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Sniper Elite III


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Emdy got this yet? I bought it the other day. I haven't played it for long, about an hour and a half and it says I'm only 5% through which is pleasing! I'm yet to rate it yet of course, but so far I've found myself in close combat a bit too much for my liking. I prefer constant sharpshooting in all honesty. I suppose it could be done to my poor skills, but so far I've found few spots that can cover my rifle npise and even when I have found them the soldiers are alerted even when I use the noise as cover (maybe I'm shooting too late I suppose).

The slow motion kill is back with a bang (pun included ^_^), almost every kill shot is done this way. Personally I never get tired of seeing a bullet explode a skull. There is an addition to it this time though (or if it was in previous games I missed that particular target) and it made me scream when I saw it; "Testicle hit"! I was shocked when my rifle bullet was shown going through both this poor bugger's baws. I actually felt sorry for the guy! Hilarious after I overcame the shock though. Not a bad start though, but I hope later levels are more focussed on setting up camp and picking people off with the sniper.

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Emdy got this yet? I bought it the other day. I haven't played it for long, about an hour and a half and it says I'm only 5% through which is pleasing! I'm yet to rate it yet of course, but so far I've found myself in close combat a bit too much for my liking. I prefer constant sharpshooting in all honesty. I suppose it could be done to my poor skills, but so far I've found few spots that can cover my rifle npise and even when I have found them the soldiers are alerted even when I use the noise as cover (maybe I'm shooting too late I suppose).

The slow motion kill is back with a bang (pun included ^_^), almost every kill shot is done this way. Personally I never get tired of seeing a bullet explode a skull. There is an addition to it this time though (or if it was in previous games I missed that particular target) and it made me scream when I saw it; "Testicle hit"! I was shocked when my rifle bullet was shown going through both this poor bugger's baws. I actually felt sorry for the guy! Hilarious after I overcame the shock though. Not a bad start though, but I hope later levels are more focussed on setting up camp and picking people off with the sniper.

It looks quite good, I'd consider it if I seen it on sale, not willing to pay full price for it tho
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