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About diamond_for_life

  • Birthday 21/02/1989

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  1. I think the fact Megwa was a superstar is clouding the judgement of how much of a player Ballantyne was for us. Think back to his injury and Megwa making his debut. We all felt the loss of Ballantyne before we knew how special Megwa could be. I get the point folk are making that he was our “3rd” best full back but again that’s because Hancock also came out this season looking every bit the star he is. Not because Ballantyne is some bang average at best player. We now have one recognised full back left out of the 3 we had and let’s not forget the job Ballantyne also did at left back for us too. He could play either side. The boy Macdonald could prove an absolute find but I surely can’t be the only 1 thinking this is actually a big loss for us.
  2. Finished 4th, made the playoffs, won the challenge cup and manager signed a new deal but aye it’s insecurity that has me so gripped on this thread nothing to do with the fact it’s an absolute train wreck that appears to gathering more and more momentum daily towards destination “fucked”
  3. The way I see this signing is last year how many times did we (I know I did anyway) bemoan the lack of aerial threat when Todorov wasn’t winning headers. We had great wide play last year and had some of the best crossers of the ball on show and if we have Hancock and another I.e Macdonald who can both go forward then we need someone on the end of the crosses. If this lad is 6ft4 then I don’t expect a fast tricky player. If he can be strong, a nuisance and a consistent threat from crosses then it’s job done for Todorov’s back up. When Todorov wasn’t on form we missed something upfront let’s be honest. I don’t see him being what our attacking hopes are pinned on I see him as another option. Macdonald I said I was worried about defensively but that’s because I see him being out first choice Rb/Rwb the lad Reid won’t be a starter
  4. No harm to the lad but Macdonald doesn’t look good enough defensively for me. Can go forward well and him and Robertson did terrorise most teams in that league but I’m not convinced from the games I’ve saw of him he can cope defensively with the step up. Again rumours flying around of Airdrie losing more players so until the club tell the fans what’s happening it’s all a bit anxiety ridden for us. After the best season in decades I don’t ever want to sound critical but nothing on players, strips, season tickets, friendlies. Every season it’s so frustrating to seemingly be way behind other clubs I expect us to struggle to attract “established” names but right now I can’t help but feel this is going to be a long tough few weeks till the season is underway. Arbroath after almost going up to the top flight finished 8th then 10th. Queens Park after almost going up in their 1st season saw them avoid the relegation playoff on the last day this season. I am not criticising the club and I know it’s a pessimistic view but they need to be spending some of the money they made last season and pushing the boat out to retain the guys we have. That to me is far more important than rumours of who’s coming in. It’s a harsh reality of how quick things can change.
  5. Feels like a boot in the baws to lose our best centre back especially when he is one we expected to be around with Rhys till they moved on together down the line. I have faith in the manager 100% but it made me really think that there is no guarantee we keep a hold of anyone right now and the unknown is more worrying than knowing and planning ahead. This season was unreal but I can’t help feel anxious and uneasy over what’s to come the next few weeks. For a good few seasons it was “who can we bring in”. Right now it’s “f**k who could be away next”. Strange feeling and one I’m certainly not used to.
  6. Was going to order the Taylor fight till I see DAZN want £25 for a months subscription. Boxing prices are a disgrace. Hope he wins tonight but I don’t see it. I also was in the camp of him not looking great during the face off
  7. Great season for Partick but they were 3rd best for a reason and that’s how it panned out. Sums up why having 3rd place in the playoffs is a farce. Couldn’t help yourself could you
  8. Yup descending into chaos no idea what they are supposed to do from here.
  9. Gutter for him but even that annoys me lol. The public and the jury should be voting on the same performance. Just seen your post on the odds on Israel that’s minging the odd they are now
  10. Aye just smacks of complete hypocrisy and crooked standards but it’s no shock really. Joost could indeed be completely at fault but the statement from Eurovision says they have a zero tolerance policy on inappropriate behaviour which is clearly bollox. They pick and choose and that’s not difficult to see. Shame and if Israel do win it’s again just making a mockery of the competition. For me I still feel Slimane was the best performance of the semi finals and his voice is fantastic. Isaak if not representing Germany would be a lot higher than where he will ultimately finish. Im now firmly in the Croatia camp and want Israel no where near winning it.
  11. Didn’t want to troll through a match thread with other teams fans pretending to be delighted we lost even though they would have killed for a season like ours. I don’t know they think we would be angry at losing to you guys. Our season can’t be seen as anything other than magnificent After years and years in league 1 obscurity it’s been amazing to get back into this league and reignite some of the more passionate games with “old rivals”. None more than yourselves. Loved every game and you guys are an absolute standout both home and away in terms of on the park, and off it. Shows me what Airdrie have missed for many a year and despite how amazing our season has been we can only dream of a support like that. Yesterday felt huge. I thought we played well over the two legs but I can have absolutely no complaint we went out. Unfortunately we just weren’t good enough to hurt Partick more without causing our own issues at the back which you guys absolutely capitalised on (last night you could tell we still lack that wee bit of class when it was needed). Selfishly I want you guys in the league next season especially over Raith and the premier side potentially coming done but I wish you the best of luck especially after your heartbreak last season it’s been a blast for us
  12. Yeah mate but loads round about it was all taped off too with stewards moving fans. They had to relent a bit and a guy in a Partick suit has ripped a lot of the tape up so fair play. Just want the best atmosphere possible. Our wee teams big day out and all
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