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Orange Walk / Scottish Cricket thread


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They have a STATUTORY ROLE for it?! ...here have a look at the the responses of the COS to try and change RO in schools. http://www.scottish.parliament.uk/GettingInvolved/Petitions/religiousobservance

You told us they (CoS) were responsible for RO.

Then it was a massive say.

Which is it?

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They have a STATUTORY ROLE for it?! ...here have a look at the the responses of the COS to try and change RO in schools. http://www.scottish.parliament.uk/GettingInvolved/Petitions/religiousobservance

You said unequivocally that:

  • The COS is legally responsible for RE in all Non Dom schools in Scotland;
  • The COS is responsible for RO in Non Dom schools.

You are, yet again, backpedaling.

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You told us they (CoS) were responsible for RO.

Then it was a massive say.

Which is it?

The COS are responsible for it, they are given the role by Education Scotland, I think you are being pedantic if you are trying to suggest the COS don't run Religous education in this country.

Just look who decides how our schools are run , who gets a Headmaster job, how they carry out RO etc etc etc....

"Churches hold the balance of power in nearly two-thirds of local authority education committees due to a law which compels councils to appoint three religious representatives, according to a coalition of cross-party politicians and secular groups."


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The COS are responsible for it, they are given the role by Education Scotland, I think you are being pedantic if you are trying to suggest the COS don't run Religous education in this country.

Just look who decides how our schools are run , who gets a Headmaster job, how they carry out RO etc etc etc....

"Churches hold the balance of power in nearly two-thirds of local authority education committees due to a law which compels councils to appoint three religious representatives, according to a coalition of cross-party politicians and secular groups."


:lol: You accuse someone of being "pedantic" after the sectarian, sectarian (bigoted) and fraternal society debacle!

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I see Glasgow City Council are allowing a "orangefest" in George Square this weekend.

I wonder if this means they'll have no need to march through the streets

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The fact that such an event is happening at all in the 21st century is beyond bizarre when so very few of those in attendance will have absolutely no idea what they're marching for.

In other news, Fashanu-AFC really isn't very bright at all, is he?

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It'll just be full of Sevco zombie weans wearing their Holland tops with Van Bronckhorst and De Boer on the back jumping about singing about Bobby Sands and The Pope

An embarassment that this is happening, and like I said earlier everything that's wrong with modern Scotland, how are we supposed to be progressive when pish like this keeps going on? Backwards as f**k.

RedRob will be there no doubt.. :lol:

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I'm pretty sure the vast majority of people in Glasgow would support banning these events. The same with republican marches. A huge embarrassment to the city.

I've genuinely never seen or heard of a republican march happening. Do they exist in the city centre at all? Or is it just in certain areas/towns?

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I've genuinely never seen or heard of a republican march happening. Do they exist in the city centre at all? Or is it just in certain areas/towns?

They do happen, apparently there is 1 in Edinburgh this weekend.

Most are low key compared to the other lot

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They do happen, apparently there is 1 in Edinburgh this weekend.

Most are low key compared to the other lot

One would be equally well advised to avoid the James Connoly Society's annual Edinburgh do. Tastes vary but I reckon they're marginally more obnoxious than the apprentice boys or orange order individually but don't come close to matching their combined total score.

Luckily this is Edinburgh so these disturbances are pretty small scale and we city centre locals are well used to rearranging ourselves around far bigger events than these ones.

The Meadows Festival will be a far bigger deal on Saturday than the James Connoly Society could dream of

Edited by topcat(The most tip top)
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I've genuinely never seen or heard of a republican march happening. Do they exist in the city centre at all? Or is it just in certain areas/towns?

They usually take place around the gallowgate and occasionally they'll march up high street. Tbh I think I've seen 2 in my lifetime compared to the dozens of orange marches I've unfortunately stumbled across

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I see Glasgow City Council are allowing a "orangefest" in George Square this weekend.

I wonder if this means they'll have no need to march through the streets

#Klanfest. #Prodstock.

That nails GCC's reputation as murphioso, I suppose.

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One would be equally well advised to avoid the James Connoly Society's annual Edinburgh do. Tastes vary but I reckon they're marginally more obnoxious than the apprentice boys or orange order individually but don't come close to matching their combined total score.

Luckily this is Edinburgh so these disturbances are pretty small scale and we city centre locals are well used to rearranging ourselves around far bigger events than these ones.

The Meadows Festival will be a far bigger deal on Saturday than the James Connoly Society could dream of

Fun and games next April, Easter Week 2016.

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