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  1. Apparantly he wanted the play abroad at some point. Den Haag fans claim the manager has done the dirty on him and that is why he wants to leave. Fans aren't happy Ven Der Sande is leaving, especially on a free. They wouldn't mind the manager going instead.
  2. Very interesting the quote from Jim in the Courier article today https://www.thecourier.co.uk/fp/sport/football/dundee-united/5044491/dundee-united-tony-watt-ryan-strain-babunski/ Saying "It is a decision that I had to make, as I can only make five substitutions, and I felt that the young lads would give us energy and work rate.”
  3. It was that, though Morrissey not my cup of tea. It was pretty good for football in the city too! To be fair I'm getting to the age where most things were better in the past. In football chat, I'm looking forward to the derby, a big crowd for first game of the season, just wish it was 3pm on a Saturday. I'm hoping our season replicates last year in that we were poor in the League Cup but we're at it, mostly, once the league started. Hopefully a couple of the rumoured signings are in place in plenty of time for the derby. Who knows what Sunday will bring, I want a win for United of course, but would be happy enough with a draw. for a good game.
  4. I was pleasantly surprised at how many folk stayed with the team and turned up last season, especially after the massive letdown, recriminations and infighting of the previous year. Not sure if we are eternal optimists, creatures of habit or a bit of Stockholm syndrome. Possibly a mix of all 3 to be fair!
  5. Current United season ticket sales so far over 6200. Not sure why a Saint's fan would want to get involved in a crowd debate. It's like a young kid sucking up to some older kids to seem cool.
  6. That's a good point. Goodwin may have clocked what we have after Tuesday and changed it. Soon find out!
  7. Right and left wing backs are no issue for me at all, it is the back 3 that gives me the fear a wee bit. Also in possession, with Holt being so one footed,ponderous in making a decision on where to pass and always wanting to pass to his right with Ferry & Trapanivski being such a good outlet it could be very frustrating. That's how it went after Tuesday's substitutions May prove us all wrong (hopefully) and play well.
  8. Absolute clown shoe of a referee. To be fair it takes some doing considering the quality of the rest of the bunch here.
  9. I did see that. Looks like that they have a problem with their manager and the players he has fallen out with are leaving on the cheap!! Was a good line though
  10. In United news, the reported transfer for Jort van der Sande doesn't seem to be going down too well with ADO Den Haag fans. Or at least not going down well with the ones replying to this Dutch football reporter's post on X. Seems quite positive then that fans aren't happy to see him leave.
  11. Alan Temple is saying that it is nonsense and we have no interest in the player. Priority is midfield and up front. May be the usual ignorance of folk unable to tell the difference between United and Dundee. Same thing happened with Beck, was initial reports with the wrong club or both names used.
  12. In all seriousness IF the interest is true it is a loan deal. We wouldn't need to cover all of his wages, much like McNulty who would have been on a huge amount () at Reading too.
  13. Used your name as he was complaining about you in the Dundee thread. So just used it as an example of , what I felt was, him complaining about something and then doing exactly what he was complaining about. Wasn't criticising you directly.
  14. It has been more how you said It, like it was all cloak and daggers stuff. You've also said that you watched the highlights of the game and that there was less than at Arbroath, as it turns out there wasn't. There to me seemed someone a bit disingenuous and like a dog with a bone. Can't comment on anyone else's responses to you, but my first answer was a genuine answer to you. If you were being genuine then I'm sorry but you came across as the usual rival point scoring attempt. Anyway, it's been.... All the best
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