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That you can also place hundreds of thousands of troops to put pressure on the region.

yeah absolutely, they said there would be no permanent bases so it wasnt imperialism, what they have done instead is built 'enduring' bases, which is fine, cause enduring isnt permanent. they are massive though.

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An interesting one I watched on youtube recently was that it wasn't the Titanic that sank but its sister ship the Olympic as part of an insurance scam. Probably bollocks but enough to it to be thought provoking.

The Titanic and Olympic along with the Britannic were sister ships, alas the Titanic and Britannic were sunk, ironically the Olympic lived on only to sink a ship herself then to go on and be eventually scrapped.


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The advantage claimed was that they couldn't get an insurance payout on the Olympic because the Admiralty refused to blame the navy for the collision, but could by effectively scuttling it during the Titanic's maiden voyage.

Got you.

I met an old boy who claimed to have arrested Rudolf Hess on Eaglesham Moor.

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There's a guy who claims that the stories of passengers running along promenades on the ship prove it was the Olympic as the Titanic would've had cabins where they were running, and theres was something about the lifeboats aswell, as they were situated differently. He then goes on to say if the ship had gone hard right instead of hard left then they would've sailed closer to ships that were waiting to pick up the passengers once the "accident" took place, but when they went left they sailed away and ended up with the massive death toll. It wouldn't surprise me to be honest, JP Morgan comes across as someone who valued money more than life

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If you make it all the way through to the end of the second clip with the BBC documentary I posted you'll find there is reasonably strong evidence available that it was the Titanic rather than the Olympic that sank based on some of the finer details of what has been observed when submersibles have visited the wreck. The bit at the end of the first clip with the "M P" beneath the nameplate letters looked faked to me.

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I missed this thread earlier when I posted on yon 9/11 trolling thread - some of you will have seen what I posted there but I'll expand a little here ...

I've spent quite a bit of time at the AUTEC Ranges out in the Bahamas, it's a US Navy base which is leased from Britain and is situated on the reasonably large Andros Island - the base is manned by civilian locals, some US Navy and some Royal Navy personnel, there's two or three hangers which contain nothing much, a small port and a beach with a decent wee bar - security is fairly lax and is on a par with most military bases around the World although nothing like Faslane or Coulport,

I reckon I've been in every building, interacted with all the key personnel and pretty much wandered (and even jogged :unsure2: ) over nearly every part of the base,

but the internet is full of 'experts' brashly informing those who sook up this kind of shit that it's the US Navy's version of 'Area 51' with UFOs, aliens and underwater craft all over the feckin place - I've seen some documentaries and read a fair amount of 'well informed' internet guff all of which is 100% absolute total and utter shite !!

Quite why folk want to believe pish like this is totally lost on me !!

And for what it's worth there's an 'AUTEC' in Britain - BUTEC is situated up near Kyle of Lochalsh ;)

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...or a 12 foot tall shape shifting lizard. ;)

I think what kickstarted the recent craze in conspiracy videos was the escapades of Alex Jones and Jon Ronson at Bohemian Grove. Alex Jones is bat shit crazy but there is no denying that he was able to film a weird ceremony involving the American elite and a 40 foot giant stone owl that may or may not be called Moloch.

The Alex Jones version of what happened:

and the more balanced and rational Jon Ronson version of events:


Beyond that the niche channels on US cable television that used to produce interesting documentaries have degenerated into doing whatever it takes to gain ratings. Hence load of series about aliens, UFOs and hunts for monsters that always lead to SFA ever showing up on the trail cams and the use of the Bible as a historical source and lots of hints of intelligent design being involved in evolution to keep Cletus and Jethro out in the flyover states happy.

Edited by LongTimeLurker
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With all the leaks that have come to light in the past few years, you'd imagine that there would have been at least one thing uncovered about a 9/11 conspiracy, even if it was a coded mention of it or some aspect of it.

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