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Orange Walk / Scottish Cricket thread


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No I am an atheist.

How do you know there is "plenty" of black people who are members of the OO? I've yet to see any ethnic minorities despite having the misfortune of witnessing many walks over the years

Please be very specific

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How do you know there is "plenty" of black people who are members of the OO? I've yet to see any ethnic minorities despite having the misfortune of witnessing many walks over the years

Please be very specific

? Surely you know about, specifically, Togo ?


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I have no idea why you are so concerned as to the ethnic make up of Orange lodges, but I would hazard a guess that you are trying t imply that the absence of black members means they are racist- I can't think of a time where have I have ever seen a black man at a lower league Scottish football match- does that mean all lower league Scottish football fans are racist?

I have seen black people in orange lodges, loyalist flute bands and I seen a black Apprentice boy the weekend before last. There are occasionally black people in some of the Liverpool lodges, I rememeber black member of a band from Limavady for many years as well...

There are also plenty of orange lodges in west Africa- Ghana, Kenya etc....

You seem to attend a lot of these despite not being a member

Funny that

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My post was, of course, nothing to do with that. I was simply excoriating the simple and I am disappointed that it was deleted.

Not in Scotland. Mind you, it is impossible to underestimate your ignorance.

Good term....and I agree. OrangeFest worries me. Seems too much like circling the wagons and trying to make a point that doesn't need to be made.

On the other hand, it is very possible to underestimate your ignorance.

Edited by THE KING
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I enjoy attendeding Orange order parades and other loyal institution events and band parades as I seen it as an important and influential part of my upbringing. I enjoy the music and the atmosphere. I am a unionist and have a strong affinity to Ulster and their people.



:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Of the Orange order? Not particularly. I firmly support many of the principles they stand for- freedom of assembly, civil and religious Liberty for all. Supporters of the monarchy and union. However, I don't buy into any of their religious beliefs, rules regarding attendance at Catholic masses. I also think they are quite regressive and their own worst enemy, I beleieve they have an over inflated opinion of their own importance.

I enjoy attendeding Orange order parades and other loyal institution events and band parades as I seen it as an important and influential part of my upbringing. I enjoy the music and the atmosphere. I am a unionist and have a strong affinity to Ulster and their people.


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What the f**k is the obsession with black members of the OO?

I'm going to wager that immigrants' first thought upon arrival is not "Where do I find a backwards, irrelevant and hateful organisation which only local rednecks would interested in?"

I'd also surmise that in LOLz strongholds like Broxburn, Airdrie and Saltcoats there probably aren't 20 black people total.

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I seldom give a Helen.....but this post is from the depths of ignorance.

My mate was black and he wanted to join the OO, and he was rejected because he was and is currently gayer. He's since joined the catholic church and Greenburn GC and he's going to enrol to West Lothian college to study farrierism, but he doesn't like horses! lols.

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