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Elite: Dangerous

The Taxman

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Aye the bounty hunting is definitely my favourite part. It's great when the fed security vessels do all the work then you run in and steal the kill. I faced my first elite NPC 1 vs1 and it took me over 20 mins to kill him. Jesus, my arm was a bit sore after that one. Was sure he would run away when I got him down to critical healt, but he held out and got destroyed. Reckon it'll be a bit easier when my ED tracker comes through the post and I can keep tabs on where they are a bit easier. Still not a huge fan of the sensor/radar thing.

Definitely plan on making an expedition somewhere, maybe see if it's possible to get to Polaris or something.

I'm also the world's worst smuggler and have about 100k in fines for illegal goods ¬_¬

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't played for a while now. I just couldn't get into the whole Powerplay thing so there have been no major updates I'm interested in for aaaaaages. I'm sitting with a virtually indestructible Vulture and 90M credits in the bank.

I hope the planetary landings add a new dimension to the gameplay.

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  • 8 months later...

So, is this worth getting then? I've just picked up a cheap flight stick, so its either try and get into X3, which I struggled to last time, dig out Privateer 2 or this.


Bump. It's relatively cheap at the moment. Thinking about it

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I've not played in ages, it's a good game, but I dont have room for the control stick atm. I'll prob get back into once I've gotn a bigger desk set up. Always enjoyed just cruising about while listening to music, it's quite relaxing. Unless you're in a mental dogfight.

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  • 1 month later...

Started this last night - well when I say started I havent got past the training stuff yet! Finding the controls a bit fiddly but after watching a couple of the videos I think I know what I was doing wrong. 

Might jump into the game proper tonight. Any tips for starting off?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've not played in over a year, so not sure what the game's like now. Just start with a few missions to nearby systems. Once you can afford a bigger ship, upgrade the hyperspace drive and cargo bay.


Look up the rare trade commodities/locations, if you find yourself quite near one, the value of them increases the further away you take them (up to about 100 light years I think). You can find a nice route incorporating a few of them. That's a decent way to grind out some capital, then you can decide what you want to do, trading, mining (lol) exploration or bounty hunting/pirating.


Smuggling is quite fun, basically you shut as many of your systems down as possible, then speed into the landing station  as fast as you can before the polis scan you.


Other tip is get some music ready, it's a long slow simulation game, it's a bit shallow, but it's quite immersive and it looks beautiful. I used to listen to Andrew weatherall's mixcloud account while playing. Suited it well imo.


I heard somewhere a patch made the AI far more difficult to deal with, so I'd advise running from fights if you have a full cargo hold. Might be hard if you're weighed down tho. Having some junk in your hold to jettison if threatened can sometimes distract them enough for you to escape.

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1 hour ago, Tamdunk said:

I've not played in over a year, so not sure what the game's like now. Just start with a few missions to nearby systems. Once you can afford a bigger ship, upgrade the hyperspace drive and cargo bay.


Look up the rare trade commodities/locations, if you find yourself quite near one, the value of them increases the further away you take them (up to about 100 light years I think). You can find a nice route incorporating a few of them. That's a decent way to grind out some capital, then you can decide what you want to do, trading, mining (lol) exploration or bounty hunting/pirating.


Smuggling is quite fun, basically you shut as many of your systems down as possible, then speed into the landing station  as fast as you can before the polis scan you.


Other tip is get some music ready, it's a long slow simulation game, it's a bit shallow, but it's quite immersive and it looks beautiful. I used to listen to Andrew weatherall's mixcloud account while playing. Suited it well imo.


I heard somewhere a patch made the AI far more difficult to deal with, so I'd advise running from fights if you have a full cargo hold. Might be hard if you're weighed down tho. Having some junk in your hold to jettison if threatened can sometimes distract them enough for you to escape.

Cheers :)

I still havent got round to starting it yet!

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  • 1 year later...

Any of you lads have any beginners tips for someone starting out in Elite Dangerous?

I've picked this up with all the DLC and it's a helluva steep learning curve.  Thank f**k I did the training missions.  Docking took me a good few attempts to manage.  I've a feeling that this is going to be the type of game that opens up and is really immersive if you put the time in.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been playing about a month and still don't have a clue what I'm doing :lol:

I stocked up on fuel about two weeks ago, but then it turned out the ship too heavy to star-jump as a result, so I've been trading stuff in my wee star system for a bit.  Built up some credits by trading metals though, and think I'll buy a new ship soon.  

Bumped into a couple of other players, who said 'hi', and then stumbled on the aftermath of a space-fight and scavenged some parts from the losing player that let me buid some mining stuff.

I'd suggest trading to build credits to upgrade ship and then see how it goes...

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  • 3 years later...
On 05/06/2020 at 19:33, MixuFruit said:

I've been playing this a bit more after ages of not playing it and have begun enjoying exploring uncharted planets. There's a humongous update coming which will include landing on planets with atmospheres, ground based combat and other things, I'm pretty excited about that.



I'll be picking this up later in the week when it becomes free on the Epic Game Store.


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