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Worst Ever Sitcom

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I am/was sitting perusing P&B whilst drinking a few beers, as you do, meaning that I am far too fecking lazy to reach over to get the remote control and change channels. The upshot of that is that I am watching/listening to a sitcom called "The Wright Way" on BBC 1 Scotland.

Never in my life have I suffered such utter inane drivel; so much so that, five minutes in, I actually moved and switched it over.

What is the worst sitcom you have ever seen, apart from this p1sh?

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2 Broke Girls.

I caught some of that last week and it was total and absolute guff !!

Dreadful 'jokes' delivered feckin terribly !

I had high hopes for Vicious, it looked quite like an old style Shelly or Rising Damp ..... I've given it two episodes - it's guff as well !!

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How I met your mother looks terrible

It's absolutely horrendous. I find it painfully unfunny.

I seem to recall a Nick Hancock vehicle on ITV called Holding the Baby. Just brutal. There was also that thing that gave Davina McCall her "acting" debut.

And of course, that Three Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps monstrosity.

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There are so many to mention. However, I'm going to go with The Big Bang Theory - partly due to how massively popular it is (which baffles me). It's basically the same as any other generic american comedy of this day and age with one difference. It's like someone took a thesaurus to the script and changed 50% of the words to make it sound intelligent. They also use long, drawn out, roundabout ways of saying the most simple of sentences which boils my blood.

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How I met your mother is actually quite a clever show. They get some interesting and funny stories by playing with time and perspective which a lot of sitcoms wouldn't even dream on touching. It's picked up on some of the cool stuff Scrubs was doing in it's first 3 or 4 seasons and pushed it even further. Unfortunately like Scrubs, it's started to go down hill in the last few seasons although it's decline is nowhere near as bad as Scrubs imo.

Worst sitcom of all time surely has to go to the sitcom where Hitler and Eva Braun moved in next door to a Jewish family. I can't remember the name of it and it only lasted one episode before someone with a brain noticed it and got rid of it. I swear I'm not making this up...

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