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Racist Ulster Loyalists fly KKK flag in east Belfast

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Good to see the BBC will once again be devoting half an hour of BBC Nornirun's schedule to following events of 'The Twelfth'. Classy as always.

Yip, the Gary Glitter looking motherf*cker with the earring, the specs and the Rangers shirt was a star turn this morning.

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They don't like the Yes campaign either. LOL


One of those things collapsed yesterday evening. Quite a sight. Pallet makers must do a roaring trade. D'you think they have to get someone else to go and buy their Irish flegs?

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Tell me if I am pedantic but you're kicking the reformers for......reforming? Apart from stating the blindingly obvious I am struggling to see a point here.

You also misjudge it badly when you talk about, "The theology of Saint Augustine.". This had some chords some time after Calvin but wasn't a major reformation theme.

The reformation under Calvin, Luther, Knox and Zwingli had heehaw to do with Augustine.

I wasn't kicking the reformers at all. I said they'd seen Christianity take a wrong turn and wanted to reverse it. Whether that's a criticism is down to whether you think there was anything wrong with the Church of Rome in the 16th century.

Our Aberdonian correspondent had suggested that

"their entire raison d'être is based on being a reformed and more modern take on the fairy tale in question"

I'd pointed out that far from being a modernisation process the reformation was intended to be retrograde and for what seemed like a good reason.

And while far better read people than us could argue for ever about how much of the theology of Calvin et al. was built on Augustinian foundations the point is that the other major influences Saint Paul and the Bible itself were even older.

It may have been better to say something along the lines "Rewind theology to the time of Saint Augustine, undoing the damage that had been inflicted since then"

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So business as usual :)

Eh, if you really really don't get this, then how on Earth do you expect your other views on this thread to be taken seriously?

It's up to each P&B'er to judge what they think of my posts, but at least I'm not a serial alias.

Eh Wunfy?

Or should I call you Phasma?


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I know we're trying to laugh at this pish, but seriously seething that this bigotry has infected our country.

Also they're throwing in racism as well I see. Guessing they hate LGBTs, Jews, Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists too.

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On a serious note, why are the OO unhappy about not being allowed to march through an area thats made it clear they're not wanted?

Bigot is, as bigot does.

I know it's said in jest a lot, but they really are scum.

More of LTL's "isolated" incidents of racism taking place as well.

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On a serious note, why are the OO unhappy about not being allowed to march through an area thats made it clear they're not wanted?

I would fully agree with banning the OO from Catholic/nationalist/republican areas where they are not wanted, but, while Ardoyne is such a nationalist area, the shops are at the perimeter of Ardoyne, separating the houses from the marchers, and it is a stretch of road about 100 yards long. The area where containing the road in question is not nationalist.

It is a much deeper issue and is about control of that area. The "locals" have to travel from their houses and round to the other side of the shops to be offended, with a sizeable number of the "locals" coming from far flung areas of Belfast and mid-Ulster. It has been rumbling on since I was a nipper and will continue to do so, OO or no OO. As LTL says, try last year's thread as I really don't want to get dragged into a lengthy debate on this depressing subject again.

Incidentally, it's the only direct route for them to get home without incursions into the heart of nationalist areas.

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Incidentally, it's the only direct route for them to get home without incursions into the heart of nationalist areas.

But they don't have to march home do they, the can do what every body else does when going home from an event in a city Center walk(normally) get a bus or taxi. Did we ever get round to why they need to march their anyway?

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