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19QOS19 last won the day on June 18

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About 19QOS19

  • Birthday 22/04/1989

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    Queen of the South

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  1. I assume/hope it was a strong QP reserve side given the strength of our lineup...
  2. Ideally up front! Though in all seriousness I thought we were far better against Dumbarton when he got pushed to the 'No 10 role'.
  3. Nokia 3410 days. I stl pt the odd txt spk in messages as it was almst prgrmed in2 me 2 spl almst entrly wthout vwls so as 2 kp the txts 2 10p a go. (I still put the odd text speak in messages as it was almost programmed into me to spell almost entirely without vowels so as to keep the texts to 10p a go). Don't expect sympathy in here. I posted something a while back about this and was slaughtered for "expecting folk to drop everything" for me. Get that, but like you say, when you know the person is never without their phone it's infuriating when you can't contact them.
  4. I really wish football fans would learn what a must win game is. There's no such thing 11 games into a season ffs.
  5. My f**k English VARs are pish. You could see with your eyes he was onside ffs.
  6. I wasn't trying to be funny. Goalkeepers have always been allowed to slide in like that to take the ball. If they were to say that's a penalty after the GK clearly got the ball first then they'd have to change what GKs are allowed to do.
  7. You watched a penalty shootout?
  8. If they gave that then goalkeepers would need to be instructed not to go to ground ever.
  9. From the defeats after this stage last season. Don't kid yourself on you weren't a lot more forgiving of Bartley. As I say, that's absolutely fine. But to go from that to being all over our current manager is bizarre to say the least. You either know Bartley personally or you got bored of being positive last season and have decided to go the completely opposite way this season.
  10. I've not defended today and if this was a one off from you I wouldn't even be asking the question. You haven't answered it though. Bartley was probably the worst manager in our recent history and yet you defended him until the death. You were literally the last person on this forum to accept he was hopeless. You've went from happy clapping him to being all over Murphy any time we perform badly. I'm not sure how you can go suddenly from accepting shite week after week under Bartley to being so negative right off the bat this season.
  11. Serious question - We're 1 game into the second quarter and you've been all over our shit results/performances - that's absolutely fair enough. But given you were a Bartley fan until about a fortnight before he was sacked and we were at the very best under his reign as good as we've been so far this season (though I'd say shitter) is there a reason you're suddenly such a doom-monger? Is this just your schtick from now on or are you genuinely related/a pal of Bartley?
  12. Bryden out is a massive blow. McIntosh really needs to step up now but so far it doesn't look likely. Be happy with a point today given the shocker in our last game.
  13. We're desperate for a striker and ICT have about 20 defenders. I can't see us sniffing around the carcass.
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