are you serious ? a bunch of entitled football fans is not going to make even a small dent, fuckin hell, talk about delusions of grandeur, i thought you guys just overrated the bang average players that turn out for the national team
people only make a noise or drop weights to attract attention, {no longer anywhere near this, but i was once strong enough to pick up 240kgs, i never ever let it clatter onto the floor, that's what fannies do}
i have never seen one of these movies, Christopher Reeves as Superman & Michael Keaton as Batman is where it ended for me, i am firmly in the Martin Scorsese camp.
hey, you don't need to convince me i'm from that era, but there are a lot of 20 & 30 something that piss on old movies while using words like ''awesome'' for shite comic book movies, don't talk to me about fake when you mention that bag of w**k