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Baxter Parp

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Baxter Parp last won the day on July 17 2015

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  1. There's no gain in milder symptoms if it's 4x more transmissible, dimwit. The NHS will still get swamped with cases if we do nothing. Now, do you think Boris Johnson and Sajid Javid know what to do when faced with a 4x more infectious strain of disease in the middle of a pandemic that's killed 140,000 people so far? Address the point or f**k off.
  2. It's right there in the 2017 manifesto. It's what we campaigned on. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-2017-40091999 Hold a second independence referendum "at the end of the Brexit process" Either way we weren't going to be able to push for an independence referendum because of how poorly we did that year.
  3. It's odd that you've not addressed my point at all. Odd that. Because what I said was the pandemic has killed 140,000, not Omicron. Odd in fucking deed.
  4. Is it bollocks. You think Boris Johnson and Sajid Javid know what to do when faced with a 4x more infectious strain of disease in the middle of a pandemic that's killed 140,000 people so far? Do they f**k.
  5. That's the science, chief. Apart from viewers in England.
  6. I think a lot of people forget that Sturgeon had been touting the idea of an indy referendum because of the result of the EU referendum and we promptly lost 21 seats in 2017. That set us back through to 2018 and at least until the Brexit disaster started to be revealed under May. "We had to wait" isn't semantics it's the reality. The MPs won't be forming the government, it'll be the MSPs and if you don't think voting SNP is worthwhile, who is?
  7. Because there will always be arseholes who would ignore the rules and party like it's 1999 if the restrictions were brought in immediately. This way we get to have a reasonable Xmas and then a restricted new year.
  8. Even though it's the right thing to do. Got it.
  9. Why would a health measure designed to keep the public safe be a "straw that breaks the camel's back"?
  10. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-humber-59748581?s=09 Brexit fishing deal: Kirkella owners 'devastated' by UK-Norway pact Another great Brexit deal!
  11. Wales orders rule of six in pubs from Boxing Day with just 30 people indoors at events https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/breaking-wales-orders-rule-six-25763884?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sharebar Indoor events of more than 30 people will be banned and outdoor events of more than 50 people will be banned. Apparently not.
  12. That's not an intelligent answer to a question about the current Covid restrictions, son.
  13. You appear to rely on the Daily Mail for your healthcare advice. That's not a plateau: https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/details/healthcare?areaType=nhsRegion%26areaName=London As for mental health, the lockdown effect may be overstated: https://www.samaritans.org/scotland/about-samaritans/research-policy/coronavirus-and-suicide/one-year-on-data-on-covid-19/what-do-we-know-about-coronavirus-and-suicide-risk/ Sturgeon would get pelters if she ignored SAGE advice and it turned into yet another wave of record deaths. Better safe than dead or permanently impaired.
  14. You have to be kidding. We're not in lockdown, we have to suffer some slightly inconvenient restrictions and Johnson is playing with fire, London alone is suffering tens of thousands of more new cases per day: "In the most recent week of complete data (10 December 2021 - 16 December 2021) 131,061 new cases were identified in London, a rate of 1456 cases per 100,000 population. This compares with 52,029 cases and a rate of 578 for the previous week" https://data.london.gov.uk/dataset/coronavirus--covid-19--cases
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