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Vote Yes and stop being the target of terrorism?

Casual Bystander

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They aren't in any way similar. I work in social housing and have to deal with the consequences of benefit cuts and austerity day in, day out. My politics are left of centre. I don't agree with the cost of high speed rail and how so many areas of the UK will miss out. I think trident is a waste of money. However, I understand that some money has to be spent on defence and infrastructure.

All of the above makes me question why on earth, other than for purely geographical reasons, you're supporting a No vote.....

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All of the above makes me question why on earth, other than for purely geographical reasons, you're supporting a No vote.....

I'm not a nationalist and I don't think it's left verses right.

Even your look after your own argument. You'll eventually get people in places like Dumfries moaning about having to pay taxes to subsidise those who don't work in Glasgow. It's just a 1 in 50 million say down to a 1 in 4 million say, then you could keep following that argument down to street and family level.

If I had the vote I wouldn't simply vote on how it would effect my life and the people I care about, as well as taking into account what is best for the greatest number of people. At the moment nothing in the Yes campaign has convinced me that Scotland will be better off. My opinion could easily be changed, but many of the arguments you read on here and on those propaganda sites are ridiculous. And that's no defence of the shite No campaign.

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Apart from me saying I didn't agree with those projects as they are.

Yet "we" will be stuck with them if we vote No. We will also be stuck with the Westminster government funding terrorist groups to fight other terrorist groups, then calling for airstrikes against foreign governments, then calling for the support with those governments just months later.

All this is wrapped up in one big bundle, you might not be able to pick and choose, however the Scots have the opportunity to do exactly that. We can offer humanitarian aid, while not providing arms. We can help those in domestic poverty while refusing to perform airstrikes on foreign soil.

This is why we need Scottish independence, it's about having an entirely different opinion to those who are running the Westminster governments, of either flavour.

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But then you say 'us Scots' as if you all speak as one. You couldn't be any more divided at the moment, and people like you come on here and happily launch abuse at your fellow countrymen and and women for holding a different view to you. You want Scotland your way. It's the more moderate people who can debate without acting the clown and launching the abuse who will persuade folk, not people like you screaming on about nodrones and reacting in an over the top manor to anyone with a different view.

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But then you say 'us Scots' as if you all speak as one. You couldn't be any more divided at the moment, and people like you come on here and happily launch abuse at your fellow countrymen and and women for holding a different view to you. You want Scotland your way. It's the more moderate people who can debate without acting the clown and launching the abuse who will persuade folk, not people like you screaming on about nodrones and reacting in an over the top manor to anyone with a different view.

You just don't get it, do you? And I do wonder if you ever will.

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