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Elite: Dangerous

The Taxman

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Why did this topic not get more attention? Moist.

Because it has been discussed quite a bit before, if you can be bothered to do a search you should find a few threads - certainly one started by me.

Regarding E:D in itself, there have been so many false dawns with Elite that anyone following the project will generally consider it vapourware until something playable actually arrives (even if it's alpha). We've be living off a diet of the occasional sneaked preview images for years now.

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Because it has been discussed quite a bit before, if you can be bothered to do a search you should find a few threads - certainly one started by me.

Regarding E:D in itself, there have been so many false dawns with Elite that anyone following the project will generally consider it vapourware until something playable actually arrives (even if it's alpha). We've be living off a diet of the occasional sneaked preview images for years now.

Sorry! When it was in the news first time out, I was a bit distracted. Certainly, we've discussed Elite a few times, but this time, it seems for real. Development diaries, previews, videos and updates from Braben, fiction stories to be part of the world. And £1.8 million raised. Although the kickstarter deadline is passed, it seems you can chip in a few quid still...

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Star Citizen looks like a safer bet, if not exactly the same game.

You see this is the problem (or solution, whichever way you look at it) right here. When Elite first came out it used very clever ways to hold lots of repeating data, resulting in a fairly simple game set up in what seemed a massive galaxy (8 of them iirc). There wasn't anything around that seemed to match it's open world feel.

Elite 2 and 3 (or Ecounters and Frontiers) took that a little further with far more integration with your surrounding environment and with the inclusion of 'intelligent' NPCs it was the natural transition of the game.

Between then and now, there have been several times when Elite should have taken the next step. Greater CPU power would have allowed the worlds to get much more detailed with greater levels of AI being applied to them, and in the growth in MMOs would be the final creamy topping bringing it all in together as really, really massive game.

Thing is, during that time other games have come out and taken the crown from what would have been a natural coronation. There are countless games out there delivering almost exactly what you would expect from a modern Elite and I honestly don't think that simply having a good name to trade on (no pun intended) will be enough to separate this from the herd.

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Thing is, during that time other games have come out and taken the crown from what would have been a natural coronation. There are countless games out there delivering almost exactly what you would expect from a modern Elite and I honestly don't think that simply having a good name to trade on (no pun intended) will be enough to separate this from the herd.

I've honestly never seen one thats grabbed me the same way. I've tried a few, but none of them has had what I've been after. I've still got an on/off game of FFE running after all this time.

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Brought to you by the guy who did Wing Commander and Privateer. Im in.

I might even see if I can get Privateer running again, still a cracking game

So, I did this last night. Had Privateer 2 running in Dosbox. Now all I need is a driver for my old joystick to get the throttle to work!

I remember when I first bought that game, my PC at the time ran it but it was quite slow. Last night I had it running in a window, FM running, outlook and a web browser and the game still ran way too fast :lol:

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Are there not free remakes of Privateer and/or Wing Commander? I could go looking but from memory I'm sure there are.

There are of the WC series and the first Privateer but not the second one, that Im aware of

You can pick up the original WC games and the first Privateer on gog.com for peanuts too

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  • 4 months later...

After losing years of my childhood to Elite and Frontier, now we have Elite: Dangerous. Multiplayer game,

Whether you want to trade for profit between systems, take part in multiplayer mission alliances, free-for-all group battles and team raids to bring down planetary economies. Tip the balance of power in the galaxy, or simply explore the wonders of the universe and face the unknown… it is up to you.

Your second-to-second actions could have you taking the roles of trader, pirate, bounty hunter, leader, team player, opportunistic assassin, grand schemer, and more. You are at the centre of the action any time, any place and any way you choose – each action has a consequence, and influences the galaxy around you.

Starting with a few credits and a basic starship, carve your own path through the richest, largest gaming sandbox ever created, set against a backdrop of raw anarchy, galactic powerplays and intrigue. Do whatever it takes to upgrade your ship’s hull, engines, weapons, defences, cargo hold; even the ship itself, constantly improve your capabilities and influence on your journey towards the most coveted rank in the history of gaming - 'Elite'.

Fight, trade, hunt your way across a giant galaxy of 100 billion star systems. You can make money from trading goods between the many star systems, by destroying pirate ships and collecting bounty, or even by attacking traders and collecting their cargo (which in turn will get a bounty on your head!). There are missions too, and exploration. Play one way or in a combination of ways. Upgrade your ship and specialise in one activity - have a trader with a huge cargo bay, or use the space for weapons and manoeuvrability.


The alpha is out now - it's playable

Edited by scottsdad
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After losing years of my childhood to Elite and Frontier, now we have Elite: Dangerous. Multiplayer game,


The alpha is out now - it's playable

Are they still asking for a £200 donation for the honour of playing an alpha which by definition will be buggy as hell?

I'll wait.

It does look fecking immense though.

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  • 7 months later...

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