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Co-ordinated Action against Domestic Abuse

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I know this is not football related but I'm popping this on here in the hope of getting some support and to raise awareness for this particular charity. I'm going to post this in SP General Chatter and the General Nonsense Forum as i'm not sure if people tend to use both sections and I would like the more people to see this the better. If the admin feel the need to take this down I understand.

I am raising money for a charity called Co-ordinated Action against Domestic Abuse, This is a charity this is very close to my heart due to life experiences, and I’m sure I’m not the only one of my friends that have witnessed or been a victim of this type of abuse in our life’s. It’s something that happens mostly behind close or locked doors and it is something that can have a devastating affect on a person’s life no matter what the age or sex. We probably know people who are experiencing these types of problems while I type this and you read. Parents of either sex could be victims, siblings and friends or even that shy neighbor that always nervously passes you as they enter their home. None of us really have a true understanding of what happens in the lives of our friends and families once they are out with our reach. But with help from programs like this one I am representing here there can be help out there and hope of a better, safer and more enjoyable life that they could feel trapped in just now. I know people get pestered for cash every day at work or walking down the street but all I am asking for is donations starting from £2. Would you being down that amount of money have much effect on your life? I can tell you now that if only half of my friends on Facebook or twitter were to give £2 it could change someone’s life to the point you could even be saving one. I chose my friend by their moral codes and how they treat others, so if you are reading this then you are the type of person who could make a difference. If you are not in a position to donate please feel free to share the link.

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