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People who have changed from undecided/no to yes


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The are half a dozen Yes signs in the windows of my street, two blocks down from JK Rowlings's Waitrose. I've seen exactly two "No" signs, both cardboard scribblings: one in between two Yes stickers on some tenements in Shawlands, and one in the window of some hovel in the outskirts of Falkirk (bandit country where only Rail Replacement Services dare tread).

Another couple of weeks and the signs will pop up everywhere.

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My better half's 5 friends were all strong No's until yesterday. They were the type who didn't know why they were No's, they just presumed we were too small and incapable.

Now 3 of them are Yes votes. I was astonished to be honest. One of them took the time to read a few pieces on why others are supporting the independence campaign and as soon as she was convinced and spoke about it with her friends another 2 followed. This was before last nights debate and they are still convinced. The women vote is coming round just in time. All it takes is these 3 ladies to speak to other friends over the next few weeks to convince more women to convert to a Yes vote.

Bring it on!

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My better half's 5 friends were all strong No's until yesterday. They were the type who didn't know why they were No's, they just presumed we were too small and incapable.

Now 3 of them are Yes votes. I was astonished to be honest. One of them took the time to read a few pieces on why others are supporting the independence campaign and as soon as she was convinced and spoke about it with her friends another 2 followed. This was before last nights debate and they are still convinced. The women vote is coming round just in time. All it takes is these 3 ladies to speak to other friends over the next few weeks to convince more women to convert to a Yes vote.

Bring it on!

Your better half only has 5 friends, all of them were strong no's before yesterday, and 60% of them have converted to yes in the last 24 hours?


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My better half's 5 friends were all strong No's until yesterday. They were the type who didn't know why they were No's, they just presumed we were too small and incapable.

Now 3 of them are Yes votes. I was astonished to be honest. One of them took the time to read a few pieces on why others are supporting the independence campaign and as soon as she was convinced and spoke about it with her friends another 2 followed. This was before last nights debate and they are still convinced. The women vote is coming round just in time. All it takes is these 3 ladies to speak to other friends over the next few weeks to convince more women to convert to a Yes vote.

Bring it on!

You're only deceiving yourself.

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My parents have been diehard independence supporters for as long as I can remember. My brother and sister have also always been in favour of it - my brother even spent some of this year handing out fliers for Yes. My mum went one better and took on a second job on Saturdays and Sundays around the same time and started donating all of her wages to the Yes campaign (except for buying a few pairs of shoes for herself of course, silly mum).

My dad has even been flirting with getting a giant "YES" tattooed on his head, but my mum wouldn't let him so he's only got a big "Y" on there for now as a compromise. They both said that if there isn't a Yes vote they'll give up trying and pack it in because it would break their heart so much that life wouldn't be worth living anymore.

Yet I went round for dinner the other night and they all told me that Darling's argument about the currency had them convinced. They've thrown away all the Yes leaflets and have come round to No. After we finished dessert we all stared at each other for a moment then spontaneously started banging the table with our spoons and enthusiastically chanting "UK - OK - UK - OK" until we passed out from exhaustion. I couldn't believe it to be honest, amazing.

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My parents have been diehard independence supporters for as long as I can remember. My brother and sister have also always been in favour of it - my brother even spent some of this year handing out fliers for Yes. My mum went one better and took on a second job on Saturdays and Sundays around the same time and started donating all of her wages to the Yes campaign (except for buying a few pairs of shoes for herself of course, silly mum).

My dad has even been flirting with getting a giant "YES" tattooed on his head, but my mum wouldn't let him so he's only got a big "Y" on there for now as a compromise. They both said that if there isn't a Yes vote they'll give up trying and pack it in because it would break their heart so much that life wouldn't be worth living anymore.

Yet I went round for dinner the other night and they all told me that Darling's argument about the currency had them convinced. They've thrown away all the Yes leaflets and have come round to No. After we finished dessert we all stared at each other for a moment then spontaneously started banging the table with our spoons and enthusiastically chanting "UK - OK - UK - OK" until we passed out from exhaustion. I couldn't believe it to be honest, amazing.


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Bunkmedal there are a lot of people who are willing to change from NO to YES, there are none that go the other way (from my experience anyway) your attempt at humour was average but not one thing I (and I doubt anybody else on here) have said has been lies.

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My better half's 5 friends were all strong No's until yesterday. They were the type who didn't know why they were No's, they just presumed we were too small and incapable.

Now 3 of them are Yes votes. I was astonished to be honest. One of them took the time to read a few pieces on why others are supporting the independence campaign and as soon as she was convinced and spoke about it with her friends another 2 followed. This was before last nights debate and they are still convinced. The women vote is coming round just in time. All it takes is these 3 ladies to speak to other friends over the next few weeks to convince more women to convert to a Yes vote.

Bring it on!

Aye and the great thing is, women do actually speak to each other at length, quite a lot. :)

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