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Ideas To Develop Scottish National Team Players

Guest netwebresearch

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Guest netwebresearch

Celtic, Rangers, Aberdeen, Hearts, and Hibs sholuld all have reserve sides in the SFL. In Spain the big clubs all have reserve sides in the Spannish second division to give their players early experience of competitive football.

Jock Stein suggested in the seventies that Celtic reserves should have a team in the second division so that the Scottish youth players could get some expeirence of first team football matches. In that day it was Scottish older players blocking the talented youhts. So it should make even more sense in this day and age as there are even more players blocking the progress of talented youhts at the big clubs.

At present Hearts, and Aberdeen are starting to buy in more foregin players so 0nce again even more big clubs will bloke taltend s cottish youht players.

This is done in Spain and it doesnt make the Sapnnibs league a joke it is how SPain has managed to stay rwemotely cvlose to other big nations depsuite for far longer being dioinated by foregin players in their league.

I cant see how this i an insult for SFL clubs. Considwering the first teams of Athletico Madrid, Celta Vigo and Real Villareal been in the Spannish second division in recent years and they are all bigger than any SFL club and in fact bigger than Aberdeen, Hearts, and Hibs. So how can it be an insult to SFL clubs to play reserve sides. Whenever big clubs send reserve sides in the cup or friendlies against SFL sides the SFL teams get big crowds. So don't pretend playing a reserve side is an insult. Anyway Celtic and Rnagers have plus records against every SFL club this would allow a the chance for a club in the SFL to have a plus record against the old firm.

The reserve teams would be limited to under 24 players. Also reserve teams would be banned from promotion and the top non reserve sides in the SFL would still be promoted. And dont tell me that club can't be promoted if it doesn't finnish top. Every year in England due to the play offfs english clubs in sixth get promoted while the side in third doesn't. And Swiwndon Town once got promoted to the prmiership when Sunderland were banned from promotion.

And dobnt trell me how can players play in two different comptetions in the same year. Already players can play in the SPL, league cup, SFA cup, reserve lleague, reserve league cup all in the same year. Players can even play for three different clubs in the league in the same year.

How else can we gurantee Scottish youth players get first team matches. Expecting the old firm to fill their clubs with scottish players is sci fi in this day and age. Even English premiership clubs are filled with foreign players. Even Aberdeen, and Hearts are starting to do the same again. Buying in eastern European players.

We can't expect clubs to loan out entire youth teams so lets just put the entire youht team in the competitive league.

Anyway laonig out doesnt allways work. Sometimes the expirence playeras lack mena they canlt play for any SFL side, and clubs dont often enjoy being used to develop other clubs players, and also even if they do get used the loaned players will take opportunites from other players. So surely it makes sense to have extra por clubs that create more ppportunites.

We need more clubs not less clubs. More pro opportunites. I am fed up with the way big club finance bosses keep pretenting we need less clubs well try saying that to Scottish rugby union that the answer is to have less clubs and less players. We need more clubs at all levels. And giving more money to the big clubs just menas buying in more firegin importsn. We ned the bnig clubs to have more teams so they give more opportunites.

The reserve league is not useful for developing playersx. Even Celtic sturgelle to get above crowds of 100. How can that develop players for international or competive football. And th standrd is lower. Just look at Inverness Calley Thisetle in the SPL, or teams that get relagted to the SFL . This is not english premiership the fact is Scottish prmier reserf sides (apart from occasionaly the senior old firm reserve sides) are not as talented as top SFL clubs.

And the even the old firm youht teams will stuggle in the SFL first division.

If it makes ense to laon out players to the SFL then surely it makes ense to stick the entitrer youht team there. And why did Jock stein (one european cup, two european cup finals, two word cups, 10 league titles) think Celtic reserves should be put in the second division. Thta is reason enough for me to do this idea. And the problem if the old firm doing to well can be stopped with restrictions.

The big problme with Scittish football is lack for first team opportuinites for youht players. This will create a risk free system where Scottish youth players will get regular first team football.

I think home matches would get biog crowds but even if they dont the reality is away games will get bog crowds so will be useful expirence for youth players.

How else can we guranteee and i mean gurantee not hope that Scottish youht players get ealry expeirence of competive football. The big clubs can easily afford this. By leaving the premier reserve league.

I can't see how this is offensive to SFL clubs.

This can be done by explanding the SFL first divsion to 18 teams and bringing in 3 non league clubs. Also wouldnt the SFL clubs rather have big clubs clubs in the league but make sure it os not clubs that can take their promotion place to the prmemir. So we can increase standards in the SFL but not create a rival for promotion to the premier from other SFL clubs. It will also make opur league more continental.

This is how to get Scotland back to being ranked with Eire, Sweden and Denmark as dark horses for championships.

Another idea a Celtic tournament. Withe the other Celtic nations like the home international championship.

Another idea is Celtic and Rnagers playing the Scottish national team in friendlies to get better match pracice.

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Another idea is Celtic and Rnagers playing the Scottish national team in friendlies to get better match pracice.


I think most of your post was on Celtic and Rangers etc having reserve teams in SFL etc, i think that is a great idea. It will get htem playing games other than reserve games.

However the idea i quoted, in my opinion, will never work. Instead of being good for football, it will mroe than likely be a way for idiots to cause trouble :angry:

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Guest tanna1985

if the change takes place with the 16 team first division leaving 14 in the next divison then i agree celtic and rangers' reserve teams should be the extra 2 teams to make that up to the 16...

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Guest HongKongMo

I think that every other season, (the season before the World Cup finals and the season before the Euro finals) the SPL should finish with each team only playing each other once at home and once away. For the second half of these seasons the national team would play in the SPL. The national team could take any Scottish players playing in the SPL to form a squad, paying their wages. The players would return to their domestic teams for the cup competitions.

The bonus here is that the national coach will get the chance to really develop a team and form a real team spirit, the best Scottish players would be encouraged to play in Scotland to increase their chances of getting picked for the national team, some of the smaller teams in the SPL would get a chance of winning the second half of the league given that most of the national team are likely to come from the bigger SPL clubs and fans around Scotland would see their national team in action. Relegation should not happen in these seasons but to make up for this 2 teams would need relegated in “normal†seasons.

What do others think?

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