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Orange Walk / Scottish Cricket thread


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"Orangefest"....I thought this was a Daily Mash spoof. The city centre will grind to a halt as the thousands of hangers-on and anti-Orange hordes look to cause bother whilst the good Orangers go about their business of preaching the word (aye right) followed by face painting and bouncy castles (I kid you not). What a disgrace in this day and age that things like this are allowed in our city, let alone to paralyse the city centre. Expect every brain donor (orange and green) for a trillion miles to zombie-walk into this.

If the cultural heritage of Glasgow will be added to by this nonsense, at least punt it out the road of everyone.

The City Council deserve their arses kicked.

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The fact that you like one lot and intensely dislike the other has SFA to do with their rights to freedom of assembly.

First they came for the utter c***s

I did not speak up because I am not an utter c**t

Then they came for the obnoxious b*****ds

I did not speak up because I am not an obnoxious b*****d

Then they came for the swivel eyed loons.

I did not speak up because I am not a swivel eyed loon.

Then they came for the pretentious bourgeois twats

And I was screwed.

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If Yes campaigners are going to be allowed to meet there in large numbers it basically does, because picking and choosing what to allow rather than applying a blanket ban on health and safety grounds would be a form of discrimination that contravenes FoA. The irony is that it is the SNP and Holyrood that is championing the ECHR right now rather than the Tories and Westminster that very much want to axe it in a UK context, which would open the door to kneejerk populist legislation on this, but our flute playing friends will be of the opinion that they are celebrating the latter's defence of civil and religious freedoms.

As already covered, what an utterly ludicrous comparison.

An inclusive national political movement ≠ An exclusive sectarian&bigoted religious movement.

People or groups who preach hatred and promote division should not been given the support of GCC, tacit or otherwise. Yes, the OO would possibly have grounds for complaint if they were refused permission but GCC could pretty easily claim they are a threat to public order/safety. This smacks of chasing the bigot vote to me.

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There have been lots of Orange walks in places like West Lothian and Falkirk when the SNP have controlled the local council. It is disingenuous at best to try to portray sanctioning walks as support for them. It is ironic in the extreme that the main obstacle to a populist ban on this stuff, which would very much have been possible under the traditional Westminster system, is something that the SNP is very much championing at the moment (i.e. the ECHR), precisely because it is not part of the traditional Westminster way of doing things that David Cameron wants to go back to where Europe is concerned.

Edited by LongTimeLurker
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Plain for everyone to see who the real bigots are on this thread and not one of them supports the orange order.... Absolutely disgusting intolerance and contempt being shown for a legitimate minority culture.

The OO are a anti catholic organisation.

Or did you forget that?

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Plain for everyone to see who the real bigots are on this thread and not one of them supports the orange order.... Absolutely disgusting intolerance and contempt being shown for a legitimate minority culture.

Honestly, you're a raging *** aren't you? An Airdrie fan without the bus fare...

Have fun at orangefest lad

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Will there be any gay rights speakers at the orange fest? What's the orange order's position on that?

Apparently everyone is invited to the festival, regardless of religion.

I think that's a nice offer, so I'll be the first to say if any member of the OO would like to attend mass with me on the Sunday, you're more than welcome. It's only fair you get to see what the catholic faith is all about after all

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From what I remember the SNP dabbled with trying to ban walks pre-devolution in councils they controlled like Angus, but ceased and desisted once the ECHR was included in Scots Law from 1998 onwards. My personal take would be that yes they do have freedom of association and that means the actual lodges have a right to walk, but it's not clear to me that respect for celebration of a traditional culture automatically extends to tolerating having a blood and thunder flute band belting out Sloop John B for reasons that have nothing to do with celebrating the musical legacy of the Beach Boys.

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Apparently everyone is invited to the festival, regardless of religion.

I think that's a nice offer, so I'll be the first to say if any member of the OO would like to attend mass with me on the Sunday, you're more than welcome. It's only fair you get to see what the catholic faith is all about after all

Somebody should turn up like this, with YES and LGBT badges on and film their experience with a go pro for the banter


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From what I remember the SNP dabbled with trying to ban walks pre-devolution in councils they controlled like Angus, but ceased and desisted once the ECHR was included in Scots Law from 1998 onwards. My personal take would be that yes they do have freedom of association and that means the actual lodges have a right to walk, but it's not clear to me that respect for celebration of a traditional culture automatically extends to tolerating having a blood and thunder flute band belting out Sloop John B for reasons that have nothing to do with celebrating the musical legacy of the Beach Boys.

Sloop John B is actually an old folk tune from the West Indies that predates the excellent beach boys cover by several decades.

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From what I remember the SNP dabbled with trying to ban walks pre-devolution in councils they controlled like Angus, but ceased and desisted once the ECHR was included in Scots Law from 1998 onwards. My personal take would be that yes they do have freedom of association and that means the actual lodges have a right to walk, but it's not clear to me that respect for celebration of a traditional culture automatically extends to tolerating having a blood and thunder flute band belting out Sloop John B for reasons that have nothing to do with celebrating the musical legacy of the Beach Boys.

I think the simply solution would be for them to hire out someplace such as Glasgow green, or the SECC for a weekend. Make it an all ticketed event

That way, they can march all day without causing as much disruption, the people who want to attend to celebrate the culture can, knowing the usual suspect they blame for causing trouble (the walkers) won't be present.

Unfortunately though, I believe the reason they want to march through the streets causing disrupting with the motto "Where our music is welcomed we will play loud, where it is not we will play it louder" is just a GIRFUY to Catholics as a reminder they're "superior" to the rest of us.

Nothing to do about celebrating cheddar cheese and pineapple on a stick culture

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How about wearing LGBT badges to mass and filming the reaction? That could be good for a laugh. Used to urge a lesbian lapsed RC I knew to go to confession and say "bless me father for I have sinnned. I have been living an openly lesbian lifestyle for five years..." just to have a laugh at what the priest would say in response as a way to recover from the trauma of an RC childhood.

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How about wearing LGBT badges to mass and filming the reaction? That could be good for a laugh. Used to urge a lesbian lapsed RC I knew to go to confession and say "bless me father for I have sinnned. I have been living an openly lesbian lifestyle for five years..." just to have a laugh at what the priest would say in response as a way to recover from the trauma of an RC childhood.


There also backwards as f**k over that, Romes response to Ireland's vote was embarassing

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It wasn't the start of a sentence you fool, "Aye" was clearly the start of his sentence, though why it was on a different line I don't know.

Because it's an internet football forum and not an English exam

They're (thanks for correcting me) was the start of my sentence


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I think the simply solution would be for them to hire out someplace such as Glasgow green, or the SECC for a weekend. Make it an all ticketed event

That way, they can march all day without causing as much disruption, the people who want to attend to celebrate the culture can, knowing the usual suspect they blame for causing trouble (the walkers) won't be present.

This, preferably in somewhere like SECC where they can march to their hearts content and there is 0 controversy. It doesn't need to be shoved down everyones throats which will only cause conflict.

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