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  1. Thoroughly enjoying the friday night games, everything is so much more organised from the association, the fixture list, the social media, the facilities etc. We’ve been getting decent crowds between 50-100. Team has started very well, looking forward to seeing them progress to the senior game when many move on next summer.
  2. Potentially the best change to the upper level of youth football in a generation. *If* we all support it and get behind it. Could be a real positive influence for 16-19 year olds in the west. Looking forward to competing and building a successful league for the next generation in all our communities.️️
  3. Could be wrong but I don’t think it’s got anything to do with folding, more just keeping the current west Development teams together. That would explain the Bonnyton situation. I’d also add teams folding will be down to results and lack of players, rather than travel. Boys clubs used to winning in their grassroots league taking the step up and finding it difficult.
  4. Have to keep in mind some teams will be older and some much younger as well. Huge leap between potentially 16/17 and the 18/19s
  5. Think we will be £2/1 but tbc. How are the squads shaping up and prep going?
  6. Gutted, will miss playing our games every single one was a cracker last season! The guys running it are first class as well really good football people.
  7. Is the Glasgow district running 19s for the first time? Wasn’t one last year. Central had 3 divisions last year but the whole top flight is decimated now sadly. Same as Paisley.
  8. Dm us mate we should be able to sort you out.
  9. Arygle has always had grass pitches but got funding to do up an astro about 4/5 years ago it’s in alexandria 2 min drive. Yeh I work in the school, Millburn is directly beyond the back of the athletics track. Tbf all 3 vale teams 19s 21s and juniors trained there this year so maybe games will be there? Either way match facility availability pretty good plus Millburn is one of the best pitches could be great in the light nights!
  10. Vale has just had the astro relaid as well but I’d imagine they’ll play at Argyle Park which has a barrier and new astro
  11. Every club is different. As of this season we will now have a fully integrated pathway for the first time from 8-16 then 16-20 takes in the development squad with 3 potential routes senior, sat ams or sun ams.
  12. Billy to answer some of your points (which are legitimate not sure any need for argument): 1. This is correct. I’m not surprised at the level of interest, because as has been discussed on other threads the ‘adult’ level of youth football (16+) is in a desperate need of repair and fresh ideas for years. 2. You are correct in assumption coaches largely unpaid and players pay fees. Ideally the senior club should work together to build a business plan that finances it long term imo but every club will be different. For some new clubs that will take time also. I think your incorrect though players can be paid and play 20s or senior side. That would depend on their contract agreement. 3. The academy structure at the highest level changed to project brave which was ultimately cutting the majority out and focusing on elite player development at a few. Which probably explains the mess below it, left behind with little enthusiasm or ideas. That’s why the 20s has gained so much traction I reckon. Minimum standards required and connected to a Senior side adds a level of professionalism away from grassroots. 4. Not really sure what your point is here if you could expand. Surely it’s a good thing in general that boys clubs are now aligning with senior setups. Fragmented grassroots clubs with no pathway at the end doesn’t make sense to me. Maybe some have latched onto a short term opportunity, but hopefully from that we see benefits long term when the structures are in place. Hope this helps answer and happy to debate! ps can assure you that money isn’t the motivating factor here. It requires a hell of a lot of work to run any team at this level. Hence why so many spfl clubs scrapped their academies. I think there is genuine optimism at something positive, new and with like minded people on board.
  13. Very true, maybe for short term gain but clubs like Dumbarton and Falkirk scrapped their full youth setup for financial reasons. Will let others be judge as to whether that was a good idea. Regards to OF fans, like anywhere else in the world, biggest teams will have biggest fan bases across a country. So happens we have 2 considerably bigger than everyone else. Up to clubs to work hard and to win hearts and minds into coming along on a Saturday.
  14. Not a big deal but we’re a smaller academy no where near 30 teams. This year we have U10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20s and 2 ams teams sat and sun. Still great progress from nothing around 5 years ago. And probably a model that suits us at the moment - keeping it manageable and not growing too quick. Great to have another quality team on board, thats 4 from the central premier u19s now.
  15. Shettleston now saying they are running a 20s That's what we're looking at just now. We have a long standing relationship with the SYFA West u21s, but we are very interested in the u20s Development League. It's how or when we do it that we need to decide. There's no immediate rush to decide, we have until 15th June if we want to join now, so we're weighing up all the options. Yes clubs like yourself - the situation is a little more complicated, especially if your 21s roots have a strong history with the wos syfa. Do you have a squad able to take the step? Are the coaching staff in place? Can you get a fri night let (would the pitch cope?) Probably the 3 immediate questions needed in order to move this summer. It’s great that we’ve seen so many positive moves from clubs to integrate pathways with community teams. This can only be a good thing.
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