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After seeing Cain wrestle in Mexico I thought he'd be a good, legitimate opponent for Lesnar (with or without title). Didn't think it would actually happen though, it's not like WWE to do things that make sense.


Feel a wee bit bad for Kofi but his reign went on far longer than it needed to. Can't think of a standout performance from him since he won the belt. 

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Guest bernardblack

Why does that feud need the WWE title? Or to bury Kofi?

Appreciate I’m not a UFC guy at all, but surely Vasquez isn’t a household name?

Also Shane/Owen went from Shane and Owens in a mess through the announce table....ad break....Shane was on a ladder with Owens away to frog splash him

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Someone brought up something that made quite a lot of sense (and therefore won't happen).  Cain Velazquez has been making kissy faces at all manner of wrestling promotions recently, including, I believe, WWE.  After Brock decided to use Rey and Sons as throwing practice, who better to come in than another Mexican (it's Vince remember) to redress the balance?  Story writes itself. Brock likes to go about WWE kicking f**k out of everybody, but here's someone who beat him, legitimately, in a sport Fox was once very fond of.  Then Cain gets a main event feud straight off the bat.
Of course, none of that will happen.  Brock will probably just win.  I'd like to see shenanigans though.  Have Kofi compete, do the smaller man stuff that they built quite well last year with Brock.  Back and forth match, with a hefty dose of Brock dominating, but have Kofi fight back, then just as Brock looks like he's got him, shenanigans.  Kofi escapes, Brock goes mental and suplexes the ring or something.

What a shout this was.
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4 hours ago, TheGoon said:

Word is Brock/Cain’s happening in Saudi Arabia. What a complete waste.

f**k sake.

They could do huge business with these guys. Keep them apart until the Rumble, or even have Valazquez win it.

You could have a story of Brock dodging him all the time and cheating him out of opportunities but then if Valazquez wins the Rumble the excuses are done.

That absolutely won't happen though as WWE would rather spunk a huge programme to get a decent rating on a shite inconsequential PPV than build something long term (and most likely make more cash and get bigger ratings).

Also what happened to Taker?

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f**k sake.
They could do huge business with these guys. Keep them apart until the Rumble, or even have Valazquez win it.
You could have a story of Brock dodging him all the time and cheating him out of opportunities but then if Valazquez wins the Rumble the excuses are done.
That absolutely won't happen though as WWE would rather spunk a huge programme to get a decent rating on a shite inconsequential PPV than build something long term (and most likely make more cash and get bigger ratings).
Also what happened to Taker?

Taker said on Instagram “he was told he wasn’t needed”.
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The draft picks are currently going in the exact order that the pools were posted on wwe.com......


You'd have to imagine that the picks on Monday will not have Titus at 4th though 😂 Other than that I'd have maybe Joe & Rey a little higher and that order won't be far off.

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