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I've got it, but not played it in so long that it'd not even be worth your time playing me. (I'm not sure how well it'd run on my current computer anyways!)

It's a sad indictment on the game that Age of Empires 2, a game made in 1999 is so much better than it in almost every single way. I'm a fan of Civ 5, because admittedly it does have a few fun different twists but in terms of a similar game, AoE is still the daddy in the genre.

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  • 4 weeks later...

http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=128722076&searchtext=song+of+ice This is the one for just God and Kings, there's one for Brave New World (just search for the same title without the parenthesis bit)

I think you can play it with Westeros as the map but the one I started was on Earth's map. It's pretty fun, there's 12 possible groups/kingdoms in it.

Littlefingers is a c**t.

edit: there's also this site - http://www.civfanatics.com/ which has a bunch. Got a Scotland one which was cool but I think it was bugged because my game kept crashing in that game whereas it hasn't with the GoT one. To install from that site, download the zip file, extract it into the Mods folder which should be in the Civ 5 folder in your My Documents/My Games folder.

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Going through a campaign with Carthage, I've taken most of Asia, and Australia, currently in a campaign against Washington, who has been asking for it for ages now. He gave me 3 cities to agree to a peace treaty, planning on resuming my invasion once my troops are healed. Tanks vs archers it was a whitewash.

Downloaded the Got mod, its on the steam workshop as "A mod of Fire & Ice" there are versions with Gods and kings installed, and for Brave New World, tried it for 10 minutes, there's 12 factions available. Naturally i went with daenerys, you start with her 3 Dragons available, though when you start they are still infants and very very weak (half the dmg of a standard warrior) i dunno how yet but you can upgrade them to grow into adult dragons. Seems like theres been alot of attention to detail here, cant wait to try some more when i get home.

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Downloaded the Got mod, its on the steam workshop as "A mod of Fire & Ice" there are versions with Gods and kings installed, and for Brave New World, tried it for 10 minutes, there's 12 factions available. Naturally i went with daenerys, you start with her 3 Dragons available, though when you start they are still infants and very very weak (half the dmg of a standard warrior) i dunno how yet but you can upgrade them to grow into adult dragons. Seems like theres been alot of attention to detail here, cant wait to try some more when i get home.

I looked at it to see if you can do it on Westeros (which you can, it's in additional maps) and ended up just starting it. Got Drogo so I just ended up playing it for hours! :lol:

Renly's a fucking c**t though, grew his borders and boxed my guys in! Not sure what the deal is but I couldn't even embark them!


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I looked at it to see if you can do it on Westeros (which you can, it's in additional maps) and ended up just starting it. Got Drogo so I just ended up playing it for hours! :lol:

Renly's a fucking c**t though, grew his borders and boxed my guys in! Not sure what the deal is but I couldn't even embark them!


Quality! :lol:

We need to get a online game going, if we could figure out how to play a molded game it would be amazing.

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Trying to win a Culture victory on Immortal difficulty at the moment as Brazil however one of the Civs always seems to beat me to the Chichen Itza by 1-2 turns. It's a key early wonder for building towards the Golden Ages basically lasting forever if you time the birth of great Artists, Musicians and Writers correctly.

Really addictive game!

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  • 4 weeks later...


The Syd Meier Humble Bundle.

Pay literally anything and get:

Syd Meier's Civilization 3: Complete
Syd Meier's Civilization 4: Complete Edition
Syd Meier's Ace Patrol
Syd Meier's Ace Patrol: Pacific Skies
Syd Meier's Railroads!

Pay more than $9.30 to also get

Syd Meier's Civilization V
Syd Meier's Civilization V: God's and King's DLC
Syd Meier's Civilization V: Scrambled nations map pack

Pay more than $15 to also get

Syd Meier's Civilization V: Brave New World DLC.

Oh and you also get

Syd Meier's Civilization V: Scrambled continents map pack
Syd Meier's Pirates!

Works out as roughly £9.50 for everything here. Pretty good when you consider Brave New World is £20 by itself. Its on for another 6 days.

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Been playing this a lot lately, worked my way up to difficulty level 5, trying to do a diplomatic victory with Greece (have done science and culture ones in the past) As far as I can tell I just need to be allies with all the city states and get the UN on the go, should be in the bag. Attilla Declared war on me, but I got all the diplomatic penalties cos ppl think I'm a warmonger! Bullshit!

I also pissed everyone off by settling cities near them and stealing their allies, but f**k em, I've got 19 out of 20 city states allied so they're all fucked.

I dunno about multiplayer, it'd be an all-day long thing and I dont think I could really handle it.

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So I completesd the diplomatic victory, but earlier in the game Germany and the Inca's teamed up to go to war against me ( they ended up basically just fighting city states, so I'm wreaking my revenge on them. Germany first, then I'll go for the Inca. I'll prob not wipe em out, jsut take the majority of their cities and leave them with a little outpost on another island/continent to contemplate where they went wrong. I lied to Germany that I wasn't going to attack them and took out the bulk of their navy with one turn XD.

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