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Documentary Films

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Senna was quality. Very enjoyable and as pointed out, you don't have to like F1 to like the film, which is just as well as I find F1 exceptionally tedious. As soon as the film started to cover San Marino 94, I felt a little weird, as you knew what was coming. It was sort of like a small sense of dread.

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The Marinovic project was pretty good.

I'm a big fan of documentaries so will check out a number of those on this thread.

Some I'd add would be the Corporation and the Thin Blue Line.

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The Marinovic project was pretty good.

I'm a big fan of documentaries so will check out a number of those on this thread.

Some I'd add would be the Corporation and the Thin Blue Line.

You and I both know I rarely agree with you but The Corportation was fantastic.

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Just watched 'Dear Zachary'... Didn't enjoy it as much as I expected from the mini-reviews on here.

Very sad story, which I won't divulge anything about... But, I dunno. The only thing I can think of to say that won't ruin it for anyone else is I think there are worse stories out there.

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Just watched 'Dear Zachary'... Didn't enjoy it as much as I expected from the mini-reviews on here.

Very sad story, which I won't divulge anything about... But, I dunno. The only thing I can think of to say that won't ruin it for anyone else is I think there are worse stories out there.

I wouldn't get in to comparing tragedies but I agree with your larger point of it being somewhat disappointing.

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I wouldn't get in to comparing tragedies but I agree with your larger point of it being somewhat disappointing.

Aye, fair point. It was just with the 'blow your mind' and 'reduced me to tears' comments from a good few posters I really was expecting to be blown away by it.

Has anyone seen 'The Last Lions'? Best nature 'movie' I've seen by a distance; Attenborough and that BBC lot do manage to rival it though.

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Some I'd add would be the Corporation and the Thin Blue Line.

The Thin Blue Line is good, and it put me in mind of another documentary that catalogues one of the most outrageous miscarriages of justice ever - Paradise Lost. The guys were released from jail about a year ago, after serving the best part of 20 years inside effectively for listening to heavy metal music and wearing black clothes.

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The Thin Blue Line is good, and it put me in mind of another documentary that catalogues one of the most outrageous miscarriages of justice ever - Paradise Lost. The guys were released from jail about a year ago, after serving the best part of 20 years inside effectively for listening to heavy metal music and wearing black clothes.

Looks good, I've looked around but having found a decent torrent on it. Anyone know of any good ones?

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A couple more

If you liked the film Goodfellas you'll like this Henry Hill doc

And this: Ben - Diary Of A Heroin Addict in which the subject keeps a video diary of his last days. Sounds grim eh? but very worth watching.

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Just watched 'Dear Zachary'... Didn't enjoy it as much as I expected from the mini-reviews on here.

Very sad story, which I won't divulge anything about... But, I dunno. The only thing I can think of to say that won't ruin it for anyone else is I think there are worse stories out there.

I supposed there are, but it's

the fact that the whole story turns on its head half way through making the film that

makes it so affecting. Without that, it'd have been an extremely banal obituary.

Incidentally, if you do research about it before watching, I'm not sure how affecting it would be.

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One Day In September is just brilliant from start to finish

Jonestown - The Life And Death of Peoples Temple is brilliant but I couldn't watch it twice

Grizzly Man - by the end of it you're cheering for the bear that killed that fanny

Haven't saw a bad ESPN Film yet, they're top drawer stuff

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Will be watching a few of these at some point in the next week or so (I've had a few people mention Dear Zachary to me so think that will be the first) but I watched one called Before the Music Dies the other day which I thoroughly enjoyed. Insight into pop music these days and how talentless a lot of them really are, won't say too much but it does show a the industry to be in quite a sorry state.

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Tabloid - A very entertaining doc about a former soft porn star who stalked and kidnapped a mormon, becoming a media sensation overnight.

Mr Death - About some guy who designed and manafactured electric chairs, gas chambers and gallows for the US prison authorities.

80 Blocks From Tiffany's - '70s doc about New York street gangs.

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is there anywhere good to download the ESPN 30 for 30 films? I watched all of the first season online, but from then on it became harder and harder to find them.



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Dear Zachary - A letter to a son about his father

Anyone who loves documentaries and hasn't seen this is a fool. Watch it! but don't, i repeat do not look up any details about it first or watch the trailer. Go into it with as little information as possible and it will blow your mind.

Wow. Cheers for that.

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