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Just a bairn

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About Just a bairn

  • Birthday 09/12/1991

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  1. Absolutely huge game - similar stakes to the game at East End Park last March, with the caveat that we’re ahead this time. Our home form is just exceptional. One game without a win all season, just 4 goals conceded, half of which were against Montrose back in September. What a chance to finish them off mentally and give them a right pumping.
  2. To be honest delighted to get the point in the end especially given results elsewhere. We were pretty poor by our usual high standards this season, but that was largely down to QOTS playing very well. I was a wee bit disappointed with our attitude in the first half - we scored early but from then on I thought we looked quite pedestrian and hardly won any 50/50 battles. McGlynn alluded that he shared this view in his interview. The second half was definitely better however, although we never really looked like scoring. Regardless, we’re never going to play well every week and it’s that old cliche that it’s almost definitely a game we would have lost last year. Still top of the league and now 3 points clear - would have taken that at the start of yesterday.
  3. Might be wrong but looks like the referee is just about to blow his whistle right before we score. I can only assume for a penalty and not brining back the play for the earlier foul.
  4. He was OK but clearly not match sharp. I can see why you’ve loaned him out. Can almost definitely see him improve with game time.
  5. Great win with an absolute peach of a goal. QotS the best team we’ve played by quite a bit. We looked the most likely but for all of our dominance I thought they had the best chances.
  6. We’ve looked pretty good so far this season. The new signings so far have been really positive and I’d argue every single one is an upgrade on what we’ve had. What a difference it makes having more attacking options than just Morrison, or a Morrison clone in Kai Kennedy. Defensively, Tom Lang’s presence and leadership seems to have made a huge impact. I really like him so far. It’s no coincidence that Coll’s performances have picked up and he also looks far more confident. We’ve got two very competent centre backs at the moment and it’s pleasing to see. It is then a bit strange that despite looking way more robust defensively that we have started losing some absolutely calamitous goals. Not just your standard ‘could have done better with that cross’ sort of goal, but complete Sheerin/Rennie-esque f**k-ups. I fear it more against a team like Hamilton with such a strong defensive record where it would be enough to lose a game.
  7. I like the idea. I’d much rather do this than sponsor a player. 50 quid for a bit of sentimental value over the lifespan of the pitch seems a bargain tbh.
  8. I see what you’re getting at but I think you’re stretching here. It’s PR speak for we didn’t have the consistency needed. Falkirk FC have been out of touch many times over the last few years but I don’t think this is one of those occasions.
  9. Well done lads and ladies. Yesterday was a cracker of a game as a neutral. The way your team attacks with pace and quick passing is great to watch at times. There was a question about whether airdrie had any bottle when it comes to big games, but clearly yesterday showed that you do. Kindly bugger off and leave us alone
  10. No shocks there. I imagine Burrell is probably getting a move elsewhere, and for all he can be a very good finisher he’s nowhere consistent enough. It never worked out for McGuffie in the end with us, but I would thank him for delivering the best goal that I’ve seen in the flesh. It was a pleasure to watch - a proper once in a generation type goal.
  11. I noticed you’ve posted similar things before. Maybe you need time away from the club? I did as much after Hartley was away and for most of the first season in league 1, and to be honest it helped me reset my expectations. Might make things easier.
  12. I don’t think we were that bad to be honest. Probably the least painful of the Hampden defeats. Inverness were just better, and I don’t buy into the idea that we didn’t turn up. We played quite well as we have for much of the season in various parts of the match , which unfortunately just isn’t at championship level. Nothing shocking about that. I enjoyed the day and that’s from someone who didn’t think they were that fussed about going to Hampden again. There is something about it, even if it is a shitehole. Onto the play-offs now. Let’s see how we go.
  13. Great segment with big Peter Grant on Falkirk Daft. Very articulate and insightful guy. A shame that his injuries basically killed any chance he had of playing at a higher level. You could see this season when he played for Clyde that he has a footballing brain but just doesn’t have the legs. I reckon he’ll make a good coach if he decides to go down that route. Obviously he’ll be remembered for that cup final goal, but for some reason I always remember one he scored away to Partick Thistle in the league cup the following year.
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