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Those who vote 'No' have no place in Scotland post-ref..

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Let's just remind ourselves that this is the man heading the Better Together campaign...


He was also the Chancellor of the Exchequer when the shit hit the fan...


Is this a man to be trusted?

Also proven to be a liar by changing his stories to suit BT in the debate with Salmond. I can barely trust a word he says now.

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Also proven to be a liar by changing his stories to suit BT in the debate with Salmond. I can barely trust a word he says now.

It is utterly stunning that a man, along with Brown, who allowed the UK to sleepwalk into a financial crisis somehow claims to now be a trustworthy voice when it comes to the finances of an independent Scotland.

Even though the Cameron himself has said, "for me there's no question about whether Scotland could be an independent nation", yet Darling when pressed upon it refused to answer a quote that is fully in the public domain.

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Even though the Cameron himself has said, "for me there's no question about whether Scotland could be an independent nation", yet Darling when pressed upon it refused to answer a quote that is fully in the public domain.

Salmond really needs to nail this one at the next debate. A large number of No voters seem to genuinely think that Scotland would fail as an independent nation and buy 'the fear', hence Darling needs to remove any previous hint of positivity previously mentioned from any senior BT supporter. I suppose that as nations go, we must be one of the most pessimistic and whingey which suits them down to the ground.

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