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NFL General Discussion

Mr. Brightside

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See, lots of folk give the sky coverage a hard time, but I think they do a good job. They have to be accessible to help attract more interest. I actually found as a new person to the game I enjoyed the commentary but didn't understand some of it. Sky take the time to explain some of the things you'd know had you grown up with the game.

I'm not sure on Cecil mind.....

I don't mind it in drips, but too much and it becomes patronising, and its often been that way with Sky. Channel 4/5 I think have always done it the right way, have Carlson and his mind provide good analysis, but allow people to e-mail and tweet in with questions and mix in some good stuff that people who know the game would like to hear opinions on. Spending the time they did talking about Hernandez and a bunch of washed up vets cut at the end of last season is a wee bit embarrassing, do they think nae c**t has the internet!?

Tbf, the only regular I've ever liked on Sky's coverage is Halling.

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Was listening to Mike & Mike earlier and they were talking about how this Ravens team are the biggest defending SB champ underdogs in history.

Spread at 7, previous high was the 2002 SB winning Bucs who opened at the Eagles in their new stadium & faced a 3 or 3.5 point spread...they went on to win the game 17-0.

I just can't see the Ravens winning this game or beating that spread. If they do imo it's gonna be down to a monster game from Ray Rice. I say Flacco's run of 13 TDs without a pick ends before he makes it 14.

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You might laugh but I'd take the kid over all of the rookies from last year. Minus RGIII maybe. But his injury concerns might swing it. I think he's gonna prove a lot of people wrong.

Hey man it's just my opinion and I hope it's wrong for your sake. But he just hasn't shown me much. That being said iv not seen them as much as you my friend

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