Wyatt to be at the top rather than Sheamus... Maybe even Cesaro too but it looks like they've dropped the whole trying to split Real Americans up angle and they may now even get a shot at tag titles.

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Reading the results, it seems that it was a return to old school attitude style HHH and Steph. That's only got to be a good thing.

Also, handcuffs and steel chairs aren't very PG. Also good that they are pushing the envelope a little.

I think the only difference between PG and TV-14 in WWE these days is the no head shots or blading.

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Think it's taken a bit too long to actually get somewhere with this storyline. And the fact that it does get a bit boring seeing the same guys wrestling each other every week. There seems to be many groups of 5/6 individuals that keep on wrestling each other on Raw and Smackdown shows. It's hard to keep it fresh when the same matches are thrown at you all the time.

Agreed. Obviously the occasional tag team match playa, where big names are thrown together as a one off, can be entertaining, but seeing one on ones or tag matches every single week between all the top names means that when they meet at a PPV it simply isn't fresh and you feel you've seen it a million times before. They should be having more of these guys in matches with midcarders who are between feuds - winning but giving midcarders a chance to wrestle a bit with the top guys - or just have them squash a jobber, then cut promos relating to their current feuds. Keeping them apart on Raw and Smackdown will make it more interesting at PPVs, having a match involving the same wrestlers every time grows stale extremely quickly.

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Live tonight on Raw! We are two weeks away from Wrestlemania XXX, a landmark of this business. We have a hot crowd from Brooklyn, NY and some great guests lined up.

Arnold Schwarznegger and Joe Manginello will be live in Brooklyn for Monday Night Raw. Expect some more action from The Terminator and the guy from True Blood. Not the main guy but the other main guy.

Also, metal core band Asking Alexandria is rumored to be performing tonight in the birthplace of rap and hip hop music. Don't miss a performance of a lifetime.

Scooby Doo and the Mystery Mobile are here as well! Scooby and the gang are here to solve a mystery, but what? The mystery of JBL and the Cranky Vince? The mystery of the whereabouts of CM Punk, who was last seen being eliminated by Corporate Kane?

Did we mention we are 2 weeks from Wrestlemania? We may have some wrestling on the show, but tune in to make sure we put something on worth while on this important Road to Wrestlemania XXX!

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Take away the fact the mic didn't really work.... Batista hasn't mastered how to use the microphone properly, cant put it to his mouth when he starts talking and takes it away before hes finished hahahaa.

However that was decent with STEPH!!!

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