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Orange Walk / Scottish Cricket thread


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All over the world where divided communities exist then the importance of integrating School kids has been identified as key to breaking down social barriers- Apartheid South Africa, segregation in America, northern England after the race riots....

Yet, in Scotland very often the same people who shout the most about the problems of sectarianism are those are very often absolutely vehement in their support for segregated schooling...

You're really comparing Scotland to apartheid South Africa? :lol:

Interesting you blanked my comments regarding the royal family and that non Catholics can still go to a catholic school as can catholic children to a non dom. So it's hardly segregated schooling

I'm not sure if not clued up on the subject, hence why you're making a pig's ear of it, or just desperately trying to look for something to complain about

Edited by Enrico Annoni
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Did you have aspirations to become a monarch? Aye that's huge discrimination against.....one person. This matter has already been discussed. The Queen is the supreme governor of the Church of England, it makes as much sense to have an RC Queen as Protestant Pope!

Try being a non-Catholic and trying to get a teaching post in a RC primary school- you wont get one.

Try being a non Catholic and try to get a promoted position within a RC secondary school- if you're very lucky you might get one position up hat will be your lot.

Yes, but the law in this country forbids it. Do you agree with that?

The rest regarding schools is nonsense as I know a non Catholic teacher who teaches at a Catholic school.

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Yes, but the law in this country forbids it. Do you agree with that?

The rest regarding schools is nonsense as I know a non Catholic teacher who teaches at a Catholic school.

To be fair to him - it's very, very unusual or non-Catholic teachers to be promoted in Catholic schools.

Not sure about the primary situation.

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Eh? The two are not related. I don't believe kids should be taught religion in schools- they should learn facts.

Furthermore I don't believe that anyone should be prohibited from a teaching job based upon their religion or lack of it.

You didn't answer my question about where your pal taught- secondary or primary?

They clearly are. Hence why you're not trying to deflect from the issue.

In your mind. Banning Catholics from becoming head of state = A good thing

Catholic schools, open to all = bad thing

You'd have to be very narrow minded not to believe Children should be educated on other cultures around the world and at home.

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Try being a non-Catholic and trying to get a teaching post in a RC primary school- you wont get one.

Try being a non Catholic and try to get a promoted position within a RC secondary school- if you're very lucky you might get one position up hat will be your lot.

Try being the Church of Scotland member who was appointed the 'Heidie' of two Roman Catholic primary schools.....

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What are you actually talking about? are you drunk or something?

Having a Protestant as head of the Church of England= essential..

Having the UK head of state as head of the established church in England is less so.

Given the extremely marginal nature of Anglicanism in both Scotland and Northern Ireland it's hard to see the relevance to the current discussion anyway.

That's really a fight Enrico should be picking with English people

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Did you have aspirations to become a monarch? Aye that's huge discrimination against.....one person. This matter has already been discussed. The Queen is the supreme governor of the Church of England, it makes as much sense to have an RC Queen as Protestant Pope!

Try being a non-Catholic and trying to get a teaching post in a RC primary school- you wont get one.

Try being a non Catholic and try to get a promoted position within a RC secondary school- if you're very lucky you might get one position up hat will be your lot.

Primary school teachers need to acquire a certificate of approval to be allowed to teach in an RC primary school. There may be the odd exceptions where someone of non RC background has been granted one but it will be less than 1%. So you gave a situation where 700odd certificate holders can work in any of the 2000odd primary posts in Scotland but the 1300odd non certificate holders are confined to the 1300odd non denom jobs...

Well that's progress, in the space of 40 minutes we've moved on from non-RCs being refused employment to RC schools making the odd exception. :rolleyes:

Whilst I don't disagree the number of non-RCs teaching in a RC school will be low, I am curious as to how you came about these figures.

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Again, I believe that bigoted attitudes are largely learned at home.

At my school we had more than enough bigots, racists and homophobes - going to school with some people who represented that which they hated didn't cure that. Just like going to school with someone from a neighbouring scheme didn't cure hatred of people from that scheme.

I think my main issue is that I believe organizations like the OO blame Catholic schools for bigotry to mask a fear of counter-reformation or some shit or to blame the problem on the outgroup for being atypical. The separation of church and state is a perfectly legitimate view to hold, but blaming hundreds of years of endemic bigotry on the other lot having their own schools because in the past they required to set up their own schools, seems a bit simplistic.

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I've never ever been aware on a non RC primary teacher

Have you ever attended a catholic school?

Or did you simply question give every teacher in Scotland a grilling to establish what their religion is before making that statement?

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All over the world where divided communities exist then the importance of integrating School kids has been identified as key to breaking down social barriers- Apartheid South Africa, segregation in America, northern England after the race riots....

Yet, in Scotland very often the same people who shout the most about the problems of sectarianism are those are very often absolutely vehement in their support for segregated schooling...

Unless the State remove the influence of religion in schools they will always be segregated.

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I said there "may be". I don't leave my mind open to the fact that an odd exception may be made due to particular circumstances. I've never ever been aware on a non RC primary teacher

Originally you said there were none, now it's "may be". Non-RCs can find employment in RC schools, like I said a Church of Scotland member was appointed headteacher for two RC primary schools, my apologies of you not being made "aware" of this, I'll make sure someone sends you the memo should future appointments take place. :rolleyes:

Again, I have to ask about the figures you used in a previous message, where did you get them from?

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What are you actually talking about? are you drunk or something?

Having a Protestant as head of the Church of England= essential.

Catholic schools are not open to everyone - I have already spelled out the discriminatory recruitment of employees.

I believe they should be educated about religions and cultures. I don't think they should be force fed one religion from adults in a position of authority form an early impressionable age.

Non elected COS representatives sit on almost every board in Scotland when it comes to picking a head teacher for Non Doms

The COS is legally responsible for RE in all Non Dom schools in Scotland.

Why do these non elected god botherers have so much say in our schools?

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