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Confidemus last won the day on October 3 2014

Confidemus had the most liked content!


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  1. Having the guy who played Ellis Carver as Gabriel now ups The Wire cast members to 3. Pleasing. Bob's leg looked a bit tasty did it not? Maybe a bit underdone for my liking.
  2. Aye my planner's fairly heaving just now. Mon - Walking Dead, Gotham and the Sky+HD percentage killer than is NFL Live. Tues, Wed & Thurs - Forgiven, The Apprentice & The Leftovers. Can't remember what night they're on.
  3. Been watching Benefits Street have we? You have to love the Daily Mail reading No voters.
  4. I wouldn't try and guilt Reynard into a retraction, it's like firing bullets at Batfink.
  5. A lot of every country is horrible. Why should the Autonomous Region of Northern Britain Formerly Known as Scotland be any different?
  6. A large amount of Scottish Labour are pathetic deferential charlatans, but you still love them. And by a large amount, I mean all of them.
  7. H_B's father spunked on the bannister and his maw slid down. #oldskoolbantz
  8. I do agree with the crux of your point. Far too much was shown and far too much was known in advance of this season (I still hate calling it a "season") starting, through trailers, press releases and the like. It completely took away from the tension of Rick and his mates in the crate type thing. Same when you had 4 stooges, followed by 4 known characters lined over the trough. Still an excellent episode, teebs.
  9. Hardly surprising that a dribbling loon like you found it meh. I thought it was a brilliant episode. Explosions, zombies on fire, faces getting chewed, Tyreese and Carol causing it, that "thwonk" sound when the metal baseball bat connected with skulls, it was just edge of your seat magnificence from start to finish. Loved it.
  10. 1 day to go, you fuckers!! Cannot wait.
  11. I have to say, the more I see Jenna Louise Coleman, the more in love with her I fall. This does nothing to offset that:
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