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Airdrie United 99's - Stitch up ?


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First things first. I am only a supporter of Airdrie United 99’s Boys Club. Nothing more, nothing less. I am not a coach or involved in any other capacity within the club. Just a supporter. In a vain attempt to put Airdrie’s side of the story and put a stop to all the wee sweetie wives, rumour mongers and gossips that have caused so much harm to a decent wee team here are quite a few questions I’d like you to consider asking yourselves and others to find out the truth behind the plight Airdrie found themselves in 1 ½ weeks before the start of the new season.

First of all, Airdrie allegedly have a “reputation that goes before them” as one wee sweetie wife posted. What reputation would that be? Please expand on this if you can? Has anybody bothered to check their disciplinary record? Are they a dirty team or a decent team capable of beating most? Have they been the victim of a massive stitch up? Did their coach get sent off from the side of the pitch? Did he refuse to leave, resulting in the game being abandoned? Do they lodge false complaints about damage to dressing rooms? Do they invite another team to their game for the purposes of antagonising their opponents? Did a member of that “hired help” assault the mother of an opposition player? Do their coaches tell the players not to shake hands after a match? Do they tell lies in order to get another team refused admittance to a league 1 ½ weeks before it begins? Do they lobby other coaches with their lies to make this happen? Do they have a family member on the league committee? Have the boys/coaches/parents done anything to deserve this? Did they have an "in-house" referee who officiated at the majority of their home games who was related to one of their boys? Have they had any correspondence from the league explaining why they were refused admittance? Have they had a chance to counter any allegations made against them? Do they even know what the allegations are? Why did GADYFL really “fold”? What coaches should really be ashamed of themselves?

Many, many questions I know. But before you all jump on the same bandwagon as the sweetie wives, please please do a bit of research and find out the answers to these questions - the truth. If you find that it wasn’t Airdrie, then who were the teams involved and why?

Airdrie have since sought legal advice on these matters and began the process of refuting any allegations made against them. I know for a fact that one such “complaint” has already been independently investigated and found to be a total fabrication and could result in the Police getting involved. You know who you are.

The boys in the team can't believe that members of CKDYFL cast their votes based on hearsay and lies and Airdrie will continue to clear their name at all costs and expose those who participated in this stitch up. The truth will out.

Thank you.

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Stitch up. Under 15s youth football. Come on. Yes there are alot of questions. I have done my homework. I also take a huge interest in youth football. The GADYFL folded as teams pulled out. Some were not happy with the fixtures being given out a week before. Others wanted new challanges. That's the reason this age group at GADYFL folded. The hired team as you put it turned up after a serious assault was carried out by one of the Airdrie players. They were not invited as you called it. If you are a supporter you will remember this incident and had I been the coach of the player assaulted I would have had the game abandoned. As for the assault on a mother. Incidentally this boy had nothing to do with any team at this age group. He was the one assaulted and this was backed by a number of people. I believe the game you are talking about was a game with alot at stake between two good sides. The aftermath which followed soured the occasion. Incidentally the boy who was sent off was sent off for an off the ball kick. You do have many unanswered questions and I can only assume they are aimed at more than one team but ask yourself this. How many teams did not want to participate in games with yourselfs because I believe it will be more than the number of teams your throwing questions towards.

Like I've said I'm a huge fan of this age group and most of the games I've taking in have been played at a great competitive edge. The assault carried out by a player of Airdrie was not a pretty one. Hence the lads from that team turned. There's always 2 sometimes 3 or 4 sides to a story.

Thank you.

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Stitch up. Under 15s youth football. Come on. Yes there are alot of questions. I have done my homework. I also take a huge interest in youth football. The GADYFL folded as teams pulled out. Some were not happy with the fixtures being given out a week before. Others wanted new challanges. That's the reason this age group at GADYFL folded. The hired team as you put it turned up after a serious assault was carried out by one of the Airdrie players. They were not invited as you called it. If you are a supporter you will remember this incident and had I been the coach of the player assaulted I would have had the game abandoned. As for the assault on a mother. Incidentally this boy had nothing to do with any team at this age group. He was the one assaulted and this was backed by a number of people. I believe the game you are talking about was a game with alot at stake between two good sides. The aftermath which followed soured the occasion. Incidentally the boy who was sent off was sent off for an off the ball kick. You do have many unanswered questions and I can only assume they are aimed at more than one team but ask yourself this. How many teams did not want to participate in games with yourselfs because I believe it will be more than the number of teams your throwing questions towards.

Like I've said I'm a huge fan of this age group and most of the games I've taking in have been played at a great competitive edge. The assault carried out by a player of Airdrie was not a pretty one. Hence the lads from that team turned up. There's always 2 sometimes 3 or 4 sides to a story.

Thank you.

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You raise some good points which I will answer as truthfully as I can. I personally have no quarrel with any good

footballing team. It’s the way some coaches go about their business that is childish to say the least.

With regards the assault by an Airdrie player. This was during an away match to Knightswood in which the Airdrie player

was being substituted. As he was leaving the field a Knightswood player mouthed something at him which in turn brought

down the red mist. He turned and punched a Knightswood player who he thought was to blame but hit a different lad

instead. He was very, very stupid and naive to do so and was rightly sent off, given a ban and fined by the club also.

Although the goading he received as he was being subbed was not an excuse or reason to do what he did it was the

contributing factor in that situation. You're not going to tell me you've never witnessed that before in youth football

now are you? Is it only Airdrie who are guilty of this? I don't think so. You also say it was a “serious assault”.

Was the lad carried off? Did he receive any treatment? Was an ambulance called? No, in fact he was so seriously

assaulted that he carried on playing the remainder of the game if I remember correctly so please don’t exaggerate for

the purpose of dramatic effect.

With regards the night of the Milngavie v Airdrie game to decide the League Cup. There were approximately 10 to a dozen

Knightswood boys there. Whether invited or not their sole reason for being there was to instigate and draw a reaction

from the Airdrie players, especially from the boy who rose to it before. The fact that one of the Milngavie coaches

spent more time amongst them than he did with his fellow coaches 30 yards away suggested that they were quite happy for

them to be there and do so. They certainly didn’t make any attempt to stop the antagonism. During the game - which was a good tussle between two good teams - an Airdrie player, as you correctly point out, was sent off for kicking out off the ball. There's nothing I can say to defend him other than he isn’t the first and won’t be the last to do this in youth

football. This regrettably happens in other games throughout the country. It’s not just an Airdrie thing. During the

aftermath I did see a Milngavie player run half the length of the pitch, lift both hands and make contact with an

Airdrie player right under the nose of the referee. A booking was the outcome!! Even you must've seen that from your

blinkered vantage point. Should that not have been a straight red also? You must've also seen when Milngavie scored

their 2 goals that nearly everybody on that side actually invaded the pitch each time. Subs, coaches, supporters and of

course the "hired help". The latter only joining in to laugh in the faces of the Airdrie players and have a wee shove at them as they ran past etc. Credit must go to the Airdrie boys for not rising to it. Strangely enough, the referee never

blinked an eye.

Post-match the Airdrie entourage made their way to the changing rooms while Milngavie celebrated their win. Now, I have

asked further questions regarding the incident outside the changing rooms involving the mother and the lad who, if

wasn’t a member of the Knightswood team was certainly part of their group. The people I spoke to were asked to be

perfectly honest – there’s no point in lying and all said the following; an argument ensued and the lad raised his hand

and pretended he was going to punch the woman. She saw it as an attempt to strike her and gave him a pre-emptive kick.

He in retaliation slapped her in the face. There’s not much else I can say on that matter other than the woman really

should’ve known better. But the lads from Knightswood were only in attendance to cause trouble and succeeded in doing so.

They then gathered as a group outside the changing rooms for whatever reason and the Airdrie lads were advised to leave

as a group and had to be chaperoned from the premises for their own safety. No-one had to leave by themselves. I must

admit, it was a relief to get away from Clydebank High School that night and not an experience I’d want to encounter


You also ask “how many teams did not want to participate in games with yourselfs”? (yourselves). As far as I know no

team has refused to play Airdrie for any reason. Obviously you seem to know different so please put me right as I and

many others would like to know. Why would they refuse?

Re your reason why the GADYFL folded – I can only accept what you say about this situation to be true. I have heard a

couple of stories about this but won’t go into any detail as I can’t verify what is true and what is hearsay and gossip. The latter being the reason Airdrie are in this situation in the first place.

Thank you.

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Hi AcAs.

First let me point out on my typing error regarding playing you. What I meant as how many voted to keep you guys out of the league that all other glasgow teams joined. I apologise for my typing error.

Secondly the incident at the Knightswood game may not have resulted in hospital treatment but had it happened on the street would have been enough to press charges for assault. It was thuggery. Goading as you put it happens the reaction was over the top.This I believe led to a group of youths using the Milngavie v Airdrie game to express their feelings towards this. It wasn't invited. It certainly wasn't approved. And I stood and watched the coaches of both teams who solely concentrated on their teams. I watched coaches shake hands. I witnessed the aftermath. What I was aware of was the referees safety. He appeared to be one of the last ones to leave. Now I'm only hearing that he is a distant relative of one of the Milngavie players I also heard he booked the lad. Might be a rumour. Looking on the GADYL no particular ref jumps out at me for Milngavies fixtures apart from one who appears twice and their opponents were celtic bc. I have watched this individual ref and he is one of the best. The other ref in question is held in high regards by the SYFA and it doesn't make sense to think he would jeopardise his career for this level of football. He has also appeared in junior games too. What I witnessed at Clydebank was not very nice scenes but at no point could the connection be made towards the home team. I have now witnessed 2 ugly scenes from this age group and within the GADYFL and it's disappointing it should be about the players. (the other was at Glasgow green is there a need to mention who between). This age group has many good teams this side of Scotland ie Yourselves Celtic BC Milngavie Knightswood St Peters Celtic Green and Whites ( now croftfoot) Tass Thistle Gourock Hamilton Accies Rossvale Coltswood colts Blantyre Westwood Wishaw Wycombe all whom I have watched over the last few seasons and I just wish people would let the boys play. It's about them. Not the supporters. Not the refs. Not the coaches. It's youth football. Why would there be a need for a stitch up as you call it. All these teams I've mentioned appear to have good coaches who volunteer their services and have witnessed them all play each other with little incidents.

Thank you

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Before this goes any further, I fail to see what benefit this discussion will have on any team tbh. I was quite happy to let this go until team names started being mentioned. I don't think this helps clear your teams name, if anything it'll make it worse as it just brings it to the attention of others who probably didn't know about it or care much about it.

AcAc I'm sure you have the best interests for your club - are you sure you have all the facts on your claims? As I can assure you some of your claims are false so it seems counter productive to talk about lies then post them yourself. As you say, there are two sides to every story.

The best thing a team can do is prove itself on and off the park with its actions. It's what I hope we all strive to do for the benefit of the game.


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Hi AcAs.

First let me point out on my typing error regarding playing you. What I meant as how many voted to keep you guys out of the league that all other glasgow teams joined. I apologise for my typing error.

Secondly the incident at the Knightswood game may not have resulted in hospital treatment but had it happened on the street would have been enough to press charges for assault. It was thuggery. Goading as you put it happens the reaction was over the top.This I believe led to a group of youths using the Milngavie v Airdrie game to express their feelings towards this. It wasn't invited. It certainly wasn't approved. And I stood and watched the coaches of both teams who solely concentrated on their teams. I watched coaches shake hands. I witnessed the aftermath. What I was aware of was the referees safety. He appeared to be one of the last ones to leave. Now I'm only hearing that he is a distant relative of one of the Milngavie players I also heard he booked the lad. Might be a rumour. Looking on the GADYL no particular ref jumps out at me for Milngavies fixtures apart from one who appears twice and their opponents were celtic bc. I have watched this individual ref and he is one of the best. The other ref in question is held in high regards by the SYFA and it doesn't make sense to think he would jeopardise his career for this level of football. He has also appeared in junior games too. What I witnessed at Clydebank was not very nice scenes but at no point could the connection be made towards the home team. I have now witnessed 2 ugly scenes from this age group and within the GADYFL and it's disappointing it should be about the players. (the other was at Glasgow green is there a need to mention who between). This age group has many good teams this side of Scotland ie Yourselves Celtic BC Milngavie Knightswood St Peters Celtic Green and Whites ( now croftfoot) Tass Thistle Gourock Hamilton Accies Rossvale Coltswood colts Blantyre Westwood Wishaw Wycombe all whom I have watched over the last few seasons and I just wish people would let the boys play. It's about them. Not the supporters. Not the refs. Not the coaches. It's youth football. Why would there be a need for a stitch up as you call it. All these teams I've mentioned appear to have good coaches who volunteer their services and have witnessed them all play each other with little incidents.

Thank you


1. Granted, the incident at the Knightswood game could be described as “thuggery” and was probably OTT but again, if there was no mouthing when he was being subbed the incident doesn’t happen. I think we’ll agree to disagree on that one.

2. I’m glad you agree that members of the Knightswood team (group of youths) attended the Milngavie game to antagonise (express their feelings towards) the Airdrie players. I will accept they might not have been invited but there were no signs of disapproval from anyone.

3. With regards the referee, all aspects of his alleged relationship to a Milngavie lad and the alleged disproportionate amount of games of theirs he handled are being looked into as far as I know and I’ll refrain from commenting further on this. The GADYFL website will tell you what referee was allocated to take charge – not who actually did! What I do know is that he wasn’t the league appointed referee for the League Cup Final that night and he also took charge of Milngavie’s home league tie against Airdrie. Please correct me if I’m wrong. What other referee you are talking about?

4. Unlike you I didn’t witness the ugly scenes at Glasgow Green. I did hear about it but since I wasn’t there I can’t make any comment on it other than what I’ve heard. That’d be gossip!!

5. I agree with all you have to say with regards the high standard of teams we have in West/Central Scotland and I know as well as you that Airdrie are one of them. I’ve seen the majority of the teams that you mention play and things bode well for the future. It is all about the boys but there are people with an agenda. Those team officials who lodged complaints/protests against Airdrie obviously didn’t give the 16 or 17 boys who play for Airdrie a second thought did they? 1 ½ weeks before the start of the season! How do you think those boys felt? They haven’t done anything wrong – apart from a couple of sending’s off. My God, I watched one of Airdrie’s home league games where an opposition player was sent off 5 times and the coach twice!! That team are now in the CKDYFL.

6. You ask why there would be a need for a stitch up. Why indeed? I really don’t get why the complainants have such a hatred towards Airdrie. As I’ve said previously, one of the alleged complaints has already been independently investigated and found to be complete and utter lies and there will be more to come on this issue I’m sure.

All in all I think we’ll agree on some of these issues and disagree on others. These issues are not unique to Airdrie. Airdrie could name various incidents that they’ve witnessed at their games committed by opposition players/coaches/parents/supporters but don’t go “greetin” to the league about them. Maybe they should, I don’t know. At the end of the day Airdrie’s coaches, players, parents and supporters’ only want what any other team would want and that’s to clear their name. It won’t get them back into the CKDYFL but it’ll prove to the numerous parties who voted against them how they were duped into expelling Airdrie from the league.

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Sorry but your just embarrassing yourself now please stop...give it up. I'm sure if there is any case to answer for it'll be dealt with - not some rant on a public forum. Answer this one question: list all the games this referee got this team disproportionately?

Can you? If you can't, perhaps you need to take a step back and think about what allegations you are posting.

Cheers all the best.

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