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I have decided to vote.....


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I wouldn't say I was a Nationalist.

That kind of politics is a bit too right wing for me.

I'm a Unionist.

Uh huh. You're a nationalist.

Still waiting on you telling me how the Scottish NHS are being dismantled.

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A British Unionist. :)

Surprised you're back on here after getting put in your place by fellow Yes supporters yesterday. Bit of an embarrassing day for you. :)

Yes, I did. What's your point?.....

Who put me in my place BritNat?

Or can you not answer just like you cannot answer your ridiculous claim that the SG are dismantling the NHS?

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Who put me in my place BritNat?

Or can you not answer just like you cannot answer your ridiculous claim that the SG are dismantling the NHS?

The guy's a fanny. I have him on ignore now. Way better for my blood pressure.

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I do. :)

You truly are a horrific poster. You have no positive case to make for the union other than being an English Rangers fan, so you resort to light hearted repartee in the hope that will suffice.

It won't. Wake the f**k up, man.

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But let me explain.

I am not against the idea off full independence, but I find the idea that Yes campaign is all made up of this may happen is a step too far. Don't get me wrong, I know there will always be a certain uncertainty about going it alone. However the Yes campaign has not yet, given me solid assurances that x,y and z will happen.

Take Sterling for instance, the UK has said that Scotland will not be involved in sterling if it goes alone (at least in momentary policies). The yes statement on that, the UK government will back down. Yes it may happen, but what happens if they don't. I think the Yes campaign should have said: OK we don't think it will be an issue, but if it does we will do.....

The EU, what happens if Scotland don't get in as an existing member. I find this disappointing again with the Yes campaign that there is no plan as it will not happen according to Mr Salmond. But if it does?

To join the EU now, you must take the Euro, join the Schengen Agreement, to never have a veto again. How will Scots take to having this pushed onto us? No response from the Yes campaign about plans if it does not go to plan.

How would it effect our relationship with our major trading partner, rUK? Nothing changes according to yes, but it will.

Tax raising and rates, where is any idea, what tax rates are presumed. For both business and personal? I can't operate my business without a plan for cash, so how can the white paper contain such a small amount of space on it. Not being funny but finance is the biggest part of any country.

Defence, albeit this is a personal point of view. I would prefer to stay within the limits of UK as a partner in protection of ours and rUK as a combined force. However I appreciate that it may cost us, to do that.

I have seen on here that anyone who questions yes, is taken as unpatriotic or thick. But these are fundamentals, even before we cross the t's and dot the i's.

However, if something happens big in the next month, I may change my mind. But in all honesty I can't see it happening.

I really think Scotland has missed a big opportunity, by going into this with only a pie in a sky idea. With no backbone to detail.

Correct decision. Don't let confidemus talk you out of it with his complete crap. The facts never lie my friend and welcome to reality and not fantasy. Hope more undecideds make the same correct decision you have made sir and have a nice day.

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Fair enough to the OP, but if he thinks the Yes campaign are looking at a "pie in the sky" idea, how does he view the latest news from Westminster about a thriving economic recovery?

The UK Government are doing well for those who are doing well. The rest of us (including public servants, like YT) can go fúck ourselves.

Nobody knows what the future holds - but independence gives Scotland the chance to make a difference for its people, not for those who wish to be seen as somehow relevant on a World stage. I know I'd say free prescriptions for all is a bigger priority than sending aid to countries with their own nuclear weapons programs.

And no, I don't have a vote.

Good it's best to prevent idiots from voting.

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Well, I'm at least happier to listen to this guy than I am trolls like Mr Bairn and H_B. I think the No side needs more folk on here who aren't looking to just deliberately be arseholes.

The yes side has confidemus buff said.

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Correct decision. Don't let confidemus talk you out of it with his complete crap. The facts never lie my friend and welcome to reality and not fantasy. Hope more undecideds make the same correct decision you have made sir and have a nice day.

The yes side has confidemus buff said.

Wow, 4 mentions in 6 posts from you.

How very, very creepy.

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But let me explain.

I am not against the idea off full independence, but I find the idea that Yes campaign is all made up of this may happen is a step too far. Don't get me wrong, I know there will always be a certain uncertainty about going it alone. However the Yes campaign has not yet, given me solid assurances that x,y and z will happen.

Take Sterling for instance, the UK has said that Scotland will not be involved in sterling if it goes alone (at least in momentary policies). The yes statement on that, the UK government will back down. Yes it may happen, but what happens if they don't. I think the Yes campaign should have said: OK we don't think it will be an issue, but if it does we will do.....

The EU, what happens if Scotland don't get in as an existing member. I find this disappointing again with the Yes campaign that there is no plan as it will not happen according to Mr Salmond. But if it does?

To join the EU now, you must take the Euro, join the Schengen Agreement, to never have a veto again. How will Scots take to having this pushed onto us? No response from the Yes campaign about plans if it does not go to plan.

How would it effect our relationship with our major trading partner, rUK? Nothing changes according to yes, but it will.

Tax raising and rates, where is any idea, what tax rates are presumed. For both business and personal? I can't operate my business without a plan for cash, so how can the white paper contain such a small amount of space on it. Not being funny but finance is the biggest part of any country.

Defence, albeit this is a personal point of view. I would prefer to stay within the limits of UK as a partner in protection of ours and rUK as a combined force. However I appreciate that it may cost us, to do that.

I have seen on here that anyone who questions yes, is taken as unpatriotic or thick. But these are fundamentals, even before we cross the t's and dot the i's.

However, if something happens big in the next month, I may change my mind. But in all honesty I can't see it happening.

I really think Scotland has missed a big opportunity, by going into this with only a pie in a sky idea. With no backbone to detail.

Scotland would still have Sterling, and be allowed to join the EU, what's happened here is project fear has you shitting yourself.

Remember one thing, a NO vote is backing the current Westminster Government.

edited due to disleksia

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Scotland would still have Sterling, and be allowed to join the EU, what's happened here is project fear has you shitting yourself.

Remember one thing, a NO vote is backing the current Westminster Government.

edited due to disleksia

This ia a point which should not be forgotten.

Voting No is a resounding Yes to Westminster.

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This ia a point which should not be forgotten.

Voting No is a resounding Yes to Westminster.

Anyone who votes NO better remember it next time Westminster f**k Scotland over big time, or some young lad from Scotland gets his legs blown off fighting a war on behalf of Obama, David and his pals, or they decide to "try out" a new tax here first because they will be getting the blame for it.

Project fear right enough :thumbsdown

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Scotland would still have Sterling, and be allowed to join the EU, what's happened here is project fear has you shitting yourself.

Remember one thing, a NO vote is backing the current Westminster Government.

edited due to disleksia

There is a massive difference between using Sterling and having a currency union. The Tory Chancellor, Labour Shadow Chancellor and Lib Dem Secretary of the Treasury have all been unequivocal in saying that there will not be currency union. Yes campaigners like to claim that a quote from an anonymous cabinet minister quoted in the Guardian carries equal weight.....it doesn't.

Again, hardly anyone has argued that an independent Scotland would not be allowed to join the EU. The points up for debate are the timing and conditions attached to the accession.

And since we're continually told by the yes campaign that a vote for yes is not a vote for the SNP, then it's preposterous to suggest that a vote for no is a vote for the current government.

Finally, Confidemus is the thickest person on this board. There are quite a few contenders on the yes side here, but it's always worth reiterating this point.

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There is a massive difference between using Sterling and having a currency union. The Tory Chancellor, Labour Shadow Chancellor and Lib Dem Secretary of the Treasury have all been unequivocal in saying that there will not be currency union. Yes campaigners like to claim that a quote from an anonymous cabinet minister quoted in the Guardian carries equal weight.....it doesn't.

Again, hardly anyone has argued that an independent Scotland would not be allowed to join the EU. The points up for debate are the timing and conditions attached to the accession.

And since we're continually told by the yes campaign that a vote for yes is not a vote for the SNP, then it's preposterous to suggest that a vote for no is a vote for the current government.

Finally, Confidemus is the thickest person on this board. There are quite a few contenders on the yes side here, but it's always worth reiterating this point.

You should have just posted that you believe everything the current Westminster government say about independence, would have saved you time. But since you used the post to throw insults around anything you have to say on the matter should be ignored.

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