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bunglebonce last won the day on July 29 2014

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  1. Having watched Spain's opening goal last night, I couldn't help but think of the old partnership between Hungbo and Charles-Cook off the wings. I'm not looking forward to another season of 5-3-2 with no pace in the side and centre-backs who can't bring the ball out. Last season there were only two players in the squad who could cross a ball and one of them barely featured in the second half of the season. With Dhanda gone, at least Brown is back at it now.
  2. It’s the only week or so in the calendar year that the manager gets off. You never know, the next Kyle Turner might be found in Dubai like last year.
  3. Love a dream ring. I'd have Cromarty Bakery's and especially Deas's versions over Gow's. Gow's empire biscuit has a strong malt flavour which sets it apart from the rest.
  4. I found Kelty's lease with Fife Council on Registers of Scotland. The lease was originally over the whole ground (pitch, pavilion etc). When the synthetic pitch was put down by the council in 2015, the lease was varied so that the council got the pitch back. Kelty still have a lease over the facilities and stand (I presume that is where the offices are). The lease is clear in stating that there is no sub-letting without permission from the council. I don't know what the arrangement is for the use of the pitch now, but Kelty don't have a registered lease in the way they have for the pavilion etc, or I haven't found it at least. Presumably there is some kind of licence agreement to use the pitch that doesn't need to be registered. It might be easier for the council to get rid of them, but it depends on that agreement. It won't have the same security for the club that a registered lease would, I would guess. It's all academic because politically it would be daft to evict them.
  5. We don't really know if there is a contract in place already and will never know the details of it. I find it difficult to believe that this type of arrangement - if there is anything in writing at all - was done without lawyers involved, but then with SG's track record of due diligence... Had there had been a lawyer representing ICT they would immediately pick up on the fact that Kelty didn't have the right to do this without Fife Council's consent. Even if there was a confidentiality clause in the agreement, a breach of that clause would result in a claim for money being paid in damages to Kelty, rather than voiding the whole agreement. One possibility is that there is a poorly drafted agreement between ICT and Kelty in place, without any reference to Fife Council etc, but it is good enough for Kelty to say to ICT that they still need to hold up their end of the bargain (i.e. paying rent). If Kelty can't perform their part of the contract i.e. allow ICT to take possession, for example if Fife Council block that, then that could be a good get-out. If Fife Council still consent to it and there is an agreement in place, ICT might well still be responsible for paying for it. This is all entirely speculation, based on information that will likely never be made public.
  6. Back up, fine. Brown’s deliveries vs Raith Rovers showed how important he can be to the team when on song. Brown is an asset in the final third and his defending is underrated. There’s no comparison, IMO, albeit Brown’s form dropped badly over the winter.
  7. Roy buying the Courier buildings is certainly a rumour doing the rounds.
  8. From 11 May, County played: Sat, Wed, Sun, Thu, Sun Raith Rovers didn't play on the weekend of Sat 11 May. They had 11 days between the end of the Champ campaign and the play-offs. Following the same sequence, they went: Rest, Tue, Fri, Thu, Sun It's not weighted in favour of the Premiership team, at least compared to the second-placed Championship team. Third and fourth placed teams should be at a disadvantage. It's easy for me to say as a fan of the Premiership club who have won the play-offs in the last two seasons, but I have always thought the Premiership play-off system was as well balanced as it can reasonably be. I also think the 12-team format with the split is a good thing, if we are always going to be stuck with four OF matches a season.
  9. @Sensible Soccer the early bird price for the side-on stands was £350 for an adult, so there is a bit of a jump.
  10. That was the last season of the SFL/SPL era. The Premiership play-offs were re-introduced when the SPFL came about for the 13/14 season.
  11. On a similar note, all of White, Randall and Baldwin signed contract extensions just as the season got underway again. No lengths announced but they will have a year at least beyond now. http://nareystoepoker.blogspot.com/p/blog-page.html?m=1#rosscounty This is as close to the current position as we know, albeit there’s doubt about Simon Murray.
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