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ICW deserves a thread on its own (have I missed it)


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We have just released a new app for Android and iOS.  Keep up to date with ICW news, watch ICW On Demand, our YouTube channel, buy tickets and merchandise.  

If you like the app and have a spare minute give it a wee rating and review on Google Play or the App Store.  Cheers folks. 

Hope your all coping OK during this horrible time.

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We've recently added some content from a few other promotions/companies to our On Demand service and are currently offering a free month trail to new subscribers using the code ICWAPP. 

Click collaborations section at top of your account to see what's available. We've added a few shows from The Wrestling Revolver, EVE, Melbourne City Wrestling and AAW Pro as well as CZW's best of Jon Moxley, their best of Kevin Steen, a Highspots Bruiser Brody documentary and an RVD shoot interview. 

We are also continuing to release new ICW content each week and have just started  our own best of series with Drew Galloway and Kay Lee Ray being the first ones made available and a new one being added every Friday. 

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Just posting on a few forums that have ICW topics to let them know we have been trying to keep providing as much content as we can at this time.  

1. Never rule out Grado getting the belt. 

2. No interest in discussing publicly.  Would be very unprofessional for a company to talk about someone who was employed for them.  I will say however that I genuinely hope he’s doing well.  

3. Hasn’t worked us for a while, doesn’t mean he won’t ever work for us again.  

Right, that’s me away. 

Edited by MarkDallasICW
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8 hours ago, MarkDallasICW said:


2. No interest in discussing publicly.  Would be very unprofessional for a company to talk about someone who was employed for them.  


A sensible approach given that if you had given any comment that Dr Bedlam fella would have been back on here internet screaming "AS EXCLUSIVELY REVEALED IN MY REVIEW" while slabbering about being stalked by neckbeards.

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  • 1 month later...

It's shit like that ICW should stay away from. Wrestling, in particular Scotland and Glasgow, needs ICW as a break from all that shit. We don't need it polluting and splitting the fan base by if you're a Sevco or not.

You're better than this ICW, much better. There are wrong types of "heat", this is one of them.

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Disgraceful.  That Dallas’ p***k should be fired out a cannon directly into the sun!  

Anyway, just a wee heads up that we now have the ICW On Demand app available to download on Amazon fire stick and fire tv boxes.  

All new subscribers now get a free two week trial to our service. 

Hope your all holding up well and hopefully we will be back to running shows sooner rather than later. 

Right, that’s me away again. 

Edited by MarkDallasICW
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3 hours ago, MarkDallasICW said:

Disgraceful.  That Dallas’ p***k should be fired out a cannon directly into the sun!  

To be fair, Im kinda stunned that as a non OF fan who lives in Glasgow you though this was a good idea. Why split the audience along moronic sectarian lines?

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Aye, it’s been fun.  Mostly banter.  No real anger.  Similar to times In the past where wrestlers have came out to wrestle In football based wrestling gear.  Or the time Jackie Polo dropped references into a promo about the treble treble.  No one left, no one fought each other, most laughed or made noise and moved on.  

CJ Banks used to walk out and ask people to stand for the British national anthem in ICW.  Good angry reaction from some and others supporting him but no one tried to kill him, no ones show was ruined and they’d pretty much forgot about it five minutes later when he no doubt did something else that was probably edgy or offensive. 

I like Jason.  I like coach with him.  I think it’s a fun gimmick with tons of potential for fun.  Footballs a big part of Glasgow and ICW likes to take parts of Glasgow life and blend them into our company.  

I’m not interested in pleasing everyone and that means sometimes somethings don’t land with certain people and that’s fine.  You don’t like this, I however know plenty that do.  

You’ve told me your opinion, I listened respectfully.  I’ve told you mind.  Hopefully you respect that as well. 

It would be a shame if you didn’t come to shows in future because of one part of the card but if you choose to do so then that up to you.  

All the best, hope you have a nice week. 

Edited by MarkDallasICW
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Very much appreciate the response, but yeah we'll very much have to agree to disagree on this one, the one thing this certainly doesnt scream at me is "fun". As you say you clearly know a lot of people who are fans of this gimmick, no one I know who I've been to ICW with likes it, no one at all in this thread likes it. That's basically the only people I interact with on or offline who are fans of ICW at 100% not liking it. Might only be a couple of dozen people but it's telling for me. I don't think anyone dislikes Jason Reed at all, I'm fact I think most folk agree he has a good amount of potential. It's just this gimmick and the much, much bigger picture of what it stands for and represents even if its never explicitly stated. But it's your show and as you say, you can't please all the people all the time. Take care 👍

Edited by cb_diamond
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On 10/06/2020 at 21:25, MarkDallasICW said:

Aye, it’s been fun.  Mostly banter.  No real anger.  Similar to times In the past where wrestlers have came out to wrestle In football based wrestling gear.  Or the time Jackie Polo dropped references into a promo about the treble treble.  No one left, no one fought each other, most laughed or made noise and moved on.  

CJ Banks used to walk out and ask people to stand for the British national anthem in ICW.  Good angry reaction from some and others supporting him but no one tried to kill him, no ones show was ruined and they’d pretty much forgot about it five minutes later when he no doubt did something else that was probably edgy or offensive. 

I like Jason.  I like coach with him.  I think it’s a fun gimmick with tons of potential for fun.  Footballs a big part of Glasgow and ICW likes to take parts of Glasgow life and blend them into our company.  

I’m not interested in pleasing everyone and that means sometimes somethings don’t land with certain people and that’s fine.  You don’t like this, I however know plenty that do.  

You’ve told me your opinion, I listened respectfully.  I’ve told you mind.  Hopefully you respect that as well. 

It would be a shame if you didn’t come to shows in future because of one part of the card but if you choose to do so then that up to you.  

All the best, hope you have a nice week. 

Maybe I shouldn't open this can of worms again but, while I know the gimmick is meant to be lighthearted and that football is a massive part of Glasgow's history and culture, loyalism and fascism is absolutely the worst facet of Glasgow's history and football doesn't really have anything to do with it - which I am sure you know. We can call it 'staunchness' and pretend we're being ironic but we all know what it really means. 

Last night fascists attacked a demonstration demanding better conditions for asylum seekers (which women and children asylum seekers attended). We all know who these people are and which part of society they come from. It's about fucking time politicians, those in public institutions and those prominent in Scottish society - including ICW given how big its platform is - called it out and worked to stamp fascism out of society for good instead of ignoring it, excusing it and pandering to it as society has done for decades now. I like Jason a lot and don't think he, Coach Trip or anybody in ICW actually believes in any of this sort of nonsense but the gimmick does not do him any favours and only panders to the worst people in Scottish society who are genuinely dangerous. I know there hasn't been any trouble around the gimmick so far but make no mistake, the far right are well organised and I would hate for them to attend an ICW show and strongly latch onto a gimmick they would so obviously identify with. Wrestling is meant to be a safe space (I know it's not unfortunately but that's a discussion that needs to be had elsewhere amongst wrestlers and promoters) and the sort of people this gimmick panders to would very much threaten that safe space. 

For what it's worth, I think Joe Coffey should also drop his pretending to be in the Green Brigade shite as if he's not a private school boy from Giffnock. 

I know that at the end of the day you're an entertainment business and one which is very much 'low brow' (no offence!) escapism but, a lot of people in Glasgow and the west watch wrestling to escape from this shite which infiltrates every other part of life in the west of Scotland. You also do have a platform which can be used to influence the public narrative and discourse in Scotland. That is important. I don't think ICW should necessarily shy away from talking about these issues. As I've said, they should use their platform to help dismantle this poison, and I think if Jason's gimmick was tweaked to be very obviously satire and a pisstake out of this part of society it could maybe work well but it just doesn't work for me at all in its current incarnation. 

Big thank you for all the new content on OnDemand btw. It's a cracking service. 

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Brilliant post, your second absolute cracker today.

Things have taken a really dark turn with the right in Scotland and elsewhere and their link to the "we are the people/ rule brittania" mindset was laid bare this week. I don't think it's out of the bounds of possibility that they could find out about and then latch on to this as at least superficially it's exactly the same (unionist, rangers "minded" superiority gimmick).

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33 minutes ago, cb_diamond said:

I'm now thinking that possible sectarianism will be one of the smaller headaches for MD today! Several ICW regulars looking to be on a shoogly peg.

A dark day for British wrestling. Here's hoping they're all blacklisted from ICW and every other promotion in the country. 


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