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The Economic Case for an Independent Scotland


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Post the video, I want to see this myself. Exact minutes, and her EXPLICITLY saying what you're claiming.

Here's some direct quotes from her statement to the Scottish Parliament.

Note the distinction between "legal authorities" and "legal advice" which are different things.

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Here's some direct quotes from her statement to the Scottish Parliament.

Note the distinction between "legal authorities" and "legal advice" which are different things.

Very clever, linking me to a site where I have to subscribe to read the article (which I won't be doing).

Anything else?

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I know of no case where someone has provided Her Majesty's Government such reckless and unfounded legal opinion.

That's because it is very rare for governements to publish any legal advice they are given.

That's like saying "I know of no 7 foot tall Japanese albinos that play the banjo".

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Because governments don't release legal opinion, yes.

The UK government published their legal advice in full.

Which is why their credibility on this issue is complete and the SNP's is in the gutter.

Obviously this doesn't matter to cretins like you, because you are a non-thinking moron, but still, there it is.

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The UK government published their legal advice in full.

Which is why their credibility on this issue is complete and the SNP's is in the gutter.

Obviously this doesn't matter to cretins like you, because you are a non-thinking moron, but still, there it is.

What legal advice? Where? When? link or it onlty happend in your head :)

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What legal advice? Where? When? link or it onlty happend in your head :)

his head must be a very strange place. He and his wee pal are still pushing their wee agenda on this as they don't have any real arguments against Scottish Independence. They have bogged down the debate on the issue of the EU, while everyone knows that Scotland will be a member of the EU once we are Independent. Of course the real issue regarding EU is that the Tories want the UK out. Would be great if posters would just ignore them and we could concentrate on the important stuff.

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The UK government published their legal advice in full.

Which is why their credibility on this issue is complete and the SNP's is in the gutter.

Obviously this doesn't matter to cretins like you, because you are a non-thinking moron, but still, there it is.

They only released because it happened to chime with their opinion, there are a million and one legal opinions that they have not released. The Scottish Government is not in any way obliged to take notice of bedroom heroes like you.

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his head must be a very strange place. He and his wee pal are still pushing their wee agenda on this as they don't have any real arguments against Scottish Independence. They have bogged down the debate on the issue of the EU, while everyone knows that Scotland will be a member of the EU once we are Independent. Of course the real issue regarding EU is that the Tories want the UK out. Would be great if posters would just ignore them and we could concentrate on the important stuff.

They didn't release some legal advice! Vote No!

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The bit in bold...thats lies, he didnt

(watch the BBC iplayer clip) http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-20042069

March 2012

Andrew Neil: "Have you sought advice from your Scottish law officers in this matter"

Alex Salmond: "We have, yes, in terms of the debate"

October 2012

Nicola Sturgeon: In light of the Edinburgh agreement, by which both governments have agreed the process for Scotland to achieve independence, I can confirm that the (Scottish) Government has now commissioned specific legal advice from our law officers on the position of Scotland within the European Union if independence is achieved through this process

Nicola Sturgeon: The Scottish Government has previously cited opinions from a number of eminent legal authorities, past and present, in support of its view that an independent Scotland will continue in membership of the European Union but has not sought specific legal advice.

Nicola Sturgeon: However, as the Edinburgh agreement provides the exact context of the process of obtaining independence, we now have the basis on which specific legal advice can be sought.

Crystal clear. Liars. Caught out. Mea culpa, in October and finally did what they claimed they'd done as early as March.

Very clever, linking me to a site where I have to subscribe to read the article (which I won't be doing).

Anything else?

... It's the Herald. It costs nothing to sign up. You're inventing a conspiracy where there is none.

Because governments don't release legal opinion, yes.

Except when they do. In some cases of public interest. It is VERY interesting that the White Paper makes a number of concessions about the caveats and conditions of certain Scottish conditions (currency and EU membership) that were totally absent in their pronouncements made prior to October 2012. It's because they were making assertions without solid legal advice and got put in their place when they asked for it. In October 2012 and not before.

The UK government published their legal advice in full.

Which is why their credibility on this issue is complete and the SNP's is in the gutter.

Obviously this doesn't matter to cretins like you, because you are a non-thinking moron, but still, there it is.


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his head must be a very strange place. He and his wee pal are still pushing their wee agenda on this as they don't have any real arguments against Scottish Independence. They have bogged down the debate on the issue of the EU, while everyone knows that Scotland will be a member of the EU once we are Independent. Of course the real issue regarding EU is that the Tories want the UK out. Would be great if posters would just ignore them and we could concentrate on the important stuff.

The Tories don't want the UK out of Europe. Absolutely NONE of the mainstream UK parties want the UK out of Europe.

If there ever is a referendum on the subject then the whingeing from nationalists about unfair coverage will pale into insignificance when the state machine cranks up to propaganda mark 11. There would be zero prospect of a no to Europe vote going through.

SOME Tories want out of Europe altogehter, some don't. But the party leadership wants to stay in. If you can't grasp the basic stuff then give up. Some Labour MPs want out of Europe but some don't, similar situation with their leadership. The LibDems are a Europhile party and have been for many moons.

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Its amazing that there are still nationalists attempting to deny that Salmond and Sturgeon were caught out lying. Thankfully, for those defending their political betters to the hilt, this is not about the SNP...

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March 2012

Andrew Neil: "Have you sought advice from your Scottish law officers in this matter"

Alex Salmond: "We have, yes, in terms of the debate..."

Andrew Neil: Blurts out another question interrupting Salmond so we'll never know what his actual answer was.

October 2012

Nicola Sturgeon: In light of the Edinburgh agreement, by which both governments have agreed the process for Scotland to achieve independence, I can confirm that the (Scottish) Government has now commissioned specific legal advice from our law officers on the position of Scotland within the European Union if independence is achieved through this process

Nicola Sturgeon: The Scottish Government has previously cited opinions from a number of eminent legal authorities, past and present, in support of its view that an independent Scotland will continue in membership of the European Union but has not sought specific legal advice.

Nicola Sturgeon: However, as the Edinburgh agreement provides the exact context of the process of obtaining independence, we now have the basis on which specific legal advice can be sought.

Crystal clear. Liars. Caught out. Mea culpa, in October and finally did what they claimed they'd done as early as March.

"we've asked authorities and been guided by their advice and now we've commissioned definitive advice since the Edinburgh Agreement has now been signed".

No mea culpa (you should probably look up what that means), no admission, no nothing. What's crystal clear is the fantasyland of pish you live in.

Except when they do. In some cases of public interest.

When they do it's in their own interest, not the public's. This is irrelevant, anyway.

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March 2012

Andrew Neil: "Have you sought advice from your Scottish law officers in this matter"

Alex Salmond: "We have, yes, in terms of the debate"

I remember watching that interview and it was not said in the manner you posted,perhaps you could provide a wee link to the video of him saying it.

Just watched it and he does use your phraseology.

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