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What happens after a NO?


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When I see the lists of negative things from Yes voters here I have to wonder what the real project fear is.

I'll help you - it's UKOKNOTHANKSBETTERTOGETHER - if you don't see the fear eminating from them at a vastly more massive rate than Yes, you're either blinkered or not willing to be balanced.

As for ThePundit, his mewlings get more and more pathetic as he goes on. Bleating on about not getting answers, yet not wanting to discover answers for himself. If it wasn't so ridiculous, I'd laugh.

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That's not project fear, everything I've listed is realistic, most of it already happening

Really? Can you illustrate which in your list of utter fearmongering nonsense is "already happening"?

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When I see the lists of negative things from Yes voters here I have to wonder what the real project fear is.

My god.

Like I said elsewhere, no voters, eyes shut and fingers in ears nanana not listening.


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As much as UKOKBTNOTHANKSSCOTLANDPLEASEDONTGO has been scaremongering a lot, the NHS being dismantled crap is just that as well. Horrible tactics from both sides of the campaign.

Do you deny the English NHS is being sold off piece by piece?

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Do you deny the English NHS is being sold off piece by piece?

I think that it is being marginalised a little, however I think that the principle of free healthcare will remain and that the Scottish NHS will remain Scottish.

The NHS is a bit out of touch anyway, it's disgusting that I have to pay several grand to get my eyes lazered in the private sector yet plastic surgery and sex changes are funded.

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I think that it is being marginalised a little, however I think that the principle of free healthcare will remain and that the Scottish NHS will remain Scottish.

The NHS is a bit out of touch anyway, it's disgusting that I have to pay several grand to get my eyes lazered in the private sector yet plastic surgery and sex changes are funded.


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What's wrong with finding that disgusting? My poor sight is a disability, needing a sex change isn't.

And that's why you should vote No. You're too right wing for a progressive iScotland.

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So in the paragraph that says "Under the Government’s Section 75 regulations – even after they were revised after huge political pressure – all NHS services must be put out to competitive tender unless the commissioning groups are satisfied a “single provider” can deliver that service."

That doesn't sound like privatisation to you?

And what about this next paragraph: "Indeed, were they to refrain from doing so, they would risk a costly legal battle. As over a thousand doctors and nurses warned last month, the regulations will “force virtually every part of the English NHS to be opened up to the private sector”. A free-for-all in the English NHS beckons."

These are direct quotes from government legislation. And you still think the article is left wing biased? Even if it is left wing biased, doesn't this spell out privatisation to you?

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What's right wing about thinking that poor sight should be funded and sex changes should not? Be very specific.

You're intolerant of others as evidenced many times on this forum. You share similar views with Daily Mail readers.

That specific enough?

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That involves spending money on healthcare, you know, healthcare that's supposed to be "free at the point of need"

FFS how long has eye care, including free lazer surgery (FFS), been available? Go to Specsavers and don't be so selfish! At least we get free eye tests, you should be happy with that. Complaining that lazer eye surgery should be free is just mental. You're at the wind up here, surely?

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Actual privatisation of the NHS would be when you spend a week in hospital and the doctor demands to see your insurance documents or bills you on the spot.

The government contracting a private firm rather than hiring doctors directly isn't privatisation, it's just a way of saving money.

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