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Holy f**k what an ending. No ref to call the submission. Ref in to call the pin. The wedding ring spot. Commentators begging someone to stop it. Ciampa having to use a stretcher to leave after winning. And the best part, the "f**k you Ciampa" chants as the screen fades out. You called it @DA Baracus, Ciampa is the best heel in wrestling.

Another TakeOver that has delivered in soo many ways. Women's and NXT title matches could've been better but I won't complain

Money in the Bank... the stage is yours...

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Oh my...

What a match. These two are transcendent. They cannot have a bad match. 

Get this match watched. It's exceptional. It's brilliant. It's not as good as their last match but it doesn't have to be.

Seemingly they're having one last match at Takeover before Summerslam

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16 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

^^Neckbeard found

:lol: "You're obsessed with that shite" :lol:

Takeover was a spectacular show (as per by this point), really glad to see Ciampa's megaheat continue after lots of 'cool heel cheering' in the opener. Rubber match in Brooklyn then?

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Just got done watching.  Wouldn't say it's anywhere near their best show they've done, but that just proves how stellar they've been recently.  Every match reached at least the level of solid to very good.  Really enjoyed the Baeszler/Cross match. Think they've misused the latter during her time, whenever she's been involved she's been great, just been involved at the same time as people they wanted more unfortunately.  Dream/Ricochet was great, but it does show how bland the latter is as a character standing next to Dream who is constantly amazing.  

Then the main event...hooo boy.  I watched it in parts, getting up to just before the wedding ring and table spot before watching the rest today.  FOr the first part, I don't think it really reached the highs of the first one.  Can't really pinpoint any specific reason why, but they were always going to struggle to equal what was an absolutely brutal match last time.  But that last ten minutes or so pushed it very close, and maybe even surpassed it.  Thought they were going for a Gargano heel turn, and so did the crowd by the sounds of it.  Absolutely the right decision to have Ciampa win, and booked almost perfectly.

It's actually amazing how they've managed to turn this into, presumably, a three show feud.  Particularly when their shows are so far apart, and particularly when the opener in the feud put most closers in others to shame.  I'm really interested to see where they go with match 3.  Three stages of hell is the only one I can kind of see happening, and it makes a nice bit of symmetry being the third one.  Maybe up the ante by making it loser leaves NXT?  Although that has less of an impact given it means the loser is getting promoted.  In a way at least.  On second thoughts, winner stays in NXT is probably a good stip.  If it is 3SOH, what would they use?  Presumably straight wrestling match and street fight, but where can they go from there?  Cage?  Hell in a Cell?  Punjabi Prison?  Boiler Room?

I've yet to watch MITB (so no spoilers please) but I'lll be astounded if it isn't the usual, and once again NXT pisses all over its big brother.

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I thought they did well with Nikki Cross in that match. Playing on the sheer lack of fear and determination right to the end with her means that she's still a legit threat to the women's title in NXT. The mindgames through the match were good too.

Gargano being pushed to the extremes in the main event was good, and I LOVED that finish. Enjoyed it a lot more than the first match. I reckon they'll just go with another straight No DQ match like the first two. I can't see it being more than one fall.

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Thought they went a bit far when Dream spent the middle segment of the match pumping his friend's wife, being a bit racist, and then trying to take down Mr Paparazzi.  Brother.

I hadn't twigged any of it to be honest, but then a while since I watched the match.  Very nice touch.  Odd one though - is this the way they're trying to bring Hogan back into the fold?  Bet wee Terry was ripping the heid off it watching at home.

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I'm wondering if this is a thing wrestlers do to pay tribute to guys they look up to.

Remember seeing a match in Largs where, out of nowhere, two guys decided to completely copy the last few minutes of Piper/Hart from Mania 8.

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  • 1 month later...

Main event is absolutely brilliant

Ciampa is a glorious b*****d. As I've said before, he's the best heel in wrestling today. His character is perfect and he plays the crowd brilliantly. Folk were actually seething at him.

Huge pop for Gargano when he ran out.

Not sure where they'll go from here. Ciampa and Gargano have won win each against each other, so you'd imagine a 'rubber match' at Takeover for the title makes sense. But then where does that leave Black? Might they just make it a triple threat? I feel that could dilute the Ciampa/Gargano feud.

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