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  1. I’d imagine the wage bands will differ by £10k + PA top to bottom if not more.
  2. I demand a board statement or even better a cartoon.
  3. But they sold loads of pies, which has allowed them to sign ex Hibs players without throwing cash about…
  4. You mean you wouldn’t play for the world famous Rovers for less than other teams pay? I smell
  5. I know one result I did see. That was the wee team losing by the highest margin ever in a Premiership playoff.
  6. But he doesn’t. Last week him, Suarez and Bisquets refused to play on Vancouvers astro pitch.
  7. Not really. It was great watching the wee team get battered in the playoffs.
  8. Messi is one of the sensible ones, he refuses to play on plastic pitches.
  9. Someone on .net posted that. Can’t see it tbh.
  10. Takeaway the United and Pars games and the average crowd is 3000ish. Which is a great increase of c. 50%. But you all know that the headline of doubling crowds is correct but mainly driven by away fans.
  11. There statement tonight doesn’t actually give any facts, basically just says we’ve done amazing since we took over. Average crowds have increased massively (they forget that is is no small part down to us and United).
  12. Harrison Sharp? Please no. He was dreadful. Basic errors cost us a lot of goals, 2 v Partick, 1 v Inverness and 1 v United, off the top of my head.
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