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Mouth breather(s)

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In the Nandos: Why The Hate thread I've seen the above term being used as an insult many times (someone mentioned then loads of other people used it because they couldn't think of anything different to say).

I've never understood the insult. Where does it come from? What's wrong with breathing through your mouth? Surely we all do it quite often?

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^^^ Mouth breather imo

There we go!

Absolutely shite 'insult'. I'll wager no-one has ever said this in person.

I've never heard anyone say it. I've only ever seen it online.

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I've never really understood this insult either.

If I was to wager a guess I'd say it was something to do with their mental capacity being limited to the function of breathing, kind of like some one in a vegetative coma! :huh:

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But everyone breathes through their nose at some point. You don't 'learn' to do it.

I like definition 4.

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I like definition 4.

"Mouth Breathers may or may not be intelligent, however, due to the fact that they don't realize their mouth is gaping, they just look like a moron, who may drool at any moment, but is deffinately sucking in as much air as possible."

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Shite patter.

Anyone who resorts to the shit patter nonsense is clearly a mouthbreather.

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Mouth breather is possibly the worst insult I've ever witnessed in my life.

We all breath, mostly via mouth, especially after excercise.

I'd gladly shoot anyone and everyone who uses such crap words as a put down to folk they have never met. In fact, if I see it again, am dotting it.

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Mouth breather is possibly the worst insult I've ever witnessed in my life.

We all breath, mostly via mouth, especially after excercise.

I'd gladly shoot anyone and everyone who uses such crap words as a put down to folk they have never met. In fact, if I see it again, am dotting it.

0.o he's getting the dots out. Must be serious. Glaikit looking mouthbreather, shut it yer catching flies.

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Wouldn't be the first time something like this has happened? Remember when people reacted to someone using the phrase "rancid moonpie" like it was the funniest thing that anyone had ever said?

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