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  1. Tbf that same season we scudded you 4-2 at your place, and it was such a one sided game, at 4-1 we really should have gone 5 or 6 up, and conceded really late for 4-2. That was one of the worst pars teams I’ve seen, happened to come up against one of the worst Falkirk teams I’ve ever seen. I think this time though, the results only going one way. Hope springs eternal though.
  2. That is an excellent email- well said. As for Chris he’s a good guy from the exchanges I’ve had with him, he’s doing his best in his job, won’t be easy for him right now.
  3. My issue with Wighton is that even when he is available he’s not 100% fit, such is the knee issue we’re “managing”.
  4. Hard to argue with a lot of that. what’s the crack with Cook and volunteers though? Not the first time I’ve heard it but noones come forward with an explanation or example.
  5. Lost my old man in 2019. I went to every game with him, meeting him at the wall facing the old turnstyles at corner of Norrie and Main stand. Season ticket holders in the NW. It was so hard to keep going to games after, seemed like every thing about a Pars game and matchday would remind me of him and how much I missed him. Got there though with help from friends and letting time pass and heal. That and knowing he’d want me to enjoy it without him physically being there. I’m sure the same will be true for your dad. Take care pal.
  6. Genuine question here - whatever would make you think Dunfermline? As a Pars fan I’m really concerned about our season ahead, and I’m thinking we look like relegation fodder.
  7. as it stands right now with the current squads and plans for this season. 1. Partick Thistle 2. Ayr United 3. Raith Rovers 4. Livingston 5. Falkirk 6. Airdrie 7. Morton 8. Queens Park 9. Hamilton 10. Dunfermline I hope I’m wrong, but our current squad and size give me the fear. That and mcpakes current inflexibility on setup and tactics spell a difficult season ahead.
  8. Probably very true. however, still a lot this ownership and CEO need to do to convince the wider fanbase.
  9. Exactly this. Far too often it’s seen on forums and social media - only outcome is the damage to the clubs rep.
  10. Why stunned? He played at this level last year, very nearly signed then. Training with us now. Seems the most logical conclusion no?
  11. Good post. I agree with most of that other than the bit about McPake being backed fully last season. I think he was dealt a pretty poor hand by the board, not helped by the injury situation. We started the season very low on numbers - even before taking into account injuries, and this carried on right through to February when the board finally saw sense and brought in a couple more to see us safe. I would have hated to be mcpake last season because in reality, for many games he was picking a team based purely on what 11 were fit and available, with a couple on the bench plus a couple of kids he was never going to play. In that sense I don’t think he was backed adequately. At the same time though I understand and agree that he doesn’t get let off fully for the underperformance in the run in, and some of the turgid football. I think there is a balance to be had between pursuing the strategy the board has set out, and the first team product. For me it’s slightly skewed the wrong way. I also think and will carry on saying this until it’s sorted, all of this isn’t helped by the regular silence and lack of updates or communication directly to the wider fan base from the owners and CEO. Little meetings of select groups just won’t cut through on their own. The recent update given by the CEO was welcome, but clearly felt like a “oh I better get this out because we’re seeing impact of an information vacuum being filled by negativity” situation. This feedback I know has been passed up the way, so it’s up to them to act on it or not. Ultimately BAs point about other clubs doing the same stuff and us trying something different is a good one. I suppose I’m of the mind to agree. I think it’s a good thing to do. I hope that those in charge do a better job of demonstrating it - and for that it’s up to the CEO and board.
  12. Aye. I’m the same. There just seems to be a much deeper issue with Falkirk. Worked in their town for a good couple of years, have a few pals who are Falkirk fans and it was pretty clear how much some of their fans really despised us. Conversely know a few folk who are Rovers fans who sure gave it big licks for a while Last year but it never crossed the line into hatred, it was more like banter/rivalry. And that’s how it should be.
  13. Shall I tell him or shall I leave that to one of you?
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