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ICW deserves a thread on its own (have I missed it)


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Talking about c***s questioning how many ICW events you've been to because you dare to question an appalling angle of a man beating up a woman.

The I've been to mare than you patter is symptomatic of the hardcore who ultimately don't want the company to grow.

Sad b*****ds. You've always struck me as one as well DomDom to be fair.

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If that's been your experience Neilly then that's a bit shit and I can see why it would annoy you.

Not sure how you could tell that those in that picture were those types of people though.

I've been to 8 ICW shows now and have only encountered one person who was a dick. Most of the folk I've spoken to at shows and in bars before have been sound.

Edited by DA Baracus
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Grown men celebrating as if a wrestler has achieved something. No, a wrestler was given a belt, by a committee, including himself.

f**k sake.

Even if you want to look past that, the guys a heel ffs. He comes out slaughtering the fans every week to try and get some hate. :huh:

Its like the wee guy who supports the opposite team from his da to get attention, although most people grow out of that early. Do these c***s go to the pictures and cheer for the Joker to kill Batman?

Edited by Snakebite
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It's not just about cheering the villain. If it was, then they'd all get cheered. The NAK is filled with guys who were crowd favourites for years. Even the Black Label get nowhere near the positive reaction they get.

Wrestling encourages fans to get behind the matches. I'd take a villain loving crowd over the dead one that watched the match before it. If people decide to like one group of heels, who cares?

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They gave the title to Renfrew because he's over, and they didn't want someone to lose the case the same way two years running.

I don't think Dallas likes the idea of Grado as champ. Hence why he never got it before the SECC despite being hugely over for a good long while before it.

Grado WILL be a main player come Hydro time. There's absolutely nothing baffling about most of the decisions ICW have taken since then, outside of two things at the Square Go.

Renfrew is "over" with the 70-100 nerds that seem to be the subject of derision in the last page or 2 of this topic. Grado is a household name. Personally, rather than have him lose his first proper feud as Champ, I'dve given the guy who is a household name a good 6 months with the belt if you're wanting to increase your brand awareness, that is. Which given they've booked out the Hydro this year I'm guessing they do. Like it or not, no one has a clue who Chris Renfrew is. It's a risky move IMO.

I think you could be right about Dallas not liking Grado as Champ. However, he never got it before the SECC because the SECC was where it was always going to happen from the day they announced they were having an event there, Because he's the most famous guy on the roster. Slow build done correctly. That said, I still think they took the belt off him and gave it to someone that is guaranteed to be at every show, which is understandable.

tbf, if you really liked Renfrew and wanted to show it then you'd boo him as that's what he should be aiming for as a heel. Getting cheers when you're the bad guy is either a sign you should be a babyface or your babyface is shite.

I agree with this. If Chris Renfrew was a good heel he'd be getting booed. He's not. He needs to give what he's doing a bit of a re-think.

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^^^ very sensible post.

There is still a long way until the Hydro obviously but they can't sell that out with Renfrew in the main event no one knows who he is outside the hardcore geekazoids. I'm assuming that won't be the case obviously but even giving him the belt just seems like the old pals act.

Dallas getting involved and going to have a match just reeks of desperation as well it just seems they are running out of ideas which I suppose is understandable with such a small roster.

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They could bring in the biggest star outwith wwe, whoever that may be at the time (Rey misterio maybe? ) but the fact remains they will still only be a niche. The SECC must have been maybe 50% sold out when they announced Grado vs Drew.

By that point anyone who was looking to see Foley had bought the ticket, so from where I'm sitting, the pull of Grado in the title picture was what lured people in, with all the fanfare which follows him OUTWITH the wrestling fans. There is not one wrestler anywhere who has the same pull.

They NEED Grado in a prominent position on this show. However, ultimately he has been offered some sort of deal with TNA. So you know, people can shit on him for that if they want but if this is his work now and he has that opportunity then he MUST take it. Regardless of how people look at it, the fact is that in the context of Pro Wrestling, TNA is career progression. They are an international TV outlet for Wrestling, based in North America, run by billionaires.

So what do they do now? They need to create some sort of story to pull people in. The Black Label vs ICW seems to be the main road heading in now, but again that's only catering to the actual Wrestling fans. They could been doing with another BBC doc in the run up to this, documenting the SECC and possibly airing around August.

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Been catching up with the various videos and there's an interview post-Renfrew match with Grado saying that he missed a couple of shows due to other commitments. Meanwhile, Galloway seems to be trying to work his way back to WWE (or staying at least with TNA). Fair play to them both, I am incredibly thankful for what they have done for ICW (and will hopefully continue to do in the future) and very proud of them for their success. Speaking of which I guess this is just an example of ICW becoming a victim of it's own success, in a way.

With Grado and Galloway not being able to fully commit to ICW, it does make sense for them to put the belt on someone who will be there for them full-time for the bread and butter shows. While I'm not completely convinced about Renfrew it does open up some interesting potential feuds, likely leading towards a Wolfgang face-turn. Potential for a several month storyline there.

Fear and loathing will hopefully become it's own beast. A kind of Scottish Wrestlemania that folk will hopefully turn up to regardless. In a show like that the can bring in one off appearances from famous names to supplement their own storylines and roster (such as a Rob Van Damme for instance). I guess Grado is such an attraction now that he doesn't need to be fighting for a belt at such an event and he'll still sell tickets.

I think the main thing is that it's a period of transition for ICW at the moment and it will be interesting to see how it pans out.

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Grado being in the main event would probably help tbf. Rob Van Dam would be a terrific special attraction for a first half main event or something as well. They do need someone of a similar ilk though, and as more than an authority figure, although no doubt Foley did help a bit.

I struggle to think of many better full time options to win the title. There's certainly ones who are equally good choices. From the NAK alone BT Gunn would have made a good choice. Mikey Whiplash, Jack Jester and Joe Coffey would all make good champs for various reasons. Was always going to be a heel I suppose, so you could take away some options.

The real question is this though. If the champ is there a fair amount, do they really need to be there full time? There's no guarantee Grado won't do a big chunk of shows and the same can be said of Galloway. Grado is already lined up for many shows on the tour and the Barras itself. My only argument against those two guys having the belt is that you can't just keep the title on those two guys forever. The full time/part time thing doesn't really wash with me. But the title was always going to be dropped to a much lesser name. It was unavoidable.

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Stick it on lightning. Have people baying for his blood so bad because he comes across untouchable. Just build and build and build the heat and build someone to take it from him.

Worked before in front of a different audience. Could be doing with using someone like him as a holding pen, until they decide fir sure who next champ us. Joe coffey maybe as guy who takes it off him.

Could even get grado his popularity back after he was shat on.

I'm convinced all this square go stuff is gonna get wrapped up sooner than we think

Edited by WestEndJag
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Long time reader of the ICW section here but never bothered to sign up until now.

My two cents on the square go and road to fear and lothing 10.

Im fine with Renfrew winning the title but wish it was done in a different way, something that would give Grado and out, whether that be an NAK run in etc.

Gives Grado something to complain about or a new opponent going forward.

Wolfgang winning the square go is a surprise but a pleasant one. In my opinion he is one of the most underated guys in the company. He can put on a great match with anyone and is decent on the mic when give the chance. Also can play face or heel convincingly.

Going forward i would have Renfrew defend the belt at Barramania (Opponent not too imporatant) then start to tease disent in the NAK between Renfrew and Wolfie with Wolfie cashing in after renfrews match at Shugs house party 2.

This would either mean the end of the NAK or perhaps the NAK turning on Renfrew or Wolfie.

As far as the main event for F&R 10 I wouldnt mind Wolfie vs Drew. Think they could have a great match and decent build up too if done right.

As far as the other big matches for F&R i would have Red Lightning vs Grado for ICW with Grado representing Mark Dallas. Could also being a tag team with Red/Jester vs Grado/Dallas but i wouldnt go this way as non wrestler matches are gash.

Any thoughts on the above, any one else got an alternative road to F&R 10?

Hate to burst your bubble but fear and loathing 9 is this year at the hydro

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