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NFL General Discussion

Mr. Brightside

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I'm watching. I don't really get the rules, but seems fun.

I understand that you don't actually have to 'touch it down' to get a touch down, but that last one they guy wasn't even in the end zone. He just had the ball in the area, he wasn't even standing in it. Does that still count then?

If the ball crosses the plane of the goal line, it's a touchdown.

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I'm watching. I don't really get the rules, but seems fun.

I understand that you don't actually have to 'touch it down' to get a touch down, but that last one they guy wasn't even in the end zone. He just had the ball in the area, he wasn't even standing in it. Does that still count then?

You just need to break the plane of the end zone, or have both feet down while catching.

I'm sure someone will be along to give an exhaustive explanation.

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I'm still getting the rules but I think to best summarise

If you have the ball in your hands before the end zone then only the ball needs to be in the area. If you dont have the ball and it is being thrown to you in the end zone then you need to catch it, get both feet down on the ground and in bounds and keep hold of the ball as you fall.

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