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Dark Souls II

Mr. Brightside

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Whereabouts are you on it? I'm stuck on Phaaros door or whatever it's called and also keep dying at the Smelter Demon.

Not far after you.

If you're still stuck on Sunday night, send me a PM and I'll come help you.

I was actually going to start a thread on this the other day. I am finding it easier than the first one but it seems to be much bigger and is still a good challenge. The new penalties for dying are annoying though.

This is very near the start and should help you.

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Yeah, I got the binding ring thankfully. I only really played a wee while after the chapel at the Phaaros place but got stuck in a bit with casters, spiders and big quicksand thing.

I sent you a friend request on XBL.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm on the last giant. He's killed me twice which means I've got to go through the whole killing knights and shooting Fatso with the ballistas again to get back to him. Misjudged his slapping range and been slapped to death twice, will stay well away from his front next time. Owe him a pasting.

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  • 4 months later...

Bought this a few days ago. Brilliant game and I've barely scratched the surface. This was my introduction to the franchise so I found it very difficult at first and my health was down to 50% in no time. Finally got to grips with the combat and I'm dying a lot less. Just past the first boss and making my way to Heide's tower again - I gave up after numerous failures first time round.

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  • 8 months later...

This is the first souls game I've played and I'm absolutely hooked. Not sure what put me off these before, but never really fancied them until I started having a look at Bloodborne.

I'm about 10 hours in and lit 3 fires in Forest of Fallen Giants, beat the tree giant at the bottom of the lift, but can't get past Pursuer boss, though I did get summoned and helped someone else get through B)

I'm stuck on the blue boss at Tower of Hades too. Though, I got key for the mansion in Majula and beat the skeleton, and I've beat the Heide Knight.

I got invaded for the first time last night and it was a proper wtf! as I had no idea that happened. Gave the guy a doing right enough, and sent him a smiley. :)

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Aye, cheers man.

I've got 4 Estus, but I think I've got my attributes out of balance. I've been concentrating on Endurance, Strength, and Dexterity, so maybe need to balance things up a bit.

I nearly got past Pursuer last night, but I think I caught a bolt from my summon at the last minute :lol: , and I've not seen a summon sign since.

I tried the other boss in Hades too, but got a bit of a kicking and not been back since.

I'm going to jump back on tonight and see how I get on.

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Those are fine attributes if you are wanting a tank style class. That's how I usually play.

Are you on scholar of the first win or original dark souls 2?

Just on the original.

I think I wasted a few hours with the wrong style and my gear was too heavy. So, I've trimmed back a bit to be more nimble with dodges and went gang-busters last night. Got past pursuer, and both dragon-slayers (with summon help), and joined blue covenant. I'm working my attributes up to get big, bit-by-bit. Wielding a mean halberd just now.

Scholar looks pretty good. Kinda wished I'd paid the extra for that, but had no idea how good this game would be at the time.

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Aye, I can see it coming together now.

I'm still thinking I've made mistakes with my attributes etc, but I'm moving through with more confidence now.

I've worked through No Man's Wharf and Last Bastille, just in the last few attempts, so my next run-through I'm looking to get to the end of No Man's Wharf and meet up with the guy who'll buy stuff, and get some summons to take on the bosses in Last Bastille.

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Aye, I can see it coming together now.

I'm still thinking I've made mistakes with my attributes etc, but I'm moving through with more confidence now.

I've worked through No Man's Wharf and Last Bastille, just in the last few attempts, so my next run-through I'm looking to get to the end of No Man's Wharf and meet up with the guy who'll buy stuff, and get some summons to take on the bosses in Last Bastille.

If you get a Soul Vessel, you can redistribute your points.

Completed this a few weeks ago and it was mightily satisfying. Now onto Dark Souls (one) and it is quite different. I'm not enjoying it as a lot more of the combat seems to be about parrying and backstabbing, plus the no fast travel is annoying as hell.

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Dark Souls (the first one) is an absolutely fucking brutalising experience. I've still not completed it, made it to the depths of Anor Londo and stopped playing. I will get back to it one day. Bloodborne is pretty fucking tough too, a lot better strung together than Dark Souls, and still makes to greet and smash things up.

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If you get a Soul Vessel, you can redistribute your points.

Completed this a few weeks ago and it was mightily satisfying. Now onto Dark Souls (one) and it is quite different. I'm not enjoying it as a lot more of the combat seems to be about parrying and backstabbing, plus the no fast travel is annoying as hell.

When you get to the three bosses in the last Bastille, don't leave the platform until you kill the first one. You'll understand in time.

Cheers guys, I'm going to jump back in tonight.

As an update, I accidentally killed the trader NPC in No Man's Wharf :lol: .

I opened the door, and thought it was an enemy aggro-ing, so I went in swinging 8):lol:

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Aye, I was looking forward to off-loading a load of gear too. But Lucatiel helped me out with the boss.

Just in Huntsman Copse now and taking a beating. Also opened other entrance to Last Bastille the other night.

DLC does look pretty good.

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  • 1 month later...

... and done (last night 8) ).

What a game!

The experience of trying to get past some of the bosses is difficult to compare to any other game. The bosses are always capable of killing you at any time, so you would get their health down, and would be literally sitting on the edge of your seat trying not to make a single mistake. The co-op is a great aspect of the game, absolutely loved it, both getting help and getting invaded. Also, the way the story is revealed is brilliant. At first, I assumed it was just a waste-land with no particular history or plot, but then the story unfolds through character histories, weapons, memory etc.

I also started up NG+ and invasions are happening all the time. Half the time I get a pasting, others I'm relatively able to give a decent go.

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